Stripper was upset that i wanted to cool off after a dance with another girl

JuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Came out of the VIP with one of my fluff girl's and needed to cool of my closers came up to me and said I know your prepped let's go finish me I wanted to and it was hot how she approach this...but o told her I was going to stay a while and was going to fluff for a while...I promised I'd let her close tonight but she wanted me to cum Now lol
Nice problem to have and I'm sure she needed the money like now but I pulled a full shift...I was actually getting blue balls once I closed but baby pulled it off like a champion...since she was hard on money I tipped this bitch a little to much
last commentFluff girls and closers. That’s quite a system you got going.
Comes from year's of clubbing and accepting that most young and extremely attractive girls make enough money not to do seedy they bank of their looks ...they still have a purpose and it's to tease you but not deliver...makes for some good clean fun with super hot bitches
Then you close with an average or older girl that needs to push the envelop of the club just to make ends meet...these girls are more than willing to make you cum and not complain...makes for a fun finish without's a safe bet
Spoken like a true vet @juicebox69
Lol...yes I've been doing this since eighteen...I've learned a lot between this site and my own experiences...damn eighteen years has flown by
You are brilliant… I keep struggling with the girls that “do“ giving me shit about being with the girls who “don’t“. They’re always trying to find out if the other ones are players....!
I have tried something like this, saying that I wasn’t ready for them, but seems like we never re-connect when it is time, and a different reliever gets the call. This does address that, I will be giving it a try.
Of course, it all goes to hell when the “fluffer” turns out to be the finisher, but that’s not exactly a bad day, right?
Thanks bro and yes it's always an amazing night when a flutter closed a deal...I always tip well to encourage this behavior from them again...
Some times the shit does it the selling but if you show them you don't fucking care and you'll do as you damn please...they may get upset but at a later date it will always be good light hearted fun...some times make up sex is the best at a later date with a closer...they will try super hard's as good as a fluffed closing maybe lol...
In the end maintain control and take care of them as you get to them even if it means next time you'll make it Right
Above all never sacrifice your pleasure and fun for their needs...they will be fine
This sounds rough but it can be done in a gentleman way with firmness
I think it turns some of them on because your showing your a alpha male.... this is how you correctly handle a hoe period.
Ha! Juice I did the same thing my last trip. My closer was late, but there's another regular I have that gives great dances so I used her as a warmup for 5 dances. Then when my CF showed up I was really ready! I must say though, usually I just budget for CF when I make a date to see her ITC. This time was an exception.
Very nice
Are we talking about an outing at a strip club or a pitching line up plan for an MLB team?