
Elliot Rodger, Isla Vista Shooter 2014

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Elliot Rodger, Isla Vista Shooter 2014

I had intended to write an article about this, from when I first joined. But I've always been tied up. So here now, with the first book I know of that deals with Rodgers, I will make this thread.

Expanding from:

Incels (Involuntary Celibates)

Vocels (Voluntary Celibates)

OT: Are Traditional Colleges and Universities Bad Environments?

Alternative Educations

While being yourself in a profession isn't always possible , it certainly is to a greater extent than most ppl realize.

Stop holding doors for us if you don't want to talk about ending rape culture as much as wanna talk about other political issues

So What Do Women Like To Read?

So when the Rodger incident first occurred, I looked at in in light of:

Rampage: The Social Roots of School Shootings (2004)
by Katherine S. Newman

Her thesis is that the high school shootings never happen in urban schools, but only in these suburban or exurban white monocular schools. And the idea is that though the urban schools have a higher crime rate and a higher level of guns, they are also more socially open. Everyone can find a niche.

Whereas in the monoculture schools, they can be extremely repressive.

I don't know that Newman is saying that the monoculture causes the shootings, but rather that it is just in these types of schools that tensions can go to shootings.

So my view is that UC, at least some of the campuses, is also that way. And the primary indicator of this potential is that most of the students come from very well off families and are being supported by their parents, and they do not have any employment and so their identities are entirely rooted in the school.

So the places which would be far less like this are CSU and our Community Colleges. And I discussed this at length with someone who was a counselor of students at CSU Fresno. He was also highly involved in Latino progressive politics.

Okay, so now in front of me is

The Wiley Handbook on Violence in Education: Forms, Factors, and Preventions

And Ralph W. Larkin has written a chapter on Elliot Rodger

Larkin is at John Jay College of Criminal Justice , which is in Manhattan. He had previously written about Columbine and about Suburban Youth issues.

To Be Continued


Everything for everyone : the radical tradition that is shaping the next economy / Nathan Schneider. (2018)

Antifa : the anti-fascist handbook / Mark Bray (2017sj)


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So Larkin does not criticize the University of California, or the specific culture at the Santa Barbara campus. Rather he sees the whole thing as just being the outflow of the Columbine incident, and as being driven by the political right, and this being centered on the National Rifle Association.

    Ostensibly promoting gun ownership rights, the NRA is actually promoting violence and hate.

    Larkin chronicles all that Elliot wrote and said in his videos. But he does not see UC or its culture as having any role. Or if he does see such, he does not talk about it.

    I agree with Larkin that it is from the right, focused through the NRA. But I also feel that this could not have happened at a CSU or a Community College. There you have a broader racial and socio-economic mix of students, the average age is older, most are employed part time and so they have a broader base for their social identity.

    I also see now a much larger degree of culpability for the father Peter Rodger.

    But before I go into all of this, I want to first capture some of this, "Wiley Handbook On Violence In Education" (2018)

    To Be Continued

  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So let me first try to give some sense of the book. It talks about all aspects of violence in education. From the back cover:

    "Explores the many forms of school violence including physical, verbal, linquistic, social, legal, religious, political, structural, and symbolic violence.

    Reveals violence in education's stratified nature in order to achieve a deeper understanding of the problem

    Demonstrates how violence in education is deeply situated in schools, communities, nad the broader society and culture.

    And I would just add to this my own feelings that in many colleges you have these impacted programs which are extremely competitive. There are many students who wash out. And then there are others who are not in but are fighting to get in. It is very hard, and really it is not fair. People just want an education, but never are their starting places anything but equal. I have always knows that many are harmed by this. And it pretty much does require a voluntary commitment to celibacy and poverty.

    So now I want to capture some of the book's references:

    It mentions Emmanuel Levinas,

    Mentions H. Giroux

    And then specifically with the Ralph W. Larkin chapter we have:

    Connell, R. W. 2005, "Masculinities".

    Ehrenreich, Barbara. 1983, "Hearts of Men: American Dreams and the Flight from Commitment".

    Elgin, Peter and Hester, Stephen. 2003. "Montreal Massacre: A Story of Membership Categorization Analysis".

    Faludi, Susan. 1999. "Stiffed: The Betrayal Of The American Man".

    Fast, Jonathan. 2008. "Ceremonial Violence: A Psychological Explanation of School Shootings".

    James William Gibson
    Warrior Dreams: Violence and Manhood in Post-Vietnam America (1994)

    Kellner, Douglas Guys and Guns Amok (2008)

    Kimmel, Michael S. 1996 "Manhood in America".

    Langman, Peter. 2009. "Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters".



    Is it UCSB or UCSTD?

    That's probably enough for the references. Now let me go to some quotes.

    To Be Continued

  • ime
    6 years ago
    Excellent example of why no Liberal or Feminist should be allowed to own a gun.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So from the Ralph W. Larkin chapter:

    "before the 1970's school shootings were extremely rare" pg 69

    "that such perpetrators are mentally ill obscures the fact that however mentally deranged a given rampage shooter is, he is acting out a cultural script that has influenced him to become a rampage shooter." pg 70.

    "rampage shooters attempt to 'out masculine' those whose predatory behavior they were avenging. However, rarely were the actual perpetrators targeted."

    "one of the aspects of American exceptionalism has been the association of masculinity with guns, violence, and independence, which were identified with the Western frontier. Masculinity is a homosocial performance (Connell 2005); that is, one's masculinity is judged by other men."

    "right-wing rants."

    "motivation ... 'aggrieved entitlement'"

    "sense of entitlement"

    "How did he come to the point where he could blame others, specifically women, for his troubled state of existence"? pg 71.

    To Be Continued

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "Rampage shooters become clut heroes; they engage in extensive planning and interact with virtual communities on the Internet. They often study other rampage shootings, especially Columbine." pg 70.

    Of his courses, "kept dropping them because they included pretty girls to whom he was attracted but afraid to approach, or they were attended by couples showing affection to each other."

  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "raised mostly in Topanga Canyon, one of the most hip, affluent, New Age communities in the Los Angeles area... countercultural vibe..." pg 73

    "He attended red carpet ceremonies for movie premieres, which reinforced his believe that wealth, beauty, and sexuality are closely associated."

    Father Rodger described Elliot as "an enigma to the family - distant, remote, unknowable".

    "described him as the most withdrawn individual he had ever met."

    "He hated other boys who were more athletic and sociable, and most especially as he got older, who were sexually active."

    "Elliot was painfully aware of his inability to achieve in traditional masculine activities.... thin and small of stature... practiced basketball shootings for hours on end in the hopes that playing basketball would make him taller ( Elliot Rodger Manifesto 2014)."

  • shailynn
    6 years ago

    Thank you
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "bullied in school" pg 74

    "occupied Elliot's consciousness were class and gender"

    "he railed against women who were attracted to men who wore T-shirts and cut off jeans. His concept of gentleman was also meant to separte him from the 'brutes' that teased and harassed him with seualized comments like 'faggot'."

    "In all the traditional masculine expectations, he was decidedly a loser."

    "However, because of his inherited social status, he had convinced himself that he was 'choose'; he was destined for greatness and celebrity. He felt he was entitled to be admired by men and loved by women."

    "A third social category that bedeviled Elliot Rodger was race, which was also tied to class, sexual status, and masulinity."

    "Topanga Canyon, was one of the last remaining bastions of the 1960's cunterculture, and was at the forefront of the sexual revolution in the 1970s."

    "in his entire narrative, he never describes an instance where he attempted to initiate a conversation with a woman. Repeatedly he hung out at malls, in eatieries and college cafeterias, on campus quads, and took long walks hoping to meet up with a woman." pg 76


    "conflicts with men over sexuality"

    "no episode where he describes a woman insulting, taunting, harassing, or rejecting him."

    "kissless virgin"

    "bitterly lamented his isolation, loneliness, lack of love, and virginity"

    "World of Warcraft"

    "designer clothes"

    "I am Elliot Rodger ... Magnificent, glorious, supreme, eminent ... Divine! I am the closest thing there is toa living god ( Manifesto )"

    "Women had something wrong with them because they were attracted to stupid athletic men."

    "actual relations with women were nonexistent."

    "concept of women emerged from several sources: corporate media. especially the film industry, Internet chat rooms with like-minded males, and the computer game World of Warcraft."

    Stopped playing WoW:

    "the evils of the world had now followed me there. I say people bragging online about their sexual experiences with girls ... and they used the term "virgin" as an insult to people who were more immersed in the game than them." pg 77

    "Feminist WoW gamer Angela Washko stated, "I have found that most of the servers that I have participated in ... are overwhelmingly misogynistic, homophobic and racist"

    ^^^^^ I was shocked by how much TUSCL was like this when I first joined. But it is getting better now.

    "Anita Sarkeesian, a feminist critic of computer games, noted that in video games, sexualized female bodies are portrayed as playthings for males and victims of male violence. Because of her criticism of the sexism of such games, she has been subject to numerious threats of rape and murder by her detractors."

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "puahate.com pickup artist hate. ... young men who were sexually inexperienced and who expressed hostility toward sexually active heterosexuals. ... express his misogynistic and misanthropic opinions and receive support from like-minded males. ... express his hatred against women ... Elliot's computer history revealed a fascination with Nazis and the Third Reich ( Sheriffs )."

    "Not just any woman was good enough fro Elliot Rodger. The term 'beautiful blonde' occurs repeatedly in his narrative. She must be beautiful by Hollywood standards. Excluded ... characteristics ... sense of humor, intelligence, compassion, caring.... She is a trophy that Elliot wants to be seen in public with to validate his masculinity." pg 78

    "Realized that I would be a virgin forever, condemned to suffer rejection and humiliation at the hands of women because they don't fancy me, because their sexual attractions are flawed. ( Manifesto )"

    "first tried Megamillions lottery... Powerball lottery ... drove to Arizona ... 350 miles ... $700 on tickets ... fell into a deep depression ... life was going to end in his Day of Retribution."

    "he concluded that women did not have the intelligence to choose a proper mate. He, as a superior being, should be allocated that right."

    "Women should not have the right to choose who to mate with. .... made for them by civilized men of intelligence ... they would breed wtih stupid degenerate men, which would only produce stupid, degererate offspring. ... hinder the advance of humanity. ... devolve humanity completely. Women are like a plague that must be quarantined...( Manifesto )" page 78 of text

    "The fundamental contradictions in Elliot's life between social status and masculinity percolated into an ideology in which 'civilized' men such as he practice eugenics in the betterment of the human race. ... In his fantasy, social class trumps masculine performance. Women become the passive instruments of masculine dominance, just as in WoW." pg 78


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "I started to hve the desire to create a world where no one is allowed to have sex or relationships. . Reproduction can be accomplished without sex, through artificial insemination. Sex is evel, as it gives too much pleasure to those who don't deserve it." (Manifesto page 65, text page 79)

    "something inherently wrong in the human species .... 'I will truly be a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure and depraved" (Manifestro page 135, text page 79)

    Elliot, like Columbine shooter Eric Harris, assumes God-Like Status.

    "Both Harris and Rodger were fascinated by Nazi ideology and the concept of a Superman dictating to the masses ( Sherrifs)" pg 79

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "In an ideal world, sexuality would not exist. It must be outlawed. In a world without sex, humanity will be pure and civilized ... The human race will evolve to an entirely new level of civilization, completely devoid of all the impurity and degeneracy that exists today.

    In order to completely abolish sex, women themselves would have to be abolished ... The first strike gainst women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death ... I would have an enormous tower built just for myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. *If I can't have them, no one will,* I'd imagine thinking to myself as I oversee this. Women represent everything that is unfair with this world, and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated. ( Manifesto page 136, emphasis in the original )" text page 79

    "Because rampage shootings occur in venues usually not associated with violence, such as schools, shopping malls, and churches, they tend to violate the hegemonic ideology that violence is associated with minorities and urban areas."

    "senseless" "While running loops of hte most sensational footage" "declare the perpetrators mentally ill"

    " why nearly all male? why mostly young Amrericans? emerged as a social problem since the 1980s?"

    "raised in a highly sexualized and class-conscious atmosphere in which sex, beauty, race, and money were highly valorized. .... Clear from Manifesto that Elliot incorporated those aspects into his consciousness."

    "So what did we learn...? First, we learned that he was socially identified as a 'loser' as an American male."

    "Borrowing from right-wing misogynist ideologies, he dame to define women as stupid, dangerious, and exclusionary." page 80

    "The Columbine shootings, ... extensive media coverage, ... made it obligatory for would-be rampage shooters to communicate their motives to the media." pg 81

    "Elliot Rodger was typical of post-Columbine rampage shooters: he played first-person shooter video games, and chatted with like-minded individuals on websites that promulgated authoritarian and misogynist ideologies. He bought guns and ammunition with money supplied to him by his parents and meticulously planned his rampage." pg 81

    "The subcultures of hate provide teh scrips for rampages; here in the United States, the gun lobby provides them the wherewithal. In America, anyone who is contemplating a shooting rampage can go to the Internet to learn how it is done, receive encouragement from like-minded individuals, and easily purchase high-powered weaponry. In the words of the Nike commercial stolen from the youth movement of the 1960's, they can "Just do it!"

    "attacks on social institutions ... politicized crime, primarily supported and abetted by right-wing hate groups, violent subcultures, and the gun lobby. ... major policy difference between the United States and other countries is universal access to guns. Revenge fantasies are featured in the media. On the Internet, frustrated young men can interact with virtual hate communities and learn legitimation for murder." page 82

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "The overwhelming prevalence of mass shootings by men in the United States is due to hypocrisy related to the crisis of masculinity. Certain right-wing hate groups tacityly encourage rampage shootings by vilifying their political opposition, promulgating racist, sexist, anti-Semetic, and antigovernment vies and suggesting that violence is the answer to conflict. To a man they believe in unrestricted access to guns. ... Therefore every few weeks Americans are subjected to another horrific rampage shooting, to which the gun lobby claims that the solution to the problem is to arm more people.

    The absurdity of this position fails to pass what jurists refer to as the "straight face test". .. Two armed officers were present at the Columbine massacre, one of whom exchanged fire with Eric Harris. In 2012, New York City police exchanged fire with a shooter in front of the Empire State Building. Nine bystanders were wounded all by police bullets."

    "lax gun laws and the proliferation of weaponry"

    "The battle to eliminate rampage shootings is difficult because of the strength of the culture of violence, supported by the political right, of which the gun lobby is an integral part. If we want to reduce the incidence of rampage shootings, we must continue to fight for reasonable gun control legislation and enforcement. We must also align ourselves with those individuals and organizations that oppose violence, hate, and an ideology of masculinity as controlling women and violence. We need to support feminist and LGBT organizations that offer a more expansive and peace-oriented view of masculinity. We should promote educational efforts aimed at instituting peaceful conflict resolution, promoting gender equality, preventing bullying,and developing peaceful campuses.

    We need to do everything we can within a free society to liimit the power of hate groups that influence alienated young males. On the positve side, we need to make America a more inclusive and egalitarian society, so that fewer young men feel isolated and rejected and feel the need to lash out at a social system that has excluded them. " page 82, end of text

    Comments welcome,

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Now, you all know that I have txtittyfag on ignore. If you do that, then you won't have to see his posts again.

    How many people here agree with Elliot Rodger?

    "Women should not have the right to choose who to mate with. .... made for them by civilized men of intelligence ... they would breed wtih stupid degenerate men, which would only produce stupid, degererate offspring. ... hinder the advance of humanity. ... devolve humanity completely. Women are like a plague that must be quarantined...( Manifesto )" page 78 of text


    Elliot Rodger Manifesto, My Twisted World, 11 hours, human voice reading

    baker gurvitz army elysian encounter

    Baker Gurvitz Army

    Adrian Gurvitz
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So I've just made it up to about the 1/2 point of this 11 hour reading:

    Elliot Rodger Manifesto, 2014, 11 hours, human voice reading

    The reader gives some interpretation of his own. Good to hear it, but I do not agree with it. He does not seem to understand that this is Elliot's interpetation of his life, as he was nearing the time of his rampage. We do not really know that Elliot thought the way he did then, going all the way back to pre-school age.

    The only one who is finding fault with UC and the environment, is me. Ralph W. Larkin does not talk about this.

    And yes, Elliot was despondent long before he got there. He was looking to Isla Vista, a few blocks by a few blocks, on the edge of the campus, where most of the students lived, a party area, as his big chance to lose his virginity.

    It did not work out.

    Elliot had been to two Community Colleges close to his parents, Woodland Hills. Those did not work well for him. Could not stand to sit in class if there were pretty girls or any couples.

    Likes the mother, but still big tensions as he was not really making progress in school or in finding a job.

    Huge tensions with the father and the step mother.

    Young man who had a hard life. Never really the chance to develop any skills or abilities.

    Needed to meet different types of people, like maybe those who make Massively Multi Player Computer Games like World of War Craft.

    No one really shares his reality. He was totally othered at a very young age, especially by the father.


    Michael Moore vs. Donald Trump in “Fahrenheit 11/9”: New Film Warns Our Democracy Is At Risk

    R Programming Langauge

    OT: Computer Programming

    OT: Assembler, C/C++, Embedded Systems, Machine Architectures, Development Systems, JTAG, Rust

    Pleaser 9" and 10"

    Elliot Rodger Manifesto, 2014, 11 hours, human voice reading

    Mexican Independence Day, Sept. 16th, 1810

    Opera Carmen

    OT: Are Traditional Colleges and Universities Bad Environments?

    Vocels (Voluntary Celibates)

    Incels (Involuntary Celibates)

    OT: Power Semiconductors, recent books about

    Stop holding doors for us if you don't want to talk about ending rape culture as much as wanna talk about other political issues

    I challenge Nanna Bananna

    While being yourself in a profession isn't always possible , it certainly is to a greater extent than most ppl realize.l

    Steve Jobs ' Most Inspiring Speech EVER ( facebook login required )

    Baker Gurwitz Army

    Clark Kerr: Knowledge Industry

    Mario Savio on the operation of the machine

    Mario Savio Memorial Lecture: Robert Reich on Class Warfare in America
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Listened to his manifesto read aloud, 11hours. And note that this is four years down the road. Not sure what I think about it all now. Interested in other thoughtful interpretation.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Yes, this is part of that 'manosphere' movement, that women should not have many rights, and basically be forced to marry, even guys they don't really feel much for.

    As for Elliot Rodger, my views on him have shifted. Some say he was really gay, but could not face it. His issues go much much deeper. He decided that women would never like him, by age 13.

    An unlikely conclusion. Most of the time who women go for is contextual, who they see as having social status. And then at age 13, extremely hard to tell. There was more doing on with him. I hope family members write something. But I am going to keep looking into it.


    4 men from California arrested in connection with violent Virginia rally
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    DC9428, you have made some insightful comments.

    The manifesto is 140 pages long. Man I meet from Fresno State called it a thesis.

    I have listened to it read aloud, 11 hours. Probably will need to do that again and then look at the text.

    This is a complex subject, as I see it. I am hoping that more people write about this, and that people who knew him and family eventually write books.

    I agree that this manosphere movement, tied to the Right, is a huge part of this. The Incel situation is entirely an interpretation, as is the idea that one is being victimized and that one should strike back.

    I still feel what no one else is saying, that these colleges can be very negative places and that we need other institutions and other places people can be.

    I note that some have said that Elliot was really gay. I think this could be true. He does not seem to desire the women, not any more than he likes designer clothes and sunglasses. So he does not feel a compulsion to approach them. And so they are not actually rejecting them.

    Actually he is angered by them, so he drops classes when they or couples are there. He went to 3x Community Colleges and completed zero classes. At USCB he completed just one.

    I still feel that there must have been other places he could have been where things would have gone better for him.

    Want to read more.

    Comprehending Columbine / Ralph W. Larkin. (2007)


    Larkin wrote the chapter about Elliot Rodger in the other school saftey book I had. Larkin makes the best argument connecting this to the NRA and a violent pro-gun culture, and ultimately to the Republican Party.

    So I should read the above.

    He has a fan club, so disclaimer, I do not go along with this.

    I love you Elliot Rodger
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Astrology of Elliot Rodger

    Comprehending Columbine / Ralph W. Larkin. (2007)


    He has a fan club, so disclaimer, I do not go along with this.

    I love you Elliot Rodger
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Astrology of Elliot Rodger

    Comprehending Columbine / Ralph W. Larkin. (2007)


    He has a fan club, so disclaimer, I do not go along with this.

    I love you Elliot Rodger
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    He has a fan club, so disclaimer, I do not go along with this.

    I love you Elliot Rodger

    Mountains of Skulls and Rivers of Blood: Murder He Recorded and Planned..: Utopia, Dystopia, Delusion, Revenge, and Retribution of the Frustrated Virgin

    Manifesto 137 pages

    More videos, alternate POV's?

    This one is really like a love letter

    Elliot Supreme Lady, 30 videos and an Elliot Tee-Shirt

    Timeline of the rampage

    Elliot Rodger Vlog

    ELLIOT RODGER: MORE THAN A MADMAN ( hot looking girl )

    Lacigreen, lots of videos

    Elliot Rodger: Infamy & Obscurity (2014 Isla Vista massacre) by Jordan Owen

    Why don't girls like me? | Elliot Rodger Review

    Elliot Rodger, An Evil Madman

    Fox News Guest: Maybe He Killed Because He Was Gay?

    Elliot Rodger Trolled On Bodybuilding Forum

    Incels - The internet's "Supreme Gentlemen"

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Elliot Rodger, An Evil Madman

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Elliot Rodger: Infamy & Obscurity (2014 Isla Vista massacre) by Jordan Owen

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    Classify Your Troll

    James Carse was the Director of Religious Studies at New York University for thirty years.

    James P. Carse


    The religious case against belief / James P. Carse. (2008)

    Patriarchy, dividing women into categories, eradicating witchcraft, restricting access to prostitution to men of high status

    Clapton, Old Love, electric and really good!

    Trump Faces Probe into Tax Fraud After NYT Exposes How He Helped Parents Scam Millions from Gov’t

    ^^^^^^^^ This video is interesting, and deals with PUA and PUA-HATE


  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    These are guys, mostly, who range in age from their teens to their fifties, who have embraced misogyny as an ideology, as a sort of symbolic solution to the frustrations in their lives – whether financial, social, or sexual.


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Reflecting more on Elliot Rodger. Ever since the 2014 incident, I've wanted to understand it.

    Nothing is accomplished by saying that Elliot should have done this or done that, and certainly not be saying that he was a 'looser'.

    He was doing the best he knew how to do, and now he is gone.

    When he graduated from high school, I don't think he was in any way dangerous or a misogynist.

    He had had a difficult adolescence. What was going to come next was unknown.

    It will be interesting if any of the family write anything.

    Lets look here at the father Peter.


    Film: Film Oh My God

    Got negative reviews and lost most of Peter's Money.

    The Hunger Games, second unit director

    I believe that with this and doing TV commericals Peter got his $250 Meg net worth.


    Here is Peter's site:

    Peter Rodger grew up looking through a camera lens. As a teenager, the award-winning British director and photographer honed his skills by assisting his father, George Rodger, the renowned photojournalist and co-founder of Magnum Photos. After completing his education at England’s Maidstone College of Art, his skill with the lens has made him one of the most sought-after talents in both the European and United States advertising markets.

    Peter has shot print and commercial campaigns in over sixty-three countries, for such diverse clients as Mercedes, Save the Children Fund, City National Bank, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Microsoft, Infiniti, Lexus, Buick, Acura, Honda, Volvo, Land Rover, Fendi, Xavier Laurent Perfume, Apple Computers, University of Houston, Kodak, Freixenet Champagne, General Electric, Audi, Ecolab, Nalco, Gazprom, Ford and Canon Cameras.

    Peter has developed a deeply visual style of shooting that has become increasingly popular—visceral cinematic imagery capturing the soul of performance in a non-contrived, yet observational way that makes his filmmaking epic to watch but at the same time engaging with a natural, energetic execution.

    His ever-evolving style has yielded over 35 awards as best director from The Houston International Film Festival, Chicago International Film Festival, The Telly Awards, The Mobius Awards and the US International Film and Video Festival.

    From 2006-2008, Peter produced and directed the epic non-fiction film entitled “Oh My God” – which explores peoples’ diverse opinions and perceptions of God, released in 2009.

    In 2012, Peter collaborated with Gary Ross as second unit director on the motion picture blockbuster “The Hunger Games,” creating the propaganda film for the fictional “Capitol” in the story.

    Peter has written eight screenplays and is attached to direct three of them. In 2009, his first book “The OMG Chronicles” was released, published by Hayhouse.

    Recent work includes an acclaimed film for Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco for her Cancer Charity – Lalla Salma Foundation; A series of Films for the Moroccan Tourist board; a branding campaign consisting of several television commercials for Ford USA; An environmental film for COP22 – The Environmental Convention being hosted in Marrakech in Nov 2016.

    Peter has just completed a commission by the producers of the acclaimed film, “Whiplash” – to write an independent drama feature film soon to be announced.


    Rolling Stones Gimme Shelter Live '89 Atlantic City, early Lisa Fischer

    Rabbi Jesus by Bruce Chilton
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So I am not seeing that I have much more to say about Elliot Rodger. I do think his father was 'othering' him from early on, and this undoubtedly influenced his relationship with the step mother. And then he was influenced by this Manosphere / Men's Rights Movement, and that is sugar coated misogyny.

    Originally my understanding was based on Karen Newman's book Rampage, about high school shootings. She said that these happened in white monoculture exurban settings.

    So is UC a monoculture? Well, I still say that there is a problem, even though no one else is standing with me. Elliot needed to be somewhere else, and things would have worked out.

    I remember now a girl at the San Jose Pink Poodle, who was throwing herself at this full Asian guy, about the same height and weight as Elliot. I spoke to another girl about it, as she was so conspicuous. The girl I was helping to study for a history exam. She said, well she likes that guy.

    I told her, well if this has reached their third meeting and he has not come forward with full name and contact information and making clear his intent to see her outside, then for what ever reasons, he is not going to.

    So I want to read these two Ralph Larkin books:

    Suburban youth in cultural crisis / Ralph W. Larkin (1979)

    Beyond revolution : a new theory of social movements / Daniel A. Foss, Ralph W. Larkin ; introduction by Stanley Aronowitz (1986)

    Comprehending Columbine / Ralph W. Larkin (2007)


    TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The Incel Rebellion Has Begun

    This kind of stuff is just wrong. One key is that they present themselves as anti-feminist. This means that they don't know what they are talking about.

    Elliot Rodger was getting inundated with such. It did not have to go this way, should not have needed to have been this way.




    Talk Gnosis: The Rosicrucians part 1, Dr. Jeffrey S. Kupperman

    Killing Me Softly

    Elysian Encounter-Baker Gurvitz Army - playlist full album
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Mass shootings seem to spread as easily as flu



    Going Postal - Documentary

    American School Shootings: 1927-2015


    Decades After Taking Henrietta Lacks’s Cells Without Consent, Johns Hopkins Names Building After Her

    Henrietta Lacks

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So this is the book which exposed PUA culture:

    The game : penetrating the secret society of pickup artists / Neil Strauss. (2005)


    GAME OVER / Neil Strauss. (2015)

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    As I see it, anyone in a college environment has learned how to pick up girls. The environment is just not conducive to slower motion approaches. So much of what the PUA's say is just what is obvious. But then they add on top of that this idea that they are somehow out smarting the girls, and that they are twarting feminism. This of course is where I have to break with them completely.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Elliot Rodger lost it. I think back now to what originally made me so interested in this episode.

    I think of my time in college. There was a time when because of lack of girlfriend, I did start to get angry at all women. I toyed with the idea that by some date if I did not have a girlfriend I was going to cut off all the girls who claimed to be my 'friend".

    Thinking about this, it really was just one girl, one who had rejected my interests, but was still making me her 'friend'.

    As I see it, most girls do not want this.

    But I recognized right away when the PUA people talked about the 'friend zone'.

    In fact, very unlikely the girl will ever be much of a friend. Really she is just offering you pity. Only choice is just to find another girl. If in another social environment, the odds are good. But in college, and with yourself all wound into it? I say it can be a real problem. And most of all a problem for the guy who does not understand yet that the outside world is different.

    And then of the sorority girls, they make themselves into something symbolic, mostly through the fashion show and the ditzy talk.

    It is a tough environment. And I have taken offense at the girls who preach this "love everybody" doctrine, but then they make it their life's work to judge and screen guys.

    Again, you cannot fight this head on. You just have to go on with your life, the way that you want to, not to please women. Then you will find lots of available and plenty willing women. College sucks.

    But no one else is saying this about Elliot Rodger, no one faulting the college environment.

    Well, so unless others want to keep adding to this thread, I'm inclined to let it die out now.

    Continuing Thread
    Vocels (Voluntary Celibates)


    Everything for everyone : the radical tradition that is shaping the next economy / Nathan Schneider. (2018)

    Clamato, great tomato juice for drinking straight.

    Motts LLP
    Plano TX

    TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So some of these college shootings are occurring in Canada. But overall, senseless spree shoots have become emblematic of the United States.

    When I was married there were many discussions about this phenomenon. I explained that the first thing to understand is that these incidents are suicides. The shooter expects to die. Their own death, and the making of a statement of some sort, are the real motivation.

    So these had been at Post Offices. I remember now about a year ago there was one at the UPS building in San Francisco. There was one in Cupertino at a Concrete Quarry, where the entire City was under lockdown for the entire night.

    So I learn that high schools handle things differently now. Staff does not spread rumors which will destroy a student's reputation, and especially allegations of homosexuality.

    And the Post Office does stuff differently now.

    So does the University of California need to change? I am not seeing anyone looking at it this way.

    Certainly Elliot Rodger experienced difficulties in life long before he arrived at UC.

    And as many are pointing out the Incel Movement and PUA / Anti-PUA movements are primarily misogyny. And then the NRA has become the front piece for the Republican Party by promoting the idea of violent gun based retribution, and Rodger was clearly influenced by this.

    And then Rodger never really had much contact with the college women, outside of the belligerent, violent, and criminal acts he initiated against them.

    But as the cost of college becomes increasing affordable to less and less, UC becomes more and more culturally narrow.

    So while the distress Rodger was experiencing did not originate at UC, I cannot see that any of what was offered at UC in anyway benefited him. I think this needs to be looked at, and that there should be some changes. And of course the worst sort of changes would be expansion of the Mental Health system. Rather, there has to be someway of making the school broader in terms of race and socio-economic class, and also to students of a broader age and life experience range.


    Bruce Chilton 1st 4 videos on play list


    Nirvana - Aneurysm

    Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Live at Reading 1992) w/ surprise into

    TJ Street





    No Quarter - Led Zeppelin HD ( they manage to get buy without a bass player for this )

    Killing Me Softly

    Joe Bonamassa - "Sloe Gin" - Muddy Wolf at Red Rocks
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    If Elliot Rodger were in my organization, things would have gone well for him, very well.

    We need institutions with more cultural diversity, to heal past wounds.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Sometimes people do need outside communal support to make it through key transitions. Elliot Rodger was such, and he did not find it.

    Lots and lots of people have not developed all the parts of themselves that they need to by young adulthood, and so they need to have access to other forms of education at later times.

    The organization I am building will address all of this. Not right for everyone, but right for very many.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So Elliot got kicked out of the home by his step mother, and this could only have happened if his father was going along with it.

    So he was living nearby with the birth mother. But college was not working for him. So when it did not, she was pressing him to "find a job". But he was totally unprepared for this. So he often ended up applying for things which were as he said, "Menial".

    There was no expectation in his family that he would be doing menial jobs, working under that kind of division of labor.

    So he was pretty much emotionally abandoned and targeted.

    So eventually the birth mother seems to have talked with the father and come up with the UC Santa Barbara Isla Vista plan. But this does not really mean that Elliot had any direction of his own.

    Something else was still needed, some other place Elliot could go which would have been better for him. Almost something more like a commune.


    So this small Richard Rorty book is very good and very easy to understand, a kind of anti-philosphy, following on what he wrote in his much larger and more challenging "Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature":

    Two books written about the same time which seem to span the chasm between religious and occult kabbalah
    Kabbalah : three thousand years of mystic tradition / Kenneth Hanson (1998)
    Heavenly powers : unraveling the secret history of the Kabbalah / Neil Asher Silberman (1998)

    Why I’m Proud To Be A Middle-Aged Stripper
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Getting laid was the issue, but only in the mind of Elliot Rodger. If it happened, that would have been the beginning of more trouble. What relationship with the girl ensued could not have worked. Things would have been more complicated, not less.

    Elliot was living in a condition of highly compromised social and civil standing. Getting laid would not improve that.

    He needed much more than just to 'get laid'.

    His parents were unable to offer that, nor was UC.

    I hope some people in the know start writing books about him.


    A much loved company and website back into action, enjoy:

    Lou Reed - Egg Cream

    Ghilottibros.com, Golden Gate Bridge
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    “He Set Out to Kill Women”: Self-Proclaimed Misogynist Murders 2 Women at Florida Yoga Studio

    They talk about the Male Supremacy Movement and about Incels.


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    HotYoga, WA?

    the above shooter had expressed sympathy for Elliot Rodger and called out for all Incels to fight back.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "Forty-year-old gunman Scott Beierle murdered 61-year-old Nancy Van Vessem, a medical doctor and a faculty member at Florida State University, and Florida State University student 21-year-old Maura Binkley in the deadly shooting. He critically injured four other women, including one woman who was shot nine times. Beierle also pistol-whipped a man in the rampage before turning the gun on himself. Police say Beierle was found dead at the yoga studio from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. "

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger Hardcover – September 11, 2018

    by Soraya Chemaly

    Rage becomes her : the power of women's anger / by Soraya L. Chemaly. (2018 caution)


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Table Of Contents:

    Introduction: Nice To Meet You, Rage xi

    1 Mad Girls
    1 (26)

    2 Women ≠ Toasters
    27 (22)

    3 Angry Bodies
    49 (16)

    4 The Caring Mandate
    65 (26)

    5 Mother Rage
    91 (30)

    6 Smile, Baby
    121 (32)

    7 The Drip, Drip, Drip
    153 (30)

    8 There Are No Words
    183 (38)

    9 The Politics of Denial
    221 (36)

    10 A Rage of Your Own
    257 (32)
    Conclusion: A Wise Anger 289 (8)
    Acknowledgments 297 (2)
    Note On Sources 299 (2)
    Notes 301 (64)
    Index 365

  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    WARNING dumbasses will troll anyone on this site who isn't a trick bragging about paying for sex.
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate

    PhatBoy99 - definite troll account
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    PhatBoy99 +10

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The Credibility Gap: How Sexism Shapes Human Knowledge | Soraya Chemaly | TEDxBarcelonaWomen

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Female Rage Is Changing Feminism Says Author Soraya Chemaly Of "Rage Becomes Her"

    Soraya Chemaly: Rage Becomes Her

  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    SJG, following the link you have on your profile to your google site, I have a couple of questions.


    1) is the guy hugging the bidet your mug?
    2) You need to tell Mary to update the page since she seems to be the only one updating it and some of the links do not work.
    3) Is Mary your mom or are you actually Mary? If she is your mom, what does she think about all the pics of strippers on the page?
    4) Wonder what all those kids spelling out SJG would think if they knew they were on a website detailing strippers and sex?

    Edit log:
    Oct 15, 2018, 8:01 PM Mary Carroll edited Home
    Apr 5, 2018, 7:22 PM Mary Carroll edited Home
    Oct 10, 2016, 8:59 PM Mary Carroll edited Rosicrucian Park
    Oct 10, 2016, 8:38 PM Mary Carroll edited Home
    Oct 10, 2016, 8:37 PM Mary Carroll edited Rosicrucian Park
    Oct 10, 2016, 8:35 PM Mary Carroll edited Rosicrucian Park
    Oct 10, 2016, 7:59 PM Mary Carroll edited Untitled
    Oct 10, 2016, 7:59 PM Mary Carroll edited Untitled
    Oct 10, 2016, 7:57 PM Mary Carroll edited Rosicrucian_Park
    Oct 10, 2016, 7:46 PM Mary Carroll created Rosicrucian_Park
    Oct 10, 2016, 7:12 PM Mary Carroll edited Home
    Oct 6, 2015, 5:14 PM Mary Carroll edited Home
    Oct 6, 2015, 5:11 PM Mary Carroll edited Home
    Oct 6, 2015, 5:05 PM Mary Carroll edited Mexico
    Oct 6, 2015, 4:57 PM Mary Carroll edited Mexico
    Oct 6, 2015, 4:54 PM Mary Carroll edited Mexico
    Oct 6, 2015, 4:50 PM Mary Carroll edited Home
    Oct 6, 2015, 4:47 PM Mary Carroll edited Home
    Sep 6, 2015, 4:53 PM Mary Carroll edited Las Chavelas
    Sep 6, 2015, 4:51 PM Mary Carroll edited Las Chavelas
    Sep 6, 2015, 4:49 PM Mary Carroll edited Home
    Sep 6, 2015, 4:45 PM Mary Carroll edited Las Chavelas
    Sep 6, 2015, 4:43 PM Mary Carroll edited Las Chavelas
    Sep 6, 2015, 4:39 PM Mary Carroll edited Las Chavelas
    Sep 6, 2015, 4:26 PM Mary Carroll created Las Chavelas
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So Elliot Rodger went to UC. I don't see that people there were mean to him. The conflicts he got into were all ones he started, often by going way over legal limits and with no real cause.

    He needed something else.

    So I just talked to a girl who started working at a fast food place as soon as she turned 16yo. She is very happy with her choice.

    I believe she is planning on continuing to work as she goes to college.

    But UC is not really always going to be compatible with that. Usually no.

    Now I do not see Rodger as a factory or tech job worker, or as a construction job, vehicle driver, or auto mechanic type.

    I see him as an arts and entertainment worker.

    That would have been better for him. Though I don't think 'getting laid' was really his issue, sooner or later it would have happened. He just needed to be in a different place than where he grew up. But UC was not it.


    Baker Gurwitz, live
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    12 killed in spree shooting at bar in Thousand Oaks, CA

    Ex-Marine apparently acted alone in California bar shooting: FBI

    Borderline Bar and Grill ( at least this didn't take out a strip club )

    use zoom outs and changing back to maps to see where this place is. Listed address is here, but only a lawn sign, no sign on building. Other side is right on Ventura Freeway ( highway 101 ) at Moorpark. Driving North out of Los Angeles it would be just as you are leaving Thousand Oaks. This region is known for good AMPs, and for LE and some locals crusading against them.



    Jeff Healey, w/ Toucu
  • strippercutie404
    6 years ago
    All the mass shootings these days are ridiculous. I just don't even pay attention to the news anymore because there's so much bad stuff in it.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    We only remember each one, until the next one comes. And it does not take long.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    He alerted people to the Thousand Oaks shooting, then warned of the California fires that came next


    Deleuze and Guattari

    Chaka Khan (Ain't Nobody) rare 80's performance

    Melody Still Lingers On ( Night In Tunisia ) no bra!

    Full concert, Roxy, 1981
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    New American Nazis: Inside the White Supremacist Movement That Fueled Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting


    Is Photobucket down for other people? It is down right now for me.

    So the body has been identified, it is the 32yo Ian Powers who vanished at the 11/12 Monday night football game.

    They are saying that it was an accidental drowning, and now the case is closed.




    Jaguar F-Type, plans?

    Helen Pepsi DeMacque

    Who else here besides me is generally into black girls?

    Of course we already know from thier posts about Papi and LarryFisherman.
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    How America’s perpetual warfare abroad is fueling an increase in white supremacist violence in US


    Theatre Chochotte
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Country At War WIth Itself


    Stravinsky: The Firebird / Gergiev · Vienna Philarmonic · Salzburg Festival 2000

    So you folks like these no proscenium concert halls?

    Disney Music Center

    San Jose Center for the Performing Arts, not designed that way.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Guide to Mass Shootings In America, updated 11/19/2018


    w/ map you can expand and click on:

    Summary: Elliot Rodger, 22, shot three people to death in the college town of Isla Vista near the University of California, Santa Barbara. He also shot others as he drove around town, and injured others by striking them with is vehicle. He committed suicide by shooting himself in his car as police closed in. Prior to the rampage, Rodger stabbed three people to death at his apartment.

    19 victims total

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Oklahoma mother is charged with murdering her 18-year-old son and 16-year-old daughter in shooting rampage at the family home


    The Broken Scales Of Wendy Carlos

    Wendy Carlos Alpha Scale

    Music Revolutionaries - Robert Moog & Wendy Carlos

    Serious Earthquakes In Alaska

    If we have justice, then no one will ever be without what they need.

    If we do not have justice, then money will never be a reliable substitute.

    Medicare For All

    Bernie Sanders, Economic Justice
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Terrorism deaths decline globally despite uptick in U.S., Canada: Report



    Graham Bond ✪ Holy Magick [full album]

    Farm - Farm 1971 (FULL ALBUM) [Psychedelic Blues-Rock]

    How False Testimony and a Massive U.S. Propaganda Machine Bolstered George H.W. Bush’s War on Iraq
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Everett Washington, teen had been planning school shooting.


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Sandy Hook Shooting

    December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut

    20 year old Adam Lanza shoot 20 children between ages 6 and 7 (yipes!)

    When police arrived, Lanza shot himself in the head.

    Some hours before, Lanza had shot his mother. ( that is the key to understanding Adam Lanza and this incident

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    1000 pages of documents reveal Adam Lanza's dark descent.


    Why is this only coming out now?

  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Elliot Rodger was obsessed with this ideas that girls did not like him. To me, that was really just a defensive system, there were more serious things he was facing.

    Well I have just started to learn about this Adam Lanza. Don't know if he talks about girls and sex. But I am finding him to be more and more similar to Rodger. And again, the truth is being completely covered up.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    His parents spent money on him at times, but it more and more seems to me that emotionally they were rejecting him completely.

    His rampage shooting was first and foremost a suicide. The reason we know about it was that he senslessly killed other people. But the main audience for this seems to have been his father Peter. I think Peter's rejection ran really deep and that this is the most important thing in understanding this.

    Elliot had failed to be what his father expected him to be. But he did go out with a bang. Though I do not agree with his message, I do get it. And I understand his anquish. Really it wa over his father. How could Elliot get redress, get justice? There is no way, at least so far.

    Outsiders should have been able to intercede in the family constellation.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    More than anything, seems like Elliot just wanted to win the approval of his father Peter. When it was clear that he was not going to be able to do that, he decided on a suicide of epic proportions.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    And how could Elliot Rodger be so callous when he is splashing beverages on them, or when he is cutting their throats, or when he is shooting them?

    It just shows how much pain the guy was already in.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    And so if the Sexual Revolution has not given us the Free Love that we expected, but has instead given us a highly elitist hook up culture on college campuses, not likely that Elliot Rodger would have gotten laid.

    He and his father were expecting that first and foremost.

    I am not saying he or anyone else is entitled to such, not at all.

    But he was led to believe something would be there, when it was not. And he did not have the perspective for understanding, so he did take it completely personally.

    Sure, with his father's money he would quality as an elite, but his life was not of a normative type. Things had actually been very hard for him, and I say this started with his father's attitude. It would have taken a long time for Elliot to come to understand any of this. And so he was led by this PUA, PUA-HATE, MRA movement, which is also led by the NRA and the themes put out by the Republican Party, and he fell for all of it, with the most tragic sort of result..

    Elliot was not perfect, none of us are. But I believe that in a different kind of an environment, and with getting away from his parents earlier, things could have been okay.


    Joe Bonamassa - "Midnight Blues" - Beacon Theatre - Live From New York

    TJ Street Girls



    Real TJ Street

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Often college, just like adolescence, is just time wasting.

    Now sure, if someone needs to waste time, they need to be somewhere. But college is often not that good of a place. Need something else. With that, things would have worked out for Elliot Rodger.


    TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The Elliot Rodger incident was indeed tragic. But I don't think people are really looking closely enough at it. There needs to be some digging done.

    Official Parking Lot Bouncer

    As Most Diverse Congress in History Takes Office, Dems Push to End Shutdown Without Funding for Wall

    'Leaked' Video Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proves She... Has Friends, Can Dance



    Edwin Starr


    War - The World Is a Ghetto 1972 Full Album

    How To Tell If Someone Is Truly Smart Or Just Average

    TJ Street

    Warren Haynes ­with Joe Bonamassa -- Guitar Center's King of the Blues 2011

    Beth & Joe - I'd Rather Go Blind - Live in Amsterdam

    Beth & Joe - I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know - Live in Amsterdam

    Amazing Performance by Gary Clark Jr. - When My Train Pulls In
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ but in his family that was not what people did.

    I still think arts school + artist's collective + bohemian job ( like cafe service ).

    But I also now feel that there was real evil underneath, childhood family sexual abuse. This is just my gut feeling.

    Such needs to be exposed and redressed!

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I still remember videos of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his son Patrick at USC.



    Remember, Maria Shriver is a Kennedy

    So say Elliot Rodger became a tradesman?

    All that is saying is that Elliot has accepted being made into the family scapegoat. He is considered the family fuck up.

    Just getting a paycheck does not restore one's honor. Quit the contrary, it would mean he has given up on fighting back.

    People in the Rodger family are not tradesmen.

    Remember the Menendez Brothers, Lyle and Erik? Well after that first trial the LA DA's Office had egg all over its face. Militant death penalty opponent Leslie Abramson had been able to hang both juries.


    So second time around Supervising Deputy DA David Conn stepped in to handle it himself, to make sure that Leslie Abramson or no, that they did not fail. So besides dropping the death penalty, Conn was extremely aggressive in questioning Lyle.


    "How old were you? ... That was old enough to leave home ... You could have left home and jointed the Marine Corps ... But instead you executed your parents."

    Well David Conn is well known to have left home early and joined the Marine Corps. In his family that was an honorable thing to do.

    But Jose Menendez would never have gone along with that. A professional soccer player, Cuban exile, and successful business executive with RCA records, he insisted that his boys do the one thing he had not done, graduate from an Ivy League school. In his view the only type of person who would join military enlisted ranks in peace time, they must be a fuck up.

    So Lyle was in Princeton, and he hated it. He wanted to transfer to UCLA and live at home. But Jose and Kitty would hear none of this. They actually bought themselves a town house out there close to Princeton so that they could be there to keep an eye on Lyle.

    Then when it still seemed like he and Erik were not really towing the line, they thought of what else they could do. So they started bragging to friends that they were disinheriting them.

    In almost no other industrialized country except the United States is this even legally possible.

    So people accepted the DA's read, that this was about getting the money, totally oblivious to the simple fact that people do not normally kill to get money, especially kill their parents. This was about restoring honor.

    Jose and Kitty were doing everything they could to humiliate their sons. So considering what happened to them, really it does not bother me in the least.

    Same for Elliot Rodger as I see it. But likely he did not consciously understand this, and no one else seems to even want to look at it. He was sending missives to his father and birth mother up to the very end.

    Peter thought Elliot was an embarrassment, and following Peter so did the Step Mother, and to a lesser degree the Birth Mother.

    I wish someone could have reached Elliot and made him understand that his parents were wrong, completely wrong, from the very beginning. But I doubt that Elliot would have been able to hear this.

    Also, Leslie Abramson had consulted with Paul Mones, a parricide defense expert who I once had the pleasure of meeting, out in front of our court house. His book pretty much says that the parent who gets killed by their own child, they must have deserved it.



    Jackslash's thread about TJHK and FKK

    30 years ago, bar near where I then lived had a house band which would play this all the time

    Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (30th Anniversary Celebration)

    Curious chord progression, really makes it sound nice, and using 2nd fret capo, with lyrics

    Trump sends troops for possible 'violent' Congo vote protests
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Suppose Elliot Rodger never tried to push girls off of an 8' wall at a frat party, and never splashed drinks onto anyone, but suppose the he shot and killed his father Peter, how would you then feel about him?


    SJG's New Headquarters, coming soon to a strip club parking lot near you.

    12' x 20', and with over 9' of center stand up height.

    TJ Street

    Nirvana-Come as you are lyrics

    Casino Royale 1967 Sound Track Album

    Mobile Kitchens, by Carlin, Fresno CA
    just saw one built in a huge 24,000 GVWR Walk-In Van, still okay for Class C License, huge diesel auxiliary power unit.

    Mister Bond - A Jazzy Cocktail Of Ice Cold Themes

    Sexiest Ladies of Jazz - The Trilogy! - Full Album - New 2017

    Soundgarden Half, playlist

    Mitch Horowitz: H. P. Blavatsky, Manly P. Hall, and the Secret Teachings of all Ages ( really good )
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No real probing to try and understand Elliot Rodger, not from the media, not from anywhere else.

    Going to return to looking at Sandyhook Shooter Adam Lanza.


    Steve Blank, Lean Startup Model



    Baker Gurvitz Army - Love Is / Memory Lane / Drum Solo / People - Live 1975 (Remastered) HD

    Deep Purple - Lazy



    Ep. 002 - Masonic Heroes of the Holocaust
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So of course I oppose what Elliot did, and I do not agree with his interpretations. But I do still go along with his more basic sense that something is wrong, there is something unfair which has seriously undermined his life.

    One way to look at this is via comparison to Shakespeare's Hamlet. That is a narrative which has always had the broadest possible of appeal. It is like being trapped in childhood, being denied access to adult standing. Hamlet may not have fully understood this but he did feel it.

    And the people who killed, Polonius and Claudius, plus Rosencrantz and Gildenstern, they deserved what they got.

    Now Ophelia and Laertes, no. But it was not Hamlet who killed them.

    Still want to read this:

    Hamlet had no chance of coming into adulthood because of the unredressed injustice which filled his world. The murder of his father, and the manipulations of Claudius, Gertrude, and Polonius. So really, the only chance he had was to kill them, even if it meant the loss of his own life.

    Elliot Rodger said that he wanted to kill his whole family, naming everyone, but then saying that he was afraid to kill his father Peter.

    We need to look at that time when Elliot was in high school, and they were moving him from school to school, to try and minimize problems. Peter of course was in charge of this. Seems like Elliot wanted an all boys school? Peter considered a Catholic all boys school, but Elliot protested. A religious school will always have much more bullying, as the bullies feel authorized to enforce gender.

    So it ended up being a special school for troubled boys. There are some statements made by the principle in one of the above videos.

    So in college, Elliot went to 3x Community Colleges, completing zero classes. He would drop classes which had pretty girls or affectionate couples.

    Then in UC Santa Barbara he completed his first and only class.

    So the Birth Mother seems to have hatched the UCSB idea, realizing that it was not right or workable just to tell him to "Get a job."

    She put skin into it too, buying Elliot the BMW.

    So UCSB has a reputation as a party school. Others have said that there is not really as much sex there as it might look like there would be. Visual yes, lots of women, wearing shorts, riding bicycles, but not really that much sex and not much relationships. This is what some say.

    UCLA seems to be the one with the emphasis on clothes and cars.



    I'll be looking at Sandyhook and Columbine soon. These look like totally different scenarios. But more and more I am seeing these as all being similar.


    Ten Years Since Economic Collapse Sparked Occupy Wall Street, the Cooperative Movement Is Surging

    Schneider's New Book, Sept 2018
    Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition That Is Shaping the Next Economy

    The Power of Cooperatives: Nathan Schneider & Jason Wiener at The Harvard Law Forum

    and kudos to Founder, anticipating my concerns, and putting this on last nights shut down message:

    We are currently offline for upgrades to our database.

    Our expected return is Jan 18, 2019 @ 00:00 EST.

    Go out and have fun tonight, we'll be hard at work.

    And don't worry SJG, it's not FOSTA

    Baker Gurvitz Army - Love Is / Memory Lane / Drum Solo / People - Live 1975 (Remastered) HD

    The Egg of MAnifestatION as the Key to the Mauve Zone ( Kenneth Grant related )
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Maybe more Elliot's style, given his warped mind which focused on socio-economics. I suspect Irvine and Riverside have more level headed types.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So Elliot's attitudes were mostly a reflection of the attitudes that the family, mostly Peter, had towards him.

    Elliot was abandoning classes with pretty girls. And he was splashing drinks on affectionate couples and then driving off in the car.

    Someone needed to talk to him and find out what is going on. If he expects to function in this world, he cannot do that.

    Thing is, Elliot was seeing a psychotherapist. And to listen to Peter talk about it, it again sounds like they see Elliot as a problem.

    That does not pass the smell test. Usually therapists will not do that. If they are going to see a minor, they have to see the entire family. It will often be on alternating weeks. You cannot just send the child, and say "fix my kid".

    In my view, I think it should go even further. Federal and state laws already require reporting of suspected cases of child abuse. But the bar is set way to high, and even at that the laws are not enforced. Any exposure to Elliot's writings and videos tells you that this is a young man in distress. The law should make it clear that you cannot send a child to a psychotherapist unless it is being supervised by the Juvenile Dependency Court.

    So papers would be filed by the therapist. Lively CPS would make an unscheduled Well Being Check. They would report to the court on what they find and on what they recommend, and the same with the therapist. Then probably the court would authorize the therapy sessions with the child and the family, and require follow up reporting and court appearances.

    These therapists believe that they can solve the problems. This is playing God. They have zero authority over the parents. They might try to talk sense into the parents, but that is nothing like the way a judge can talk to them.

    And then if it will be a contentious case, the the child is likely assigned a CASA Volunteer. And they will also be assigned an attorney. In this state that attorney will be a Deputy District Attorney.

    Excellent book about the court of Judge Leonard Edwards, Santa Clara County.

    What ever was going on should have been found out.

    The Birth Mother had a super rich BF who bought her a new car. Elliot told her to marry him. She said that no, her experience with being married to Peter was so bad that she never was going to marry again.

    Entitled to her view, but it is such an uncommon view that one has to wonder.

    How did Elliot get so objectified, and what would he have to have done in order to rectify it. Said he wanted to kill the entire family, but was afraid to kill his father Peter.

    Was UC partly at fault?

    Here we have

    Seems mostly digital media oriented. I guess it would be considered a trade school. There are also Fine Arts schools.

    And Elliot was an English major at UCSB. He could have done alright that way, if that is what he wanted.

    But what was really underneath his troubles. He said that women were not attracted to him. Well usually that is situational.

    But it does suggest being denied access to adult masculinity, just as Hamlet was being denied.

    There had to have been lies and injustice underlying Elliot Rodger's life.


    Peter Levenda on Secrets of Aleister Crowley !! ( pertains to Kenneth Grant and talk about Thelema )
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I agree. I see all of these supposed "lone nuts" as examples of that. Criticizing them accomplishes nothing. Most of the time they are suicidal anyway.

    But getting to the truth, that may be difficult. But usually there is a long history. Such is the case with Elliot Rodger and the shooters at Sandyhook and Columbine.

    Therapists are not supposed to be cover up artists or accomplice child abusers. But still, that is usually how it works.

    Elliot Rodger, like the others, wanted to send a message. His methods were wrong, and the surface content of the message was wrong too. But I believe there was something legitimate he wanted to communicate. He just did not know how, or even understand it himself.

    I still say that it started primarily with the father Peter. There should have been intervention.

    I know a middle aged man in Canada, taken out of school over a nervous breakdown at the age of 10. 3 nervous breakdowns following as he went into his 20's.

    This was a long time ago. But a 10yo has to be taken out of school, shouldn't that mandate CPS getting involved, and likely then it ending up in Juvenile Dependency Court?

    The man explained to me of severe sexual abuse being behind it all.

    Elliot, being transferred from school to school. Shouldn't CPS have been involved. Anyone can feel Elliot's distress, and see how he is fighting to earn his father's approval, and seemingly being blocked from maturation.

    And then Elliot trying to push girls off an an 8' wall at a frat party, and then getting beat up and his angle broken, but that was after he was over 18yo. Shouldn't that have been investigated?

    No one was charged. Maybe shouldn't both sides have been charged?

    But still, you cannot force people to talk, especially by charging them.

    But getting transferred from school to school, shouldn't that have mandated CPS getting involved and it going before the Dependency Court? At that age Elliot probably would have talked.

    And shouldn't sending a child to a psychotherapist mandate supervision by the Dependency Court, and Well Being Checks from time to time?

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Christopher Cleary, 27

    And Kudos to DC9428 for coming up with this interesting article.

    I don't think it right to talk about these guys as being "socially disabled", so I only partially agree with the article. Just like I don't think it right to blame these kinds of problems on women, and just like I don't think it right to classify sex workers as some other category of women, or to expect them so be the ones who solve these problems.

    For someone who has an obvious physical disability, a sex worker might be a partial solution.

    But then of these guys with social disabilities? Well, I do not go along with this. The issue is more one of loss of social status, appropriation of social status. And the actual cause of this is usually obscure.


    MLK Day Special: Rediscovered 1964 King Speech on Civil Rights, Segregation & Apartheid South Africa

    Peter Levenda | Sinister Forces, Occult History, & The Nine
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Christopher Wayne Cleary 27yo


    Denver man’s alleged threat to kill “as many girls as I see” follows string of crimes against women in Colorado
    Christopher Cleary’s criminal history in Colorado shows pattern of harassment, stalking, threats to women


    Eight Denver-area women and teens reported to police in recent years that the man now accused of threatening to “kill as many girls as I see” had harassed them when they wouldn’t date him and, in some cases, made violent threats and advertised their names on social media as prostitutes.
    He is accused of posting on Facebook that he wanted to kill as many women as possible because he’s a virgin who has never had a girlfriend.
    Court records detailing Cleary’s criminal past in Colorado show a string of convictions — and repeated sentences of probation — related to the harassment and stalking of women stretching back at least three years. And they also suggest Cleary may not have been a virgin as claimed in the Facebook post; an ex-girlfriend told police they had a sexual relationship.
    In a second Denver case, a 19-year-old woman said she lived with Cleary for two weeks in a hotel room and during that time he strangled her and urinated on her, court records show.
    Cleary pleaded guilty in that case to felony stalking and making threats in a plea deal with prosecutors. Jefferson County Judge Dennis Hall sentenced him to three years of probation on May 18.


    Daath The Doorway to Knowledge

    Steve Blank


    Freemasonry is inherently opposed to slavery but what slavery remains for us to fight against today?

    TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Florida gunman’s ex-girlfriend claims her warnings that he ‘hated people’ were ignored

    A gunman who took over a SunTrust Bank branch in Florida apparently made the five women inside lie down on the lobby floor before shooting them in the backs of their heads, police said on Thursday.

    Authorities found no indication Zephen Xaver intended to rob the bank during Wednesday’s attack and no apparent connections between him and the bank or the victims, Sebring Police Chief Karl Hoglund said.

    Xaver, 21, was charged with five counts of premeditated murder in the shooting deaths of the four bank employees and a customer.

    After shooting the women, he called 911 and “told dispatchers that he’d killed everyone in the bank,” Hoglund said.

    All the victims were found in the bank’s lobby, lying face down with gunshots to the backs of their heads. Shell casings from Xaver’s 9mm handgun were scattered on the floor, according to an affidavit.

    Another customer, Victor Sparks, was quoted by the Highlands News-Sun as saying that he found the door locked during the attack, peered inside and saw people lying on the floor while someone walked around and between them. He turned and stepped away and heard gunfire. He said police arrived within two minutes after he and his wife called 911.

    In his call to 911 dispatchers, Xaver said, “I have shot five people,” according to police.

    Authorities ended their news conference after only a few questions and did not respond when asked how Xaver obtained the gun.

    Xaver was arrested in a beige T-shirt depicting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. On Thursday, he wore a black-and-white striped prison uniform as he was appointed a public defender and ordered held without bond. His father said he’s “heartbroken for the victims” and that his son “wasn’t raised to be like this.”

    “He’s always been a good kid. He’s had his troubles, but he has never hurt anyone ever before. This is a total shock,” Josh Xaver told CNN.

    Investigators discovered the bodies of the five victims after retaking the bank, officials said. According to a police report, Xaver was armed with a 9 mm handgun and wearing a bulletproof vest.

    Police said Xaver forced the women to lie down on the bank’s lobby floor and shot them in the backs of their heads.

    State Attorney Brian Haas pledged to seek maximum punishment against Xaver, who faces the possibility of the death penalty.

    A woman who identified herself as a former girlfriend told WSBT-TV in Indiana that Xaver had been fascinated with the idea of killing people long before Wednesday’s massacre in Sebring. "






    Herb Alpert 1965

    Where did the idea for this originate?

    Herb Alpert - Rise (HQ Audio)

    Feels So Good - Chuck Mangione [FULL VERSION]

    Diana Ross: Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Ashford / Simpson), 1970

    The 5th Dimension ≈ AQUARIUS ≈ Let The SUNSHINE In

    Three Dog Night "Joy To The World" 1972

    ^^^^^ obvious lip sync

    1975, clearly recorded live

    Eli's Coming

    No Time (1992) Ringo Starr, Burton Cummings, Joe Walsh and Todd Rundgren at Montreux

    No Sugar Tonight

    Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4 - 7/21/1970 - Tanglewood (Official)

    Chicago - Old Days ( Live At The Dick Clark Show New Years Eve 1975 / 76 HQ )

    Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade of Pale, live in Denmark 2006

    Trump has capitulated to Pelosi
    Trump to Delay State of the Union Address Until Shutdown Ends

    Carly Simon - That's The Way I Always Heard It Should Be - 1971

    You're So Vain, a song I have always liked
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    This article uses the wrong guy's picture

    Suspect In Sebring Bank Attack Dreamed Of Hurting Classmates

    First mention though of wanting to kill "classmates"


    Its not that I'm against acoustic guitar, its just that I like the electric music so much. And note the 5 string bass.
    Eric Clapton - Old Love (Live in Hyde Park 1997)



    Joe Bonamassa - "Midnight Blues" - Beacon Theatre - Live From New York
    Computer Written Music, 1 hr


    Move flavors of Aiva generated music
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Christopher Cleary, 27 Colorado

    Why incels are a 'real and present threat' for Canadians

    A Colorado man named Christopher Cleary took to social media and laid out the plan for an attack that was coming together in his mind.

    "I'm 27 years old and I've never had a girlfriend before and I'm still a virgin," Cleary wrote. "This is why I'm planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter."

    In this case, police tracked him down — en route to a women's march in Utah — before he was able to carry out his plan.

    Experts interviewed by The Fifth Estate have identified 120 instances of extreme violence in Canada by right-wing groups, including incels, in the past 30 years. This is compared to only seven by Islamist-inspired extremists.

    The term "incel" gained more prominence in 2014, when a 22-year-old man in Isla Vista, Calif. killed six people and injured 14 others before killing himself. It was discovered Elliot Rodger had an extensive online presence, including a series of YouTube videos he made and posted — reuploading as they were banned and removed.

    He also left behind a 137-page manifesto he wrote titled "My Twisted World." The last video he posted was called "Elliot Rodger's Retribution."

    "Tomorrow is the day of retribution — a day of which I will have my revenge against all of humanity," Rodger said in one video. "I will slaughter every single spoiled stuck-up blonde slut.... You will finally see I'm the superior one. The true alpha male."

    Incels believe women owe them sex, and in some cases people active on incel forums advocate for government-sanctioned girlfriends and sexual encounters.

    "[Incel] became a religion of sorts, and it's a recent ideology," Arntfield of Western University, said. "These are people who've found each other online and can ruminate over what they can do."

    The ideology of incels focuses on the idea that attractive women, known as "Stacys" in incel terminology, are shallow and only attracted to "Chads" — men who are hyper-muscular and highly attractive.

    "It's deeply disturbing to see that the answer to [their feelings] is the 'Incel rebellion,' as Alek Minassian called it," said Haenfler. "That, to me, is not a rebellion at all. It's just a retreat to the same classic forms of male domination."

    In many corners of the incel subculture, people like Rodger — and now, Minassian — are celebrated as heroes. Rodger is considered a "hERo" and Minassian an "AMazing hERo" — their initials used as monikers inciting others to attack.


    "The Elliot Rodgers and other mass killers do sometimes take on a mythical quality because, for some incels, they embody the ultimate form of resistance against a feminist culture that doesn't value them for who they are," Haenfler said.

    Incels may be a recent term, Haenfler said, but in many ways the social climate that produced them has been 50 years in the making.

    "What we've seen is a long-term cycle of social change in which women, people of colour, LGBTQ people, immigrants and others have demanded recognition and rights," he said. "There's the sense on the part of the incels that those rights are coming at the expense of white, heterosexual men."

    Haenfler has been studying trends in alt-right and incel violence, and said he worries that things will only get worse.

    Zephen Xaver, Florida Bank Shooting

    White Domestic Terror Is Thriving In the New Year

    When a mass killer is not brown, authorities usually hesitate to call them a terrorist.


    Since 9/11, some of the most horrific acts of terrorism in the United States have been committed by American citizens. However, when the attacker is not brown, there is usually hesitation to call them a terrorist. From the Aurora movie shooting in 2012 to the Las Vegas shooter in 2017, terrorism is alive and well in this country — and the culprits rightfully should be called domestic terrorists.


    Saw this woman's picture somewhere and it reminded me:


    But while most all the videos for this song are clearly lip sync, and they even require people playing instruments not shown on stage, I have finally found this:

    I'm not against acoustic guitar, its just that I like electric guitar music so much. And electric guitar can do things which acoustic guitar cannot. Needs to feel like you are there with them, not like it is just a contrived television show. Letting this finally be the psychedelia it was intended to be.

    Richard Smoley: Magic and the Occult

    Ecstasy of St. Teresa

    Ferdinand de Saussure

    Heart - All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You


    Richard Feynman. Why. ( magnets )

    Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells III CONCIERTO
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    If not arrested by the US, then Trump will most certainly face German NGO's getting him indicted in the International Court, Crimes Against Humanity, over the separated children. No Oktober Fest for him, no more EU or Latin America at all, as these indictments do not ever expire. They can be turned into an arrest order at any time.


    Crazy Mini Engines

    Richard Smoley - The Kabbalah: Key to Hidden Knowledge

    Have You Seen The Saucers - live, 1970
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I think IceyLoco has introduced an important point, that schools should deal with bullying. And then also, they should deal with how to deal with bullies. See as it stood, Elliot was considered the family problem, as Peter would say, "He was the family enigma." So if the school was willing to really assume responsibility themselves, then for the first time, Elliot becomes grounded somewhere outside of the family. The school is in effect saying that Peter is not adequately handling the situation.

    I remember one situation when I was a high school senior. I had this friend, and he had a bother 3 years younger, C., a freshman. People were bullying C. horribly, and even keeping track on the black board of who had hit him the most times.

    Well of course the school would have pinned this on C., and probably sent him to a therapist of some sort. Who knows what they could have tarred him with. "Boys will be boys." "C needs to learn how to protect himself, and he can't let things bother him."

    And if the parents went to the yellow pages and found a therapist, it would have been the same way.

    Well, C.'s parents did go to the yellow pages. But they started in the beginning, under attorneys. So soon each member of the school board received a letter on an attorney's stationary informing them that what was happening was illegal, and that if there needed to be another communication, it would be delivered by a process server.

    So right away this put C. out of reach of the school district's therapists. But then also, all of a sudden those teachers who were impotent to do anything, they were now all of a sudden all places at all times.

    Now true, it was one of these teachers who told us about the letters to the school board and all. He should not have done this. The matter should have remained confidential. But I have never forgotten the good that C.'s parents did. They really impressed me.

    Bullying in the schools goes on because the adults allow and encourage it, and its because these adults have never evolved beyond such themselves.


    Yanis Varoufakis: Socialism, Populism, Nationalism and Independence ( Aug 2018 )

    Yanis Varoufakis: Has capitalism failed us? ( May 2018 )

    Crazy Mini Engines

    Richard Smoley - The Kabbalah: Key to Hidden Knowledge

    Shocking Blue - Venus ( live 1969 )

    Have You Seen The Saucers - live, 1970
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So say Elliot Rodger started trying to go out with working class girls? He did have some jobs, though they did not last long. Helping a guy renovate a house was one that went better than others.

    So he tries to go out with working class girls. Eventually he learns how to make it go well. But in effect then, he is becoming like them, one of them.

    I'm not trying to sound mean, but as I have seen it, with working class girls, all you need to have is "a job". This is the biggest idea then can wrap their minds around. Sometimes they will stretch to "a good job", or even to "a really good job".

    So Elliot would become like them, even though that is never how his father had lived.

    So, Voluntary Celibacy could be a temporary remedy, if Elliot understood what was going on and wanted that.

    Thinking about all of this as I awakened this morning, it becomes all the more clear that Peter just considered Elliot to be a problem, something he just wanted to be rid of. There was no investment in Elliot having some sort of a career. He was sent to a school for "problem boys", I think because Elliot was getting bullied.

    It was the Birth Mother who came up with the Santa Barbara plan. But there was still no plan for Elliot to have a career, it was just for him to solve his supposed problem, "getting laid". And as such, it was not a good venue for that, to much other stuff still unresolved.

    More and more I see Peter as the real culprit.


    TJ Street

    Jefferson Airplane 5-7-1970 Fillmore East Complete Show

    Richard Smoley - The Kabbalah: Key to Hidden Knowledge
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    It would be great if the family would speak about Elliot Rodger, so that we can better understand.


    TJ Street

    Richard Smoley - The Kabbalah: Key to Hidden Knowledge
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Small interruption when I was trying to make the above post.

    It should be there, in the things Elliot Rodger said. It is clear to me that his father emotionally abandoned him at critical junctures. Would have been better if Elliot could have been with his Birth Mother, and if she had separated from Peter earlier. He could have known her family and its men. He liked it when she took him to Malaysia.

    There is no sense in this that Elliot ever developed any interests, academic, or career ambitions. He was just seen as a problem. So because he was being bullied he was sent to a special high school for "problem boys".

    There is in one of the above videos some statements made by that school's principal.

    Elliot had tried to learn first hackey sack, and then skateboarding. But it was just to impress people. He did learn, but decided that he was only so so, not great. Again, a self-esteem issue which I feel traces back to Peter.

    Then this Manosphere, that is just an arm of the Right. That was when he became warped and dangerous.

    Peter was facing career challenges too. Even today, still feel that there are unresolved issues. Should have been outside intervention into the home. Sending a boy to a school for "Problem Boys" should be looked at.

    Elliot needed to find some place where he could connect with the people, and that would likely be hard.


    Jimi Hendrix Live Full Concert 1969 Amazing Clear Footage

    TJ Street
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So we have had Poetry Slams. So has San Francisco.

    Elliot Rodger would have been good at that. He could have learned.

    There is maybe some affectation to it, but he was like that.

    He would have been seen and appreciated.

    He could have organized such, a weekly event in some cafe.

    But no, he carried within him a very deep rejection, coming from his father Peter. His fixation on getting laid, of course that means he will not get laid, but that was his way of trying to alleviate the deep rejection. It would never have worked, just pleading for his father's approval and admiration.


    Sexy Girls World Map ( consider Ecuador and Argentina )


    Year of the Pig

    TJ Street
  • ime
    6 years ago
    In 1967, Polish mercenary Rafal Ganowicz was asked what it felt like to take a human life. He replied: "I don't know, I've only ever killed communists"
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Elliot Rodger could have done Poetry Slams

    Poetry Slam

    More Poetry

    Howl, Ginsberg

    He could have organized them too.

    But he had a bigger issue, and it was not getting laid. It was the rejection coming from his father.

    I have no direct evidence of this, but when there is something between parent and child which is never resolvable, it seems to be sexual molestation. Such is not uncommon when parents separate, a way to get back at the other parent. The parent knows that what they did is wrong, but they will never admit that the unworkable relationship which follows was caused by this.

    Would have been better if Elliot could have gone with his mother. Loved it when she took him to Malaysia.


    Conscious Love with Richard Smoley

    Mexico City




    Ninos Heros seems to be the main street hooker place in Mexico City

    Calzada de Tlalpan ( its West side ) and then from Viaducto Piedad going South to Napolean.

    So let me see what I can find in street view:

    In red dress:

    another in red dress:

    Notice their rubber tired public transit train, running down the center of:
    Calzada de Tlalpan


    Black Mini Dress


    Red Dress in front of small hotel

    Giant Size PEMEX station

    Starting over at the Northern Boundary, as I am seeing it.

    Diverting Right Down Calle Segovia, not disapointed

    Certainly not

    back to going South on the East side of Calzada de Tlalpan

    Little bit further South than Napoleon

    Lots of Hotels on this East side of Calzada de Tlalpan

    at Napoleon


    Remember this awesome find? I think the effect is mainly in how she is dressed.

    Yes, seems to be this corner:

    Intersection of San Simon and Limon, next to a park, close to Catholic Church.

    Close to their international airport

    Yes, so she is about 600ft West of H. Congresso de La Union, its west side, San Simon and Limon, adjacent to a park, close to a Catholic Church, Paroquia de la Santa Cruz y Nuestra....

    Parroquia de la Santa Cruz y Nuestra Señora de la Soledad


    Yes, here, found her anew from the world map!

    Second Pic
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Consider this, if Elliot Roger did not have a father Peter to send his 140 page manifesto to, he would not have done the killings.

    And it was not just gun killings, he killed the two Chinese roommates and their friend by slitting their throats.


    Mexico City, has so many people and cars on the streets, that if one is interested in hookers, likely best to find a bar, or you would really have to know that area.








    Richard Smoley, Inner Christianity

    Business Law Today, 10th and 11th Edition, Roger LeRoy Miller

    New, Used, purchase as ebook (pdf) and in libraries
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Elliot trying to win the approval of his father Peter. That's why he needed to have the blonde bombshell on his arm.

    But he was not approaching girls and being rejected. He was too scared to, or he just knew that it would be futile.


    The End of Work and the Case for Universal Basic Income
    Andy Stern, former President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), author of Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream, and Senior Fellow at Columbia University's Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy

    How Ayn Rand Became a Hero to Right Wing Nerds -- Thom Hartmann

    Thom Hartmann: Atlas Shrugged - bizarre philosophy at work -- Thom Hartmann

    Alec Baldwin: Trump's 'SNL' Attack May Be 'A Threat To My Safety'

    Kim Kardashian

    Thierry Mugler

    Intimidation, Pressure and Humiliation: Inside Trump’s Two-Year War on the Investigations Encircling Him -- New York Times

    Venus, Shocking Blue, actually live, with only what you see on stage, and not hamming for the camera, quite good, a coffee house grade performance

    Alvin Lee – The Bluest Blues

    JEFF BECK -Brush With the Blues

    Joe Bonamassa - I'll Play The Blues For You

    Joe Bonamassa - "Breaking Up Somebody's Home"

    Joe Bonamassa - The Thrill Is Gone
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No one to tell Elliot that his father and step mother are full of shit, and that he can develop himself in other ways. No one to assure Elliot that his father is going to be held accountable.


    Radio astronomy parabola project

    How to Build a Radio Telescope

    How Composers use Fibonacci Numbers & Golden Ratio | Composing with Fibonacci

    How to Make Plasma, and Vacuum Devices (Fusion Reactors, Magnetrons and More!)

    Losing Arguments with Your Wife After Her Brain Surgery - Jim Gaffigan

    A most impressive article:


    The origins of freemasonry : facts & fictions / Margaret C. Jacob. (2006)

    Ending the Punishment of Poverty: Supreme Court Rules Against High Fines & Civil Asset Forfeiture

    Frances Fox Piven, Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the Graduate Center, CUNY


    NOLO, Bourbon Street


    Peter Green - In The Skies ( Full Album ) 1979


    I love the smell of napalm in the morning
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Elliot, rejected by his father Peter, trying to win his father's respect. Finally going out the only way he knew. What a screwed up world this is. Should we be holding Peter and those like him responsible?



    Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe

    "worldwide apparatus of persuasive technology designed to keep users engaged by appealing to lizard brain emotions and modifying their behavior, all while harvesting personal data and metadata to sell to advertisers"

    Broken Book

    Hidden Camera inside a Freemason Lodge ???? Looks good to me! ( stripper )

    Miles Davis, Love for Sale

    John Coltrane My Favorite Things (1961)

    New York Jazz Lounge - Bar Jazz Classics

    Do strippers usually makeout
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I believe that if Elliot were some place else besides UC, things could have worked out fine for him. As it was, the parents just wanted to get rid of him. Maybe they thought good would happen, but especially with the father Peter, he had already pretty much emotionally disowned him.

    Work experience, especially in the arts, and an arts school.


    Papi's No Nonsense Stripper Outfit

    That's a booty to die for. But if you follow the written instructions, you'll get that black paint all over you.

    Critical Path

    Grunch of Giants

    Los Angeles

    This one for me!



    Jeff Healey

    Invisibly Visible: Identifying Masonic Symbols 1/3

    Invisibly Visible: Identifying Masonic Symbols 2/3

    Masonry - Behind Closed Doors
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Saying that Eliot Rodger would have done well someplace else, does this mean that UC should change?

    Many see Frats and Sororities as a negative factor. I think UC Santa Cruz has less of this, but at UC LA the influence is maximized. Should this be changed?

    I don't think Elliot had much contact with these people, but they served as a symbol.

    UC has a younger average age, at CSU the ave age is higher, and at Community Colleges it is higher too.

    Our higher education is still tied to socio-economic class.

    This is what drives the social conformity, and this is what made it so that Elliot could not find a suitable place.

    Smaller schools, satellite colleges, creative arts programs, different physical locations, this would have changed things, and changed things for Elliot Rodger.


    Vietnam Freelancers And Hostess Ladies

    Avoid Getting Gobbled Up On Pattaya's Streets

    Biggest Sign of Divorce

    John Dean and E. Howard Hunt, portrayed:

    Jeff Healey
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So consider:

    1. Money keeps getting cut from UC, so they keep raising the fees. Then there is less financial aid than before, mostly just loans now. People working longer hours just to pay rent. So it gets to be a narrower and narrower segment of the population which can go there. Whereas CSU has a higher average age.

    Need to get costs down, and provide payment assistance, if not totally free.

    2. Friend of mine, my boss earned Phd from UC Berkeley. Son was ready to start college. Father said his son would "get lost" at UC Berkeley. So son was going to UC Santa Cruz. Maybe son was immature. That is not an indictment, its just caused by the sorts of life experiences one has had, or not had. Elliot Rodger was immature. Need something else. Small satellite campuses, special subject focus, like art, writing, humanities. And these without fraternities or sororities. And run to be supportive of part time employment.

    I say that these changes would have made a big difference!


    Love For Sale ( cover of Billy Holiday )

    Sunday on the Front Stoop; 'Critical Path', What was Buckminster Fuller trying to tell us?



    Pablo Sender - The Secret Doctrine: Part 1 - How to Study The Secret Doctrine

    James Phillips - Secrets of Adepts: An Introduction

    House Votes to Block Trump National Emergency Declaration ( tally means this must have been bipartisan, so it then could pass the Senate. Walls take time to build. So the idea that you build it by declaring a National Emergency is preposterous.)
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So my boss had his PhD from UC Berkeley. His son was ready no to go to college, and he was going to UC Santa Cruz. Boss said that his son would get lost is he went to UC Berkeley.

    So I take that as meaning that he is not very academically engaged, has no real plans. No, UCB would not be a good experience for him.

    Maybe the son was immature. But that should not be a criminal indictment.

    Never met the son, met the mother. I am sure the son would never do anything crazy.

    Elliot Rodger was immature and not academically engaged. But somehow this idea of "getting laid" became his supposed problem. This has to have come from the father Peter. It was not really about getting laid, as Elliot was not even approaching girls. In fact he was dropping out of classes if they had girls. So he only finished one class.

    No, this is about winning the approval of his father Peter. Somehow Peter was able to problematize Elliot.


    Kenneth Grant & Typhonian References

    Bernie Sanders Kicks Off 2020 Run in Brooklyn, New York

    Sen. Rand Paul Likely to Oppose Nat’l Emergency in Decisive Vote


    Metallica - Ain't My Bitch

    Master of Puppets

    Metallica - Bleeding Me

    Thin Lizzy Full Concert U K 1983
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So I could see Elliot Rodger as a theater actor.

    What parts would he be good in?

    Just to cut to the chase, the guy is Hamlet.

    So immature, and looking it.

    And then when he killed Rosencrantz and Gildenstern and joined up with the pirates, and then the shock on the face of Claudius when he ended up back in Denmark.

    A child cannot very well reach adulthood when there are serious lies in play.

    In this case it cost not only the life of Hamlet, but also of Ophelia and Laertes, an entire generation.


    Theosophical Society, on war and violence, 55min audio workshop

    has 7 articles

    Ocasio-Cortez hopes to 'break this fourth wall' by responding to 'bad-faith attacks'
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Reading some of the Daniel Michael Ante-Contreras
    UC Riverside English Dept Doctoral Dissertation right now.

    This project was generously supported by a fellowship awarded from the
    University of California, Riverside Graduat
    e Division for three quarters.
    Eternal thank
    s to
    Sherryl Vint, whose wisdom and willingness to help whenever and wherever were
    fundamental to shaping this project; many of the ideas in the following pages would not
    have existed witho
    ut her insight and mentorship.
    With gratitude also to Keith Harris,
    whose suggestions about whiteness and violence were fundamental to the early stages of
    this project, and to Derek Burrill, who always knew the right time to check in on my
    writing and my personal well
    For allowing me to know the fun, play, and love
    exists in the world outside of academia, Dakota is owed so much for this project, even if
    she won’t realize
    for many years. My love also goes to Denise, who does more good
    daily than exists in this entire dissertation and who has kept me accountab
    le to life and
    Both Dakota and Denise have showed me that this project is so much more than
    the sum of my ideas. Gratitude also to my friends and family, but especially to Raymond
    Rim, who has been a constant source of inspiration in my thinking a
    bout masculinity and
    neoliberalism and a constant friend over
    the last six years.

    For Denise
    and Dakota
    Who have believed in the person I was, am, and will be,
    when I haven’t

    This dissertation explores
    cultural production about autism

    from film,
    television, literature, and video games to United States legal documents

    in order to
    define and analyze assumptions about white masculinity within
    the ideologies of
    . In popular culture, characters with autism are generally limited to
    as either apathetic harbingers of dehumanizing
    presents and futures
    (as in
    science fiction with autistic characters)
    or as dependents who have a difficult tim
    unctioning in modern economies and who must ultimately “overcome” through personal
    In both models, autism presents problems of productivity, independence, and
    In these ways, representations of autism
    are often intimately connected
    neoliberal goals and
    expose how neoliberal subjects are made to perform
    These texts
    present, then, a means of tracing the evolution of how neoliberalism has impacted culture,
    identity, and disability. Further, such representations of (primarily men) wi
    th autism were
    produced simultaneously to the idea that a “crisis of masculinity” has resulted from
    modern social and economic policies. Connecting
    David Savran’s concept of the “white

    male as victim” under late capitalism and Sally Robinso
    n’s concept of t
    he “marked man”
    to Stuart Murray’s notion of the “Hollywood logic of autism,”
    dissertation argues
    that cultural definitions of autism have had key roles in furthering the privatized, enraged
    affects that sustain neoliberalism.
    Through this methodology, the dissertation seeks to
    further define the intersections of masculinity and disability as a potentially hegemonic
    coalition through which notions of self
    financialization, rational self
    interest, and rugged
    individualism are
    By noting the relationship between autism and neoliberal
    subjectivity, the dissertation disentangle
    the mythologies through which disabilities and
    masculinities are made productive for regimes that create immense amounts of social,
    political, and
    economic suffering.
    It also furthers research on how affective and cognitive
    disabilities (as opposed to physical, the focus of most disability studies) are constructed
    through cultural discourse and, specifically, expands understandings of autism by putti
    different media in conversation with each other.

    well, 280 pages long, with about 40 pages about Elliot Rodger. This latter is where I will start


    Tasmanian Devil

    A highly acclaimed book!

    Nation Exclusive: ICE Has Kept Tabs on ‘Anti-Trump’ Protesters in New York City


    Willpower always was a stupid idea

    This Gary Thomas is an absolute idiot!

    Joe Bonamassa "Drive"

    Peoria Il show, 8-25-17
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Talks about how autism as been invented as THE pathology of the neo-liberal era.

    Still not totally sure where this author is going, but I could not have even imagined something like this on my own.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Under neoliberalism, a renewed vision of the invisible logic of the economy emerges in response to economic manipulation, resignifying masculinity as a pursuit of subjection to probability that requires self-financialization. The economic manipulator is vilified, and sometimes feminized, in this period while the new hero functions as a believer in numbers and economic destiny. Men with autism, because they are represented as having attributes and goals in line with an extreme laissez faire understanding of personal identity, repeatedly symbolize this transition to a post-Recession world, as I will demonstrate in relation to the television series Parenthood in Chapter Four and in brief remarks about the film Adam at the end of Chapter Five. Such representations become more prominent in the “post-Recession” period because of the lesson of the Recession, as produced through neoliberal ideologies: the Recession did not show that economic rationality is in need of serious critical examination; instead, it critiques the manipulation of the economy through the risky speculation of private financial institutions. Control has been lost to emotional actors. The solution, then, is to renew neoliberalism by submitting even more fully to market logics. This chapter more

    broadly discusses the affective assumptions of neoliberal subjectivity after the Recession, arguing that such affects are often directly labeled “autistic” or internalize a specific iteration of the white male as victim that intersects with emotions generally subsumed under autism.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Too bad the above had to be written at UCR, not UCSB. Besides the Alpha Phi Sorority and Elliot Rodger, know what else UCSB has?

    Lynn Kern Koegel



    I am convinced that Dr. Koegel falls within the Nuremberg definition of Crimes Against Humanity, and that this is how it should be prosecuted.


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "The intersections between masculinity and autism as they relate to this neoliberal subject are clear by reading between the lines of one of the most comprehensive psychological theories of autism and gender, Simon Baron-Cohen’s theories of “the male brain.” His argument about autism, developed in The Essential Difference: Male And Female Brains And The Truth About Autism, is that what he calls the “male brain” is less wired for empathy, and more for systemizing, than the “female brain.” There are many important implications of this rather simple idea. First, it constructs autism as an extreme form of masculinity. Second, it links masculinity and autism together through a concept, systemizing, embedded in the notion of seeing the world in terms of systems, taking the human element (empathy) away from personal relationships and reducing the world to overarching logics, as does Jake in Touch. This is also similar to the cold eye of neoliberalism, using economic analysis to understand non-economic objects. Third, it naturalizes such cold distance as simply an expression of the “male brain” and, therefore,
    uses the autism spectrum as a way of concealing the social consequences and manifestations of gender domination. Men construct systems, whereas women feel. Fourth, the “fact” that men are less able to feel empathy (on average) suggests that men naturally tend toward violence, whether they are autistic or not. Independent male action, and violence, counters the manipulation by and affective logics of women and governmental structures in Touch.

    autism are more violent, his theory contradicts his assurances.33 Indeed, he says as much when he defines empathy: “Empathy also stops you inflicting physical pain on a person or animal” (23). A similar idea is repeated when he states that “males tend to show far more direct aggression” (35). This comes right before the most striking connection made between violence and the “male brain”: Baron-Cohen suggests the fact that men murder more than women can be explained by this difference in empathy (35-36).

    This Simon Baron-Cohen is a major force in convincing people that they have this ~neurological difference~, keeping that autism industry going, and of course the reason people go along with it is that it exonerates the parents.

    Still have to see how this relates to Elliot Rodger.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    page 128

    this chapter analyzes the autobiography of Elliot Rodger, the 2014 rampage shooter who killed multiple people in Isla Vista, California, as a case study. Indeed, the possibility that Rodger was autistic has circulated in the media. My focus will be, however, how Rodger’s narrative reflects the broader relationships to probability and gambling central to neoliberal masculinity.
    Whereas Baron-Cohen might see Rodger’s act of violence as existing on a scale of empathy and systemizing, which he argues are inherently “wired” into particular

    and referencing a very new and most interesting and insightful book:

    In War on Autism: On the Cultural Logic of Normative Violence, Anne McGuire argues that violence, both metaphorical and physical, against people with ASD is a much larger problem.

    genders, I read Rodger as an artifact of neoliberal values. These values led him to an obsession with the idea that the lottery could save him from his inability to become wealthy and attract women. He is a real manifestation (albeit as he narrativizes himself in his autobiography and how the news media have narrativized him) of the performances of neoliberal masculinity and the white male as victim. The desire to associate him with autism emphasizes how central autism is to a systemizing, violent vision of masculinity, even as television representations, as I will show in the next chapter, attempt to assuage such anxieties. The next section gives some background on Rodger and his mental illness in the frame of neoliberal theory. The subsequent sections will use Rodger’s autobiography to define “neoliberal subjectivity” and “neoliberal masculinity” as they emerge in U.S. culture following the Great Recession.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    page 129

    Elliot Rodger: Defining Neoliberal Masculinity
    On May 23, 2014, Elliot Rodger stabbed his two roommates and their friend to death in his Isla Vista apartment near the University of California, Santa Barbara. After this brutal attack, the 23-year-old went to Starbucks, where he bought a coffee, before returning to his apartment’s parking lot. He sat in his car, where he uploaded a video to YouTube and emailed his autobiography (My Twisted World) to his parents and others using his laptop. He then drove to the Alpha Phi sorority house. When no one responded to his knocks on the door, he began shooting people nearby. He killed two members of the Delta Delta Delta sorority and wounded a third. For the next ten to fifteen minutes, Rodger drove around Isla Vista, shooting at random people and hitting others with his

    car, killing one more person and wounding fourteen. Eventually, as police closed in on him, he committed suicide.
    Rodger, the son of a British filmmaker and a Malaysian film assistant, was born in London in 1991 but primarily lived in wealthy Los Angeles suburbs after moving to Southern California when he was five. When his parents divorced in 1999 he began splitting his time between their houses, though he did not get along well with his father’s eventual second wife. He attended therapy sessions for much of his life due to depression and problems with anger and was reportedly prescribed anti-psychotic medication (used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), which he refused to take. His mother, in her divorce papers, claimed that “Elliot has special needs; he is a high functioning autistic child,” though he never seems to actually have been diagnosed with ASD (Duke). On the Internet, much has been made about whether or not he was on the spectrum, or whether or not it even matters.34
    The term autism appears in the Santa Barbara County Sheriff Office’s “Investigative Report” of Rodger’s crimes five times as opposed to only twice in the

    and a note at the bottom of page 130

    Most attention to Rodger and autism has, of course, come from gossip sites and other less reputable news organizations, such as the Daily Mail. Autism awareness websites responded by having their own discussions, with some arguing and commenting that, indeed, Asperger’s leads to defiance and violence. For example, on the liberal website DailyKos, a man, “DaddyO,” who claims to have a daughter with autism made a pro-gun reform argument by stating that “if Elliot Rodger suffered from autism, then he was too sick to have been allowed to own firearms” (emphasis mine). He goes on to call people with mental illness people who are “mentally deficient” and suggests that cognitive disability is visibly legible: “Rodger was diagnosed or observed to be a person with autism.” He also directly states that Rodger’s autism “led to this murder spree” and actually explains Rodger’s misogyny by claiming that he wasn’t a “woman-hater.” Instead, he was just trapped in his autistic inability to speak. This commentary points to a major theme in the next two chapters, the use of autism to depathologize masculinity.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    page 132

    Karen Tonso states that rampage shootings primarily emerge from “the harm done by ideologies of masculine supremacy” (1268). Lamenting the fact that he cannot understand why women do not like him, Rodger rants about the evils of women and his fears that he will not be able to reproduce. As he questions his masculinity, often commenting on the small size of his body, he redirects his anxiety by slipping into racism, not understanding why white women would like “an inferior Mexican guy” (87) or “ugly Asian” guy (121). Though Rodger was half-white and half-Malaysian, he claimed whiteness as a means of identifying with privilege and sexual superiority, though, performing as the white male

    references the book I right off used to understand this:

    For more on the social causes of school shootings, see Katherine Newman’s Rampage: The Social Roots of School Shootings."

    victim, he believed these privileges were threatened. In his final video on YouTube, “Retribution,” Rodger directly lays out his justifications for the shooting:
    For the last eight years of my life, ever since I hit puberty, I've been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires all because girls have never been attracted to me. Girls gave their affection, and sex and love to other men but never to me.
    Understandings of Rodger’s violence do not, then, merely emphasize autism or mental illness more generally; they tie these to contemporary gender politics, a sense of distant, rational entitlement. His violence, the dominant narrative goes, was prompted by unfulfilled sexual desires interacting with psychosis.
    Whether Rodger was autistic is not important to this chapter because I do not accept the idea that such a diagnosis would explain his violence, an argument that could be extrapolated from Baron-Cohen’s theories of autism. Instead, I want to point out how Rodger, as he narrativizes his identity in his autobiography, operates as a marked man, performing his own sense of disability which is clearly both social and affective in nature. I evaluate him as a metaphor for neoliberal masculinity, attached as it is to an economic rationality. This chapter offers a new interpretation of Rodger through a focus on how his sense of masculinity intersected with an ignored aspect of his autobiography: his obsession with the lottery. I assert that contemporary masculinity should be viewed in the frame of both larger economic contexts and individual economic desires. This economic interpretation of masculinity sheds light on rampage violence beyond explanations of gender domination, showing instead how the lottery functions within fantasies of reclaiming a “rightful” social position and fantasies of economic fitness embedded in the volatile relationship between wealth and masculinity.

    ^^^^^ bottom of page 133

  • Icey
    6 years ago
    He had a martyr complex and believed that killing ie lashing out would make him a bigger martyr.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    But that is also the standard revenge and hard won manhood narrative which the NRA promotes. And that doctrine is the underpinning of the Republican Party.

    This is what Ralph Larkin says, having written about Elliot Rodger and about Columbine.

    And as I know, the Columbine pair really did not have any martyr narrative.

    Another question then is should Elliot have been at UCSB? If not, some other college, where? If not in college, where?


    Stones, Gimme Shelter, Atlantic City 1989, early Lisa Fischer

    Wicked Lady

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Saw pictures of Elliot Rodger at the Academy Awards. I think with Peter and the Step Mom. He seemed happier than a clam.

    So how did he go from there to not being able to stand to be around beautiful young women and having to drop his classes.

    He completed zero classes at the two community colleges near his home, and zero at the one in Santa Barbara. At UCSB he finally was able to complete one class, just one.

    So at the Academy Awards, that was one of the places he learned that sex was connected to extreme wealth.

    He was still considered a child, the young starlets still a bit older, and presumably out of his social reach. Where as the college girls should not have to be out of his reach.

    Still trying to understand what things made this guy the way he was.

    Still think he could have done better some place else, and that UC really should make some changes, CSU and Community Colleges too.



    Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand (Live Knebworth 1979)
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    If Elliot Rodger was able to get out of that age segregated and otherwise very narrow world of college, things might have gone very well for him. But still not sure what really would have been best.

    One video I want to find again has his high school principal.

    But I find some other stuff:

    Family friend of Santa Barbara shooter: He was the loneliest person I ever met

    Almost always the family friends will side with the parents and lionize them.

    Friend of Alleged Santa Barbara Shooter Discusses Warning Signs

    Rodger's neighbor: 'He was so closed off'


    - The World Is A Ghetto by War -

    TJ Street


    Pleaser 9 and 10 inch
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    One of his shooting survivors, Tri Delta, speaks:


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Friend of Elliot Rodger: 'I knew immediately it was him.'


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    more videos, longer documentaries






    I have to say that I have never seen yet anyone who seems to have a good understanding of Elliot and this incident.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    has some of the family emails being read, so it seems

    This is what I was looking for, has clips with the high school principal. Any outside perspective on this help in making it understandable.


    President Trump Threatens Political Opponents with Violence

    President Trump appeared to threaten his political opponents with violence in an interview published Thursday by the far-right website Breitbart. Trump accused his opponents on the left of “playing tough” but said his supporters are tougher, telling Breitbart, “I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump—I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough—until they go to a certain point and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

    Jeff Healey Band

    The Way Life Should Be, Awesome Slut Dress

    Frantz Fanon, by Peter Hudis

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Okay, the forensic psychiatrists are useless blabber. The one I wanted to hear was the high school principal. She speaks of 20/20 hind sight, being there sometimes. Looking and saying, "now I get it".

    But then she says that with Elliot that is not there. So she is not able to understand it either. I find this to be quite telling, confirming my own feelings that this is a really deep matter.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Ah one thing good commentary. They say that if Elliot had not focused on his in ability to "get laid", he would have found something else to make this about.

    This matches with my own perception, that this is really about something else causing him an extreme sense of inadequacy, not just about girls and sex.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    They use these kinds of incidents to call for Psychiatric Policing. That definitely could be the thing which triggers a violent revolution.

    Anyway, watching this one now:

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Okay, the above one is the same as the previous. So I will watch this one:


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Yes, this video has some additional interpretations:


    We're Still Right

    Kenny Wayne Shepherd - While We Cry - live Summerfest 2015
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger (July 24, 1991 – May 23, 2014)

    Rodger attended Crespi Carmelite High School, an all-boys Catholic school in Encino, Los Angeles, and then Taft High School in Woodland Hills.[66] He graduated from Independence Continuation High School in Lake Balboa in 2009.[66] He briefly attended Los Angeles Pierce College and Moorpark College, before moving to Isla Vista on June 4, 2011.[9] Rodger attended Santa Barbara City College (SBCC). In his manifesto, he said that he dropped out of all his classes in February 2012.[1] The school said he was no longer taking any classes.

    Mother: Li Chin Rodger

    Step Mother: Soumaya Akaaboune

    still another video I want to find.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I think colleges have to accept that they are usually getting people who have never lived away from their parents. So they are getting people who have been shamed and humiliated by the middle-class family.

    No, they cannot do psychiatric policing, but they could do things to let the schools be more open and diverse, less of a homogeneous monoculture.


    We're Still Right

    Kenny Wayne Shepherd - While We Cry - live Summerfest 2015
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Elliot Rodger carried the weight of his father's condemnation. Nothing UC could have done would have changed that. The only thing which would have made any difference would have been legal reforms which could have been used to hold the father Peter accountable.

    UC could do things which would make it more inclusive and engaging for more people. The way things are now, UC does hurt lots and lots of people.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    UC and other comparable schools hurt lots of people.

    I'll read the above thesis and the gambling book. After that, no more Elliot material available.

    Go on to read about Sandyhook Adam Lanza, he was shooting 8 year olds!

    THen about Columbine. Did these guys have a real grievance.

    Makes one consider that the Elliot Rodger grievance was not for real.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    If only Elliot could have been able to hold out and live to get beyond college. Or if only he could have found some other place to be, instead of college. But no one else is saying that there is anything inherently wrong about college.


    Pablo Sender - The Secret Doctrine: Part 1 - How to Study The Secret Doctrine

    Social Entrepreneurship

    Robert A. Caro on the means and ends of power

    The Irrationality of Alcoholics Anonymous

    Origins of the Perennial Philosophy School of Thought

    Ananda Coomaraswamy

    Pretend You Have A Cold, Pelosi to Biden
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Elliot Rodger faced an age segregated world. It amounted to an involuntary extension of adolescence.

    UC is more age segregated than CSU, and that more so than Community Colleges.

    Educationally this is the opposite of what one would expect. But when you consider costs, and the socio-economic replication dynamics, then it makes perfect sense.

    But no one else is raising these issues. No one else is saying there is something wrong about UC.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Why the Menendez Brothers Say They Killed Their Parents: Part 1

    Could New Evidence Lead To Another Trial For The Menendez Brothers? | Megyn Kelly TODAY

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    New Book:
    The Menendez Murders: The Shocking Untold Story of the Menendez Family and the Killings that Stunned the Nation


    Newly discovered evidence which could not have been available at the time of trial?

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    His primary motive was not hatred of women. That was just a view he learned via on line misogynist sources and came to accept. That was his major error, and error of interpretation. He blamed young women, but he failed to see that his social and civil standing had been already badly compromised.

    That the parents had Elliot seeing a therapist, and they were not seeing the same therapist themselves, and that the therapist was not reporting suspected child abuse, this sets off alarm bells for me.


    Joe Golem: Occult Detective Volume 2--The Outer Dark


    Brian Eno ( quite good )

    Is it possible to have computers generate such music on their own, and even in real time?

    Pablo Sender - The Secret Doctrine: Part 1 - How to Study The Secret Doctrine
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Was the Psychotherapist who was seeing Elliot Rodger while in high school, violating mandatory reporting in suspected cases of child abuse? That is both a state felony, and a federal felony.


    Irish Republican Army
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Elliot Rodger wanted his social and civil standing restored. He had zero interest in hookers of strippers, or Mexican P4P, or Japanese masturbation pillows.

    The frat boys were getting it, or so it looked. He made the mistake of faulting the young women for this, rather than faulting capitalism and partriarchy, as this is what puts the frat boys into those kinds of positions. And he never thought about he and a group of comrades might claim their own status and displace the frat boys.


    Wishbone Ash - Argus 1971 (Full Vinyl 1973) Spain
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    What is beneath the surface in the Elliot Rodger case? I believe there is still much. But will we ever get to find out?


    Police live 2018
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Still not read that UC Riverside thesis. But what else is there that I could learn about this from?


    Biopower: Why We Don’t Revolt

    Alvin Lee – The Bluest Blues
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So I have followed the matter of Elliot Rodger, the 2014 rampage throat cutter and shooter. UC Santa Barbara, Isla Vista, CA. Killed 6, injured others.

    He allowed himself to be influenced by all sorts of misogynist stuff. And this is echoed in his 135 page Manifestro. But he wasn't born that way. No reason he should have been so susceptible to it.

    So I look at what information is available and I ask how did this happen? One thing jumps out at me, when his father Peter Rodger is being interviewed by Barbara Walters, she asks about them sending Elliot to a psychotherapist, and yes, Peter said that they were. So what this sounded like was that Elliot was going, but no one else.

    Well I had thought that psychotherapists rejected that. People should not be able to hire them as FixMyKid Doctors.

    In my view, all such things should automatically be under the supervision of the Juvenile Dependency Court. But then this would eliminate 98% of the business for private practice psychotherapists. Makes me so sad.

    Why Children Don't Belong in Therapy -- A Former Psychotherapist Speaks

    Looking over the Elliot Rodger episode, I look to see what could be there that we have not been told. That the parents were sending him to a therapist, but he only, not them too, to me suggests a serious problem.

    We don't really want to be sending people to therapy, teaching them to see the difficulties they face as personal problems, and then opening them to the theories of the therapist. We want to be giving them a political education, and then getting them involved in direct activism.




  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    More about the mental health system and how wrong it is:

    Take These Broken Wings

    Why I Quit Being A Therapist

    A Former Therapists Critique of Psychotherapy

    Bertram Karon Clips

    Why Children Don't Belong In Therapy

    Why I Became a Therapist

    Sexual Abuse of Sons by Mothers


    Jackson Browne: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Another School Shooting, Colorado


    And just like Columbine, this one has two shooters. That really freaks people out because it goes against the lone nut psychopath understanding.

    Douglas County, Highlands Ranch

    It is near Columbine, HIghlands Ranch STEM School

    Here, use zoom outs and changing back to maps to see where this is:


    How many people here like Psychedelic Blues-Rock?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Remember that Columbine was in nearby Littleton.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    All about 10 to 15 miles South of Denver.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Colorado school shooting suspects to hear list of charges in court next week

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Memorial service planned for Colorado Shooting Hero

    Not hearing much about the shooters, what and why?


    Police - Roxanne - 2008, really altered the phrasing for this performance. Phrasing has always been a big part of their sound.

    I only like this heavily track overlaid studio recording of this song, not any of the live versions. Cause of the singer's style. And I don't so much like the other guys who usually sings this either.

    Suspicious Mind - Elvis Presley

    Glenn Campbell, experience really shows, in my opinion. They have a four string bass player, but notice the guy who solos on the six string bass.

    Try a Little Tenderness

    Lauryn Hill - Killing Me Softly



    I'd Rather Go Blind
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I feel that there was really something going on with Elliot Rodger, something under the surface. Probably something to do with his father, in my opinion.


    Dionne Warwick - Do You Know the Way to San Jose

    Quicksilver Messenger Service - What About Me - 12/28/1975 - Winterland (Official)

    Michelle Alexander on The New Jim Crow, at Union Theological Seminary ( she wrote a very important book )

    Paul Tillich Symposium: John Caputo Lecture
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "He's the family enigma"


    "we were sending him to a therapist"

    Its all in this interview video, not the supposed "Mental Illness", but the othering and dengration coming from Peter.


    Alabama Passes Near Total Ban on Abortion as Part of “Stealth Campaign” to Overturn Roe v. Wade

    Georgia State Senator Jen Jordan (D) dissenting

    King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man - 2015 live

    21st Century Schizoid Man / Alterd States

    King Crimson Epitaph Best Version -- Greg Lake sings

    Rainbow - Street Of Dreams

    Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love

    Rainbow - Catch The Rainbow (1975)
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Two Weeks After Tragedy, STEM Seniors Graduate; Asylum Seekers Arrive At Colorado Churches


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Why Children Don't Belong in Therapy -- Daniel Macker

    Why I Quit Being a Therapist -- Six Reasons by Daniel Mackler


    She's A Lady - Tom Jones

    Dusty Springfield Son of a Preacher Man


    Joss Stone

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    No one follows my read on the Elliot Rodger incident, that there is something wrong about the University of California.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Sending Elliot to a Psychotherapist was fucked! What he needed was a lawyer, to deal with his parents.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    12 dead, Virginia Beach, Municipal Center


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ 3 disturbing audio clips, police radio


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ police radio recordings most interesting.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Police: Suspects in Denver STEM shooting were high on coke, carried guns in guitar case

    McKinney, who was born female but identifies as male, said he wanted to hurt his classmates because they taunted him over his gender identity. Erickson told investigators he was afraid of McKinney and made several efforts to stop the attack or limit the carnage, according to court documents released in Douglas County, Colorado on Thursday evening.


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Virginia Beach Shooting


    Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite

    LULU / TO SIR WITH LOVE (1967)

    Gary Puckett & The Union Gap - Young Girl & Lady Will Power - (Stereo TV Remaster - 1968)

    A book says that a young Bruce Springsteen strongly identified with The Animals and these two songs:

    The Animals - It's My Life

    The Animals - We Gotta Get Out Of This Place (1965) HD/widescreen ( obvious lip sync. Heard this recording many times. In the intro I feel that Burdon sounds like Elvis Presley.

    Van McCoy & Pan's People » Do the Hustle (1975) ( some nice hotties, 5 of them )

    Eric Burdon & War - Spill The Wine ( remember that in the 60's it was just AM radio, so all the pop genres were together. It was later in the 70's that they separated, largely because of FM radio. And the primary dividing line was race. )

    The Rolling Stones - Anybody Seen My Baby
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So Elliot Rodger, his life got turned into a problem to be solved, how Elliot should get laid. And this was taken on by his Father, Birth Mother, and Step Mother.

    Elliot had a problem to solve, Elliot was a problem to solve. And they all went along with this.

    Maybe the BIrth Mother thought more nicely about it, but she was still treating it as a problem to solve.

    Step Mother became the most outspoken and not liking Elliot and getting him banished from the home, and enforcing this.

    But where was it really coming from, from the Father Peter. And this was clear in the Barbara Walters interview.

    People go to college to learn all sorts of things. But for Elliot this was impossible, because there was a much deeper issue of his legitimacy which was in play.

    I've completely reject the ~mental illness~ explanation, or the idea that anyone should ever go to ~psychotherapy~.

    What opened a door of understanding to me was this simple thing that Elliot could not stand to be around girls.

    How far back does this go? What does it mean? And with the affectionate couples, it was the worst for Elliot.

    Well, I see not that this is not just jealousy over the guys getting the female attention. It goes much deeper.

    He sees these young women as denying his masculinity, as denying his legitimacy as a human being.

    But where does he get this idea? It is coming from his parents, all three, and especially from Peter.

    And this is why Elliot does not seem to think about a girl he could get along with, he thinks about the blond bombshell, as that might win back the approval of his father.

    Well when people are being denied legitimacy in that way, we want them to fight back and to overturn the oppressors.

    But Elliot was getting led astray by this Men's Rights Misogynist Movement. They are actually blaming the women, and blaming feminism. This is wrong headed.

    It is not the women themselves, and it is not feminism. Rather, it was a denial of legitimacy coming from the family, as the middle-class family is designed to exploit and abuse children. The women are just responding to the cues of legitimacy or not. They were never the originators.

    But as things were, Elliot never had any chance to develop himself in any manner. He could not "work on himself", cause his basic legitimacy was being denied by his parents.

    Really, if he had shot his father dead, I would not have shed a tear.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So does this relate to my thesis that there is something wrong with these schools, like UC, too?

    I say yes.

    I think these schools should de-recognize fraternities and sororities. This does not eradicate them, but it levels the playing field.

    As President of Princeton, Woodrow Wilson had tried to abolish fraternities and sororities. He wanted to make the school more egalitarian. He was fired over this.

    UC could make itself more compatible with part time studies and distance learning. This would make the student body more diverse.

    I see Elliot as a creative arts person. There could be more small programs and small schools which do this.

    This is in San Francisco and about film. But there could be things like it which deal with other subject matter. I believe that such really would have been good for Elliot.


    As things were, there was no way Elliot could "work on himself", cause his legitimacy had long been suspended, and this was coming from The Family.


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Also, when they took Elliot out of regular high school and sent him to this special school for "troubled boys", Child Protective Services and the Court should have stepped in at that point for Elliot's protection. Still might have ended up the same way, but there should have been cause to suspect familial child abuse.

    Laws need to be strengthened.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    When Elliot called Peter on the telephone he was always having to say, "This is your son."

    Laws should be changed to require parents with money to pay for things like college, and as it is in most every other industrialized nation, no way to disinherit a child. And familial child abuse should be tortious.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Elliot Rodger, thinking about this since it went down in 2014.

    Peter Rodger needs to be made to know that he cannot write of Elliot, that he will be made to pay, not matter how much $ and no matter the time frame.

    After that, these Frats and Sororities should not enjoy official recognition. Doing so makes the school elitist.

    Now these did not make Elliot into what he was. He did not even really have contact with them. But they function in a symbolic role.

    So AIK, private schools tend to have them off campus, publicly run schools like UC tend to have them off campus.

    Off campus is better, but official recognition should also be cut off.

    Woodrow Wilson was President of Princeton. He tried to eliminate Frats and Sororities to make the school more egalitarian. He lost his job over this, but people still feel that what he was trying to do was right.

    Now this world of Staceys and Chads that Elliot lived in was a really harsh dog eat dog social realm. I don't agree that it is really like that. But I can see how it might sometimes look like it is.

    Elliot got those ideas from this Men's Rights, PUA, PUA-HATE, MG-TOW movement.

    Could UC do something which would show a different side of student social life? Maybe if Elliot saw that other side, he would have thought twice before going on a rampage and killing people for no reason?

    I could see Elliot doing Poetry Slams, and being quite good at it. There could be other things as well.



    New San Francisco DA:

    Boudin descends from a long left-wing lineage. His great-great-uncle, Louis B. Boudin,[8] was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court's influence on American government, and his grandfather Leonard Boudin was an attorney who represented controversial clients such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson.


    Boudin was born in New York City.[1] His parents, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, were Weather Underground members.[2]

    When Boudin was 14 months old, his parents were arrested for murder in their role as getaway car drivers in the Brink's robbery of 1981 in Rockland County, New York.[1][3] His mother was sentenced to 20 years to life[4] and his father to 75 years to life for the felony murders of two police officers and a security guard.[5] After his parents were incarcerated, Boudin was raised in Chicago by adoptive parents Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who, like his parents, had been members of the Weather Underground.[6] Kathy Boudin was released under parole supervision in 2003.[

    Both parents Weather Underground Members. Both served time, father still serving time.

    I wonder what his views are on P4P and strip club mileage and FRMOS's?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Elliot assimilated this Stacy and Chad doctrine, from the Misogynist Right. It is a very harsh world view, and the only truth in it is in very limited situations.

    People have said that Elliot should have worked on himself. Well he had no way he could have done this, no facet of himself that he could have worked on, because he was still trying to live down this idea that he was defective, and that had come from his parents.

    Elliot needed to be in a more diverse environment, and part of the problem was the way UC runs itself. And they do this to get the money from upper middle-class conformists.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The one which really shook people up was Columbine. And I think the reason was that it just did not fit into the lone nut explanation, because there were two of them. So everyone was scared that this was just the start of many such shootings.

    That guy Ralph Larkin who wrote the chapter about Elliot had also written an entire book about Columbine.

    But the one I want to read about next is Adam Lanza, Sandy Hook shooter. He is really scary because he was in his 20's, yet he was killing 8yo's. Somehow, in his mind, it had something to do with that school. But the key to understanding it will be that that morning, before he went to the school, he killed his mother.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So it came to be that Elliot Rodger could not stand to be around girls. So Peter arranged to transfer him to a school for "troubled boys", boys only. And then Peter was sending Elliot to a psychotherapist, but Peter and the others were not going.

    Where was Child Protective Services? Either of these three conditions, transferred out of school, can't be around girls, parents sending him to a psychotherapist, should require a mandatory report to CPS as suspected child abuse.

    Our laws are too loose, so children are going unprotected when there is clear evidence to suspect child abuse.

    Basic CPS action is a Well Being Check, unannounced home call, interview the child and the rest of the family. Should also interview the psychotherapist.

    Based on what they find, that could be the end of the matter. But on the other hand if they find evidence of a problem, then they file a case in the Juvenile Dependency Court. So Peter and the others will get the wax cleaned out of their ears, like only a judge can do. Likely they will have to go to counseling.

    And our laws should make it so that the parents are responsible for the child's needs with NO TIME LIMIT, and NO DOLLAR AMOUNT CEILING. That provision alone is what will make them listen.

    Especially listening to Peter scapegoat Elliot in front of Barbara Walters has convinced me of this.


    Someone gave me this for Christmas.

    Book is a fold out wall chart, 3 meters long. Cool!


    Cream - White Room -1968

    Yes - Yours Is No Disgrace - Live at Beat-Club - 1971 - Remastered


    TJ Street
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
    3 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    So I have posted a lot about Elliot Rodger.

    I have also been reading
    Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys
    by Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson (2000)

    And I find the above to be way too conservative.

    But this does not mean that it has no value. Their hard cover edition was released 12 days before the tragedy at Columbine High School in Colorado. So in this paper back edition they talk about this.

    They say that those two guys were, "Dead Men Walking".

    I'll explain more about this.

    But first, Ralph Larkin is one of the few who had written about Elliot Rodger. He was also the one who wrote the most about Columbine.

    So these are being connected, even though based on what the shooters said they do not seem similar.


    TJ Street

    GEORGE FEST - Norah Jones - SOMETHING @ Fonda 09-28-14
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    So let me explain a little bit more. When the Elliot incident happened I first thought of the Katherine S. Newman thesis


    These things don't happen in high crime urban settings where there are more guns in schools and where their are students with serious records. They happen in the most extreme opposite, the ex-urban monoculture places.

    In the diverse urban places people can find their own niches. But not in the monocultures.

    But she is talking about high schools, not colleges. Is UC Santa Barbara a mono-culture, and is that why Elliot Rodger couldn't find a niche and so he finally lost it?

    Ralph Larkin does not take anything Rodger said at face value. He sees it as part of the National Rifle Association / Republican Party doctrine of violent retribution.

    I was looking to hear someone saying that UC has a problem that it needs to deal with.

    Well, maybe this mention of Columbine in Raising Cain opens a door to that.

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