Can't spot many U.S. accents so I don't know what you mean. I can spot a NY one as well as from the deep south. Do most non midwest people find that accent annoying? Over here the Birmingham one grates on everyone from outside the area.
I guess I never noticed but I may have the same accent. The only accent I find odd is the Brooklyn\New Jersey accent, I travel south for work sometimes and I don't mind the southern accents.
The southern accent is disappearing because so many residents were not born and raised here. I've been here 30 years now and don't use y'all but my kids do. I still occasionally run into a native that I can't understand over the phone. In person, I can read lips. :)
Is it just me, or has Papi been on a trolling roll lately? Lol
I didn’t realize strong accents were still a thing. I could have sworn hearing about how television “neutralized” a lot of regional dialects. Granted, if I did speak “Texan” then I wouldn’t know.
i always thought Midwestern was the no-accent accent. I thought that's why so many news broadcasters either have it or try to imitate it. Because Midwestern is pretty easy to understand.
Sorry Dom you fuckers have accents although it’s a lot less noticeable in men. Some midwesterners do not have an accent but a lot do. You talk to a female in Cleveland, Detroit or Chicago and they all can sound the same. People from Pittsburgh seem to have their own unique accent.
I didn’t realize strong accents were still a thing. I could have sworn hearing about how television “neutralized” a lot of regional dialects. Granted, if I did speak “Texan” then I wouldn’t know.
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
The sexiest accent is English spoken by French or French-Canadian women.