
Millennial strippers using their real names...

Off again on again PL
So one thing that has been surprising to me is the surprising amount of (usually younger millennial) strippers who just use their real names as their stripper names. I have run into at least 4 of them.

Past that I have seen this weird hustle lately where a dancer (again usually younger millennial) will introduce themselves as: "Hi my name is Sparkles but my real name is Brittany". Obviously this is a hustle designed to make a customer more comfortable. Still pretty weird...


  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    A lot of the SW girls claim to have fake "real" names. I can imagine it's a good sales technique with non-PLs ... gives the customer the sense that they're real friends or whatever
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I know of three dancers, not millennials, who use their real first name as their stripper name.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    The ones I am talking using their real names never mentioned it. So they weren't using it as a hustle. I just happened across them on social media.
  • Tiredtraveler
    6 years ago
    I hardly ever even remember their names. I don't give my real name and I don't care about theirs.
    Part of the fantasy is no strings!
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Huh... funny trend.
  • Tiredtraveler
    6 years ago

    I pay cash, do not use the cash machine(when the allotted cash is gone so am I) and don't talk about my private life, If she wants to talk about hers I'll politely listen and promptly forget details.
    My phone is always locked, WiFi turned off as well as Blue Tooth.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    My real name is crazyjoe
    My fake name is crazyjoe

    That way I dont get them mixed up
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    You would need a lot more than a first name to stalk anybody. So why complicate things with silly lies?
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Shadow: every little bit of info helps. I can give real-life example of a first name being the difference between finding her social media or not, but also, you can just take my word for it
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Her real name isn't Sparkles?
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @shadowcat - lol, you clearly aren't a skilled social media stalker!
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    A lot of dancers will list their club on their social media posts as well. You could just search hashtags.

    Of and if neither you nor she turns off location services, a friend suggestion is likely to appear as well.

    And phone numbers are also very useful. I have definitely stalked regulars before to make note of personal interests and stuff. And bring it up in conversation as if I am talking about myself. Or when I would use to remember certain things. They loved it that I remembered them personally and didn’t just treat them like an ATM machine.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    nicespice: *stalks regular's social media and writes down interests*

    Nicespice: Hi Morty! Hey, I was just on my phone ordering some more condoms, from my favorite place, Extra Small Condom Company

    Mortimer: Hey, that's MY favorite place, too!

    Nicespice: Ha ha! Also, I love cuck porn
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I used to give a fake name, like “Bill” in the club but once in VIP a stripper started yelling “harder Bill” during sex and I said “who the hell is Bill?” So because of that I use my real name now.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    If you have a common name (Mike, etc.) then you can probably get away with using your real first name. But, even so, the more real data points you reveal, the easier it is for someone to track you down. So, for some folk using a fake name is wise.

    Strippers using their real name... haven't seen this.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    What nicespice says doesn't surprise me at all.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Holy shit nicespice that is some jedi level hustling!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    So... now imagine that nicespice is the most off-the-charts lunatic stripper you've ever met. That's where it gets scary.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Holy shiy
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Holy Shit
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @CMI If it makes you feel better, I’m pretty sure most dancers don’t do that. Or even care about their own cyber security.

    @Subraman lol! Though I’d respect him if he had the balls to talk about his favorite kind of porn on Facebook.

    As far as original topic, that’s a hell no about me personally. I also use a back up name, but only when they keep asking nonstop about it. And I am a millennial.

    I assumed most were that way. But I guess not lol

  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Lol, sharing a real name isnt a big thing anymore. Even more surprising are the clubs who post thier girls instagram pages allowing you follow thier private lives.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    IME, most strippers *don’t* observe even the rudiments of infosec. Giving out real phone numbers, and linking those phone numbers to their social media profiles. Using the same pictures on professional and personal profiles. Etc.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    I have heard it depends somewhat on the club. At one club, I knew a few veteran strippers, one of who probably qualified as a millennial, dancing under their real names. At the same club, a newer/younger one told me that her first pick stripper name was rejected by management because it was too similar to her real first name. It was along the lines of Jaguar being too similar to Jane, so it took me a minute to even pick up on the similarity.

    Since most people expect stripper names to be made up, using a real first name seems like a fairly minimal privacy risk compared to using a real name/profile photo on social media.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Encountered girls using their real names, but not millennial though. They are just really off the hook girls who are most at home in stripper regalia and in the club. These are girls who ITC and OTC love to be fucked. They say things like "This is my social time", to encourage me to just be totally open and personal with them, as they are not doing any kind of a job and not primarily interested in money. But what they really want are some rounds of OTC fucking. Its just the way they are. Their stripper persona is their everyday persona.


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  • AmeliaSmith
    6 years ago
    I dance by Nikki and Nikole is my middle name. I am thinking about changing it to Nikki Ryanne though.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Lol! Do you tell customers you are born in 1994 and that you’re going to be a lawyer and kill it on the senate floor?
  • rane1234
    6 years ago
    Millennial are the gen of transparency whole life is on social media anyway
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I don't know who you're counting as millennials, but it will get to be that they are the oldest of the dancers.

    Tends to be that the ones actually using their real names, they are really interesting people.


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  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    Why would bother to hide something that they don't care about? Millennials are not interested in reputation or past acts. If it can't be sent via Snapchat and erased, it doesn't exist, to them. They're VERY careful about making sure that you can't figure out whether they're lying or telling the truth, but they're seldom careful about whether they actually are telling the truth.
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