Who is hotter - Nichole1994 or her naughty twin, Pooshe1994?

If there was a problem Yo, I'll solve it, Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it, nice spice baby, nice spice baby
I guess the family doesn't talk much about Pooshe, apparently she is the "black sheep" (goat?) of the tribe.
last commentObviously they are both hot, but Nicole was a bit more annoying. Pooshe seems nice. I wonder why she is considered the sheep of color.
Question: does the lion guy count as rickdugan's evil twin? Or maybe it is rickdugan that is rickthelion's evil twin!
Pooshe is Nicole...Nicole just deleted her account and made new account called Pooshe ok
That’s what you say, why should we believe you ? Where is Nicole and what have you done to her?
Lol ummm sure @25
Skepticism is healthy. 9 times out of 10 when this happens, it's a troll account from someone else, and we're right.
Why not just PM founder and see if her can rename you're old account.
Neither of them is as good looking as Nicokeeyes1994.
This reminds me of I Dream of Genie - when her evil hot sister was on the show - or on Happy Days with Leather and Pinky Tuscadero.
I always find the black sheep sister to be hotter. Nicole is a pretty girl - but her dirty sister is more my type.
Nicole I still love you!
Pooshe1994 is hot
Yeah Pooshe seems naughtier
@flag - apparently Pooshe is in the habit of impersonating Nichole, including an incident where she passed herself off as Nichole to the police!
"Pooshe is Nicole...Nicole just deleted her account and made new account called Pooshe ok"
Uh-uh, that's just what you would expect Pooshe to say; plus Nicole's account is still up.
So are Pooshe and Nina the same person?
^and nicole
This site is too damn confusing with all these imposters.
Plus it used to be a SC enthusiast site, then it was all about SA and escorting and drooling over latinas in Tijuana. Now it's about music.
^ just tell'm to get off your lawn
lOL ok wow I'm done trying to explain myself
Queen troll out
Flagooner has it right
Just give flagooner a fruitcup and he’ll be happy ;)
Which ever one wears the MAGA hat. She's instantly hotter. ;)
Pooshe does not wear MAGA hat , nor does Nicole
^still hiding it under the burqa at the Trump rally, eh? I understand. ;)
Nicole is disgusted by the idea of hard fucking.
I’m wondering if Pooshe enjoys a long hard pounding? That would tip the scales in her direction...
No Pooshe does not like hard fucking lolol..
Sounds to scary . not willing to change this belief
@Family_man - figures you'd go for the trashy and slutty twin, instead of the classy and stylish one like I would.
For all we know, she's probably a druggie, too.
2 bits stop talking shit please thx
I havent touched drugs or alcohol since I was 16, and then I only do weed like 5 times on one year
@Nicole - we've cool, girl. I wasn't talking about you - I was talking about your naughty twin, Poosche.
Family_Man says she's fun and edgy...and you know what that means, right?
I’m disappointed that Pooshe doesn’t like hard fucking. I would be gentle if you want it in the ass!