How does a stripper's boyfriend remember her bra size?

Q How does a stripper's boyfriend remember her bra size?

A It's the same as his IQ.


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avatar for TheeOSU
6 yrs ago

I think you're giving the BFs a little too much credit Jack. :D

avatar for Spillthebeans
6 yrs ago

@TheeOSU.....Let's review typical stripper bf. Sits at home all day playing latest video game system, snacks all day, gets taken put to dinner later, and is banging a stripper at $0 payout. Hmmmmm......Who has got if made ????

avatar for WPBpl
6 yrs ago

The boyfriend is smarter than the PL paying her to dance....he’s getting your money and banging her.

avatar for Icey
6 yrs ago

Whats so bad about dating strippers? To be honest, everyone Ive dated my adult life has been a stripper. Theyre just normal girls.

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