
Question for the regular posters who are on here 24/7 - do you have jobs?

If there was a problem Yo, I'll solve it, Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it, nice spice baby, nice spice baby
Saturday, August 18, 2018 9:27 AM
I can understand the guys that are bored and have unlimited time on their hands, like shadowcat (retired) or flagooner (invalid), but what about the rest of you? Are you all unemployed guys in your 40's living in your Mom's basement (Juice), severely underemployed minimum wagers that can basically goof off all day and post about going to TJ (countryman5434), or just really good at multi-tasking?


  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Like you, I am a fashionable back-braced leader of men and world famous cocksman, whose job affords him the liberty of occasionally check the interwebs, when between meetings and projects
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I do not have a full time job.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    ^^^ by choice, I am semi-retired
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I run several businesses. But I find the words an advice of someone like Two Bits to be so insightful and rewarding, that I log on here all the time just to see if he will post some of his knowledge and expertise.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    ^^ Forgot to hit the sarcasm button on that post.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Retired and widowed. I usually check once or twice a day + if I get an email that someone sent me a message or commented on my thread.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^^@founder could we get a sarcasm button to go with the edit button;)
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    "Like you, I am a fashionable back-braced leader of men and world famous cocksman" It's a very exclusive clique.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ And maybe an Irony button would be better than a sarcasm button.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I am a sugar baby for a hot MILF so I am usually checking in on TUSCL while I am lounging at the pool working on my tan.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Shailynn wins this one. LOL.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ two bits i work at McDonald's and live in my mommas basement! I never went to tj i made it up! Hey two bits you got a dollar i could borrow?
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ shailynn lmao you are the man!
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    “underemployed minimum wagers that can basically goof off all day” If you work at McDonald’s you most have less time to goof off than a middle manager would. As for me, I don’t need a job. I am a hustler.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    I have a job and I'm able to respond and read threads regularly. It only takes a couple minutes to pull out your phone and type up a message thread
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I’m an underemployed Sugar Daddy hoping to pick up some tips from a true baller, and learn how to meet these 9s and 10s, so far all I am getting is walk around with a length of pvc pipe stuck up your ass and call it a back brace, I don’t think I really want to try that, it sounds painful.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    I'm a retired naval architect/Marine engineer who is now a sugar baby-in-training!!!!
  • SanchoRG
    6 years ago
    The foreman at the dick sucking factory gives us two 15 min shit breaks that I use to post here
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Posting on this site isnt rocket science @twobits. It takes us less time a day posting than the time you spend on pornhub alone. Personally, Im a sucessful owner of 4 subways and 3 kia dealerships. I used to own a BMW dealership until I got tangled up with some better business bureau bullshit. Misplaced VIN numbers, customer gouging, allegations of prostitution, semi-automatic weapons found with trace levels of cocaine dust..... But thats a story for another day. [view link]
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    Retired and mostly required to be home.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    It seems many PLs are here hoping that I will share some kind of hidden or secret knowledge that will magically up their game, so they too can can start dating (FWB, not P4P) model quality civie hotties and locking down 9s and 10s in the club. What I've tried to explain before is that my appearance, demeanor, and means are so completely different from most of you (Subraman being a notable exception) that effectively were on totally different levels when it comes to innate talent and ability. Think of this analogy: Could Tiger Woods give a weekend duffer some pointers that might lower his handicap a few strokes? Sure. Could he make him into a world-class Majors-winning champion? Of course not. Just being real, motherfuckers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Anyone familiar w/ TUSCL knows that most on here are part of the $350k and up club; thus we have flexibility
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Damn Papi do you think two shits anal back brace really gives him an edge ?
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I don't spend any time tweeting important stuff like thinking about taking tesla private or going to slap another 20% tariffs on so and so if they tariff us back, etc. I just post on here. It doesn't affect stocks or anyone else that much. I didn't think anyone cared if we posted at 3 or 4 am. At least it sounds like I'm getting more sleep than Elon Musk. Life might be less exciting if we had a separate section for world leaders and CEOs to post on here instead of doing tweet storms. Thinking about taking tesla private? Oh can't believe anything posted on here. I work full time but not every day.
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    No. Why do you ask?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    retired. butt thinkn about goin back to work. otherwise all I think about is pretty pussy.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Idk. Is stripping a real job?
  • rane1234
    6 years ago
    Being around govt/military contractors let me know what an unnecessary amt of free time(early retirement)and a whole lotta stolen fed cash is
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    certainly stripping is a real job. definitely one I would do if i was a young sexy girl. most certainly.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Dude creates a troll account(s) to post nonsense throughout the day, and then tries to call out other forum users for being time wasters. The funniest thing about all this irony is that you're too dimwitted to recognize it.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I'm three shots into the wind. so don't even expect any reasonable sanity.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    ^^ MisterWonderful has the right mindset.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    On a more serious note, I can check my work email 47 times a day on my phone, so why cannot I not find the time to check TUSCL and make a few comments a couple of times a day?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    my life is hanging out until i can successfully club next week. then I really get to enjoy life.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    (i h8 getin old.)
  • RTP
    6 years ago
    I have met a number of Tuscl members and I am always impressed as to what jobs and professions the contributors have. Accountants, Lawyers, Construction Management, Dr.s and Vets, and of course, lots of retired guys. I guess all men get horny.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    When I first started going to Court I was interested in the cases of others and listened. I then learned how to read a newspaper inside my briefcase (Boston Herald being a tabloid was easier than the Globe, but reading the Globe sports page used to be the best), but times changed and I started reading the news on my phone. Now the news upsets me so I post here. It takes 5 minutes a day.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    ^^I'm sure your clients will be gratified to know that while you're supposed to be defending their interests in court, you're actually on TUSCL spewing your racist, bigoted, alt-right birther nonsense.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Must be very short convos two shits
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    ^^Wrong thread, lol.
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