
What happened to the good old days? Part 2

Everything written by this member is a fact.
My kids tell me that bullying is virtually nonexistent in their high school. It is actually looked down upon now.

How are they going to learn how to deal with life when they are coddled through adolescence?


  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    I was bullied in high school, now the bullies envy me cause they broke while I make hunneds rain from the ceiling
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah - bullies are kinda ostracized these days - but there seems to be a lot of cyber-bullying going-on that can be as bad or worse than the bullying of when we grew up - but that too is getting clamped on after episodes of young-people committing suicide due to cyber-bullying.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ exactly. Kids nowadays are such softies.
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    It's the pussification of America. There was a pecking order in school. You learned to stand your ground or fight. Everyone babys their little angels. The don't ride the bus and they let them out 10 feet from the front door.
  • dC9428 is twice as young as u birches and he has dropped the mic on y'all

    Nicole out
  • dC u make me such a proud wife lololol
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Agree with DC.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Yeah America is nothing like it was

    I honestly don't even feel like a man when I look back at my dads life in Vietnam or my grandpa I. WW1&2
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    The most pathetic point in old age is pining for bygone eras that didn't actually exist.

    It's almost as bad as being nostalgic for times that you weren't actually alive to experience.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    fuck I survived. and I am such a wussy.
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    They don't learn how to communicate. Not one of the call each other they text. You can see what happens right here when people don't talk face-to-face . You feel like you can say whatever the hell you want. It's different saying something to someone's face.

    They don't ask a girl out,they text them. They don't go to the arcade and hang out with people they play their games with a kid half way around the world.

    These people are old enough to be in the workforce. Yeah they can get all my contacts from my old phone to my new one but can't do a damn thing else.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    Yeah, I miss the days when people flagooner's age were put on ice floes...
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Flagooner doesn't believe his shit - he just likes stirring the pot for entertainment
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    I actually think the issue is the overparenting that prevents kids from learning how to negotiate social situations themselves, without parental intervention. ie; no one just plays outside in pickup games anymore. Every game has coaches and rules and there are leagues and such. When I was a kid we just met up after school or lunch and played. If it was basketball and a foul was called you had to back it up. Football was tackle and the only penalties were for major shit like clipping. You decided the bases, the out of bounds and negotiated with others. When my boys were younger they couldn't find others to play with outside and we were sort of forced into league play. Luckily they both kick ass and do well but it is an issue imo.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    The 1970's were awesome. We got laid a lot and despite limited access to birth control we didn't get girls pregnant. Weed was illegal but you could get high at Fenway Park and UMASS sold rolling papers in the campus center with Umass on the front of the package. Drinking age was 18. If you still lived at home with your parents at age 19 and weren't in college you were a fucking pussy. We all had jobs starting at 14. If you got bullied you fought back. Parents went to work and we raised ourselves. What is really just fucking sad is people telling those of us who lived it, that it really wasn't like that. By the way I re[resent a lot of juveniles in court and bullying still occurs, just as often, but now parents have to take care of it, because their peers are such pussies no one helps.
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    Yes sir
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago

    I still think bullying sometimes happens. I just think the targets and methods of bullying have changed.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Get off my lawn, you young whippersnappers!
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Fagooner: "My kids tell me that bullying is virtually nonexistent in their high school. "

    Most of the bullying these days is confined to the Oval Office and the 70-yr-old infant we elected president.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    I assume, or at least hope, this is satire.

    That said bullying still happens, not so much he physical kind though.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Boo hoo to bullies, they'll just have to find some other outlet for their emotional retardation. Tough titties. It's just a different world now. Very political correct too. Even the pussy grabber in chief aka the most powerful man in the world, has to be careful of what he says, free speech his ass. For all this talk of evolving democracy, the world is getting strangely more fascist.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    Unfortunately bullying still exists today, but it exists in different forms. With social media like Instagram and Snapchat everywhere, people tend to be mean where it really stays permanent.....online. The days of taking lunch money are over. Nowadays it's about who is able to ruin who's reputation via online rumors and blackmail.

    Cyber-bullying is just as bad as physical bullying if not worse. At least for physical bullying you can stand up for yourself. Cyber-bullying happens at the tap of a button and you have virtually no way of stopping it.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Nothing more boring than a convo tha starts with “Remember when”
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    yeah. van is onto something.
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