
OTC versus ITC spending

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
nicespice made a comment in another thread:

“Many dancers have experienced that if they agree to OTC, then inside spending stops.”

I believe this to be true. Moreover, I believe the underlying premise to be true as well, i.e. that OTC does, in fact, decrease ITC spending. I know this to be true in *my* case, with only one exception that I can remember.

I also believe that many dancers do *not* recognize a couple of other factors that might be in play in general, and *will* come into play in my case.

One, overall spending is going to decrease over time *anyway*. Whether this is because some “new shiny” shows up at the club, or I decide to cut my losses and move on, or one of us gets tired of the other, or she quits, or whatever, at some point, I’ll stop spending.

Two, in my own case, her net profit has the potential to increase. There’s two reasons for this. I’ll be spending more, and she’ll be keeping it all, instead of giving the club a cut. If I’m spending $100 on a VIP, and tipping her $100, she’s only actually getting about $125-150, depending on the club. If I take her out, she’s going to keep that entire $200, plus maybe get dinner or lunch.

Last, since I’m seeing her OTC, that frees up (mostly) my “time slot” in the club for another PL to spend money on her. Of course, if I’m just replacing another OTC customer, this is probably a wash. However, like many others here, I am mostly looking for the low to no volume girls, for whom I’d be a value add, and not just the next in line. I don’t always succeed, but that’s my goal.

Of course, economics aren’t the *only* reason a dancer might decide *not* to meet a fat, ugly, creepy old guy with a small dick for OTC fucking, but if she’s already inclined to fuck me, and it’s a virtual certainty that we’ve done such ITC before I’ve asked for OTC, the net is probably going to work out positive, even allowing for the extra time she spends “working” OTC as opposed to ITC.


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Makes sense except that we don't all fit into one model, if I am seeing someone OTC I do make trips to the club and spend pretty well when I am there hanging out with her. My disagreement is that when I do come in I do expect her to treat me like I'm an important custy, that sometimes means, ditching who she might be hanging with, her decision at least in my case, is the person who she is hanging with worth as much to her as I am, because her risk is if I don;t heve fun hanging with her in the club, I will find another dancer, and that new dancer might endanger her OTC money.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    My ITC spending a girl definitely goes down when I start doing OTC with her. But I would think what I"m paying her for the OTC time is more than off-setting that. And I have found that a lot of girls I have been with like the OTC atmosphere better.
  • "when I do come in I do expect her to treat me like the whiny little bitch I am"

    There, fixed it for you.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^You mean you fixed it for yourself, don’t project your own feelings of inadequacy on me, stay on the porch son. It’s safer for you.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    That is true, all customers have a time limit.

    I think a lot of it is also the more you can “toy” with a customer, the more you can keep them hot and bothered and keep the spending.

    But generally that kind of stuff works best with a customer who is more GFE oriented.

    Back when I was more open to that kind of stuff, I’d be more likely to agree to OTC with a traveler than a local. I had met a couple of customers who would whine about their former CF and I wanted no potential part of that drama in the future.
  • @nicespice - yeah, I imagine whiny little bitch customers are a real pain in the ass, right?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I just liked to be discreet with my whoring and wanted to lower my chances of getting outed.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "Of course, economics aren’t the *only* reason a dancer might decide *not* to meet a fat, ugly, creepy old guy with a small dick for OTC fucking"

    Gotta work on that self-esteem there, @nanoDong.

    My reaction to the thread is .... duh.

    Of course ITC action stops. Why support the infrastructure of the club in order to have cramped, rushed, non-private sex in a club with obnoxious music blaring the background?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    And that’s a dancer’s challenge. Regulars aren’t only valuable in themselves. They provide social proof. With a regular, customers would ask *me* for a dance without me having to approach.

  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @twentyfive: “because her risk is if I don;t heve fun hanging with her in the club, I will find another dancer, and that new dancer might endanger her OTC money.”

    The way I look at it, as long as she’s keeping me happy OTC, I couldn’t care much less how she treats me ITC. If she’s fucking me in a nice comfortable, if cheap, notell room, I don’t really care if she’s not fawning over me in the club.

    Somewhat amusingly, one girl once asked me to act pissed off when she “turned me down for dances.” The guy she was with actually smirked at me as I walked out of the the club with an “irritated” look on my face. She later told me that he was very financially appreciative of her consideration. :)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @nicespice I wouldn’t whine babes, never have never will, my point was simple loyalty goes both ways. The few girls I’m regular with, have never had any complaints.
    BTW I’m very discrete, my regular girl, is more about introducing me both in the club and to her friends. And I help her out plenty but never pay her to meet OTC.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @Random: I don’t have much in the way of self-esteem issues. I also don’t have any illusions about my appearance and attributes.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @GMD I get your approach but I’m a different type of cat, I do care about my appearance and having lost over a hundred pound a few years back, I have always, dressed well, and, am often taken for 10-15 years younger than my actual age which is 64. It’s not an illusion, it’s a fact, you never get a second chance to make a good, positive first impression.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @25 That’s good you have found dancers to have a mutually good thing with.

    I was just trying to provide objections a dancer might internally have but won’t state out loud.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @twentyfive, yeah, I’ve lost about 30 pounds over the last couple of years myself. It’s slow going though. A persistently bothersome back injury makes exercising at peak effectiveness difficult, so it’s just going to take time.

    My point was, it’s not a self-esteem *problem* to acknowledge one’s issues. :)
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    "Many dancers have experienced that if they agree to OTC, then inside spending stops"

    not necessarily, my approach has changed drastically. I usually roll with a G to the club because im a G. and i break it up to what i can get with every dollar. i tried the just go and feel approach, which then set me up to get hustled by the dancers. OTC is not available all the time with my approach, because i dont make appointments or give out my number. if i have done OTC before with a specific dancer, shes only getting what i normally pay for a specific service ITC. LDKs-> 3 songs for 100, or 20 for 1 song (try outs). those are the only services i pay a stripper (LDKs & tryouts). No drinks, stage tipping, chit-chat ITC.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @nicespice I think it is good you see the value of a regular beyond just what he brings monetarily. I believe my ATF DS definitely keeps our relationship highly visible ITC as a means of advertising to other customers that she has regulars that "cum" to the club specifically for her. She wants them seeing what a great time I'm having with her. And LOL I love it.

    I think the bigger dancer's challenge is managing multiple regulars ITC at the same time. In some cases it might not be as simple as who has the most money to spend at the moment. Their frequency and loyalty become other factors. With my faves I set the expectation that I'm always next. Meaning if I am ITC before any other regulars arrive, I'm next and nobody cuts in front of me without my permission no matter how much they want to buy her out. Period. And I haven't had a fave that didn't comply. I'm not a big spender but I'm extremely loyal to my faves and I cum in to see them frequently. If that's not worth my expectations to a stripper I have no issues moving on because of the saturated Portland stripper market. LOL they know this too.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @Salty.Nutz That’s good that you have found a system that works, both for yourself and your dancers. So you don’t really do OTC then?

    @Sirlapdancealot Hm, didn’t consider the chance of a dancer becoming too popular for her own good.

    I’ve only recently been building potentials and regulars in my San Antonio club and forgot what it was like. For a while, I was only working in one club that doesn’t attract regulars.

    I can see how OTC becomes more practical for time management/smooth customer experience in that case though.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ^ Yeah @nicespice OTC is definitely the more convenient option with my ATF DS but I have a personal line that I won't cross to do it. As such I've had to establish ITC expectations and negotiations with her. We have an agreed upon protocol now and at most I wait 30min for her if she is doing other business. I can live with that.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    the only value i provide to a dancer is money. if a dancer is tied up with a regular, it doesnt necessarliy mean shes a good dancer for me. if i like a dancer i try her out and see if she makes the LDK Varsity aTeam. All strippers that didnt make the team one night probably will make it the next night. and the girls that make it the 1st night will get cut the next time. Eventually youll have a starting 5 and will need to manage their shots. they need to perform every night. if not they go on the bench.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    That’s good that you have found a system that works, both for yourself and your dancers. So you don’t really do OTC then?

    im not phil jackson or bill belichik. you cant win them all, but when you do win the championship your MVP catches a "superbowl" hangover. instead of rebuilding your team you stick with your guys, which sets the franchise back a few years. strippers have to perform and i see if i put you in the game.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Salty.Nutz I don't do OTC because it would be the start of a slippery slope to eventually having FS with a stripper which I don't want because I'm married. ITC LDK is the sexual limit of my mongering and it has been this way throughout the 20 yrs of being married. I have had the opportunities but I just don't partake. I had an OTC set up and scheduled with my ATF DS over a year ago but I backed out before it happened. Currently I have two other faves that have hinted they are down for OTC but I don't indulge. I have passed the point of temptation now and just thoroughly enjoy my LDK routine and my marriage. I got no complaints.

    And LOL I don't use a bball team analogy. With me it's golf and each stripper is my caddy. I only play with one at a time on the course and I have a different one at each course.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @GMD I never said self esteem issues, I think that’s more of a female thing TBH, or at least for most guys self esteem in more about they’re pocketbook than their looks
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    OTC with a regular isn't a strippers/hoes favor. There's more money in selling the fantasy that theres a potential OTC. An ITC regular is a semi stable source of income she can depend on. OTC sessions may involve more cash but wont be as stable.
  • So you have no self esteem issues, but you're on here boasting that strippers say you look 10-15 years younger than your actual age. Haha, news flash - strippers tell all their older custies that.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Like I said son best stay on the porch, I never said it was strippers saying that, did I now.
  • Who else would say that bs?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Son you are starting to become tiresome you aren’t ready for prime time yet, like I told stay up on the porch, lest you anger one of the grownups with your tipping and tapping and snapping at our heels.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @nicespice - Interesting insight about whining about a previous CF to a new potential favorite. Good to know. How frequently or rarely do you run into guys like us that are junkies like us? I sort of assumed most guys would club regularly with a favorite dancer they fell in love with and then quit. Also what makes a club not attract regulars?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @Sirlap: that’s really conscientious of you. I hope my future husband does something similar to that if he needs to.

    @Paul: Hmm, if I were to guess club regulars maybe like 10% on a night shift and 30% on a dayshift. Definitely more dedicated junkies on a dayshift though.

    Most clubs that don’t attract regulars would be something Vegas style. It’s known for beautiful women and that brings in high earning spenders (usually from out of town), which increases competition, so the dancers get into a “fast hustle” state of mind.
  • A whining 64 year old has to be the worst, right?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^One more outburst I'm sending you to your room.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @nicespice I just try to be the least POS husband to my wife that I can. That she puts up with my clubbing is because she's an angel. I'm kind of lucky that she had a father that mongered so she would rather I go to strip clubs like him than cheat on her.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    ^^my wife does know anything about my SC habits, after having children SC are the only outlet i have where i can be myself, a hoe and a drunk.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @nicespice - I figured most regulars fit into three groups, guys who just like to hang at the club, a guy who is in love with a specific dancer, or a junkie like myself or sirlapdancealot that comes to see a specific dancer but will move on afterwards. My assumption always was most guys who come to see a specific dancer are more in love than a junkie. Thoughts? Any major group I am missing? If you are saying that all three of those groups fit into the 10/30% numbers you stated earlier?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I look back at my first OTC girl six years ago. it was fun but got ridiculously expensive because of her insisting that her friend accompany her. so I was paying for both those girls. and of course Easley spending twice as much. and probably because of that the performance fell off the 1/2
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    to 1/2.
    (still way too easy to accidentally hit the post button.)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @PaulDrake. Maybe I predicted low for all three groups that would altogether form “regulars”. Hmm, I’m not too sure about the breakdown then.
  • magicrat
    6 years ago
    I've had 2 regular OTC ladies. With one the OTC had no effect on ITC as I still saw her at the club and spent as much as before. With the second I never saw her ITC again after the first OTC. Her questions were what time and which hotel and room number? As she said all we did was change venue. I can see the second attitude being more prevalent though.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @nicespice it is interesting that the sales pitches (and service) of a dancer need to be adjusted and are sometimes even in conflict based on the type if customer (regular vs one time visitor, ITC non-extras GFE guy vs OTC sex junkie). It's helping me out by just being aware of it and it may help me with future negotiations.

    I think because it is the norm most strippers have to sales pitch based on the customer not being a regular but rather a one time spender. Thus they tend to go for as much earning as possible for that interaction only. The only drawback to this is that they may lose out on securing a long term regular that *thinks* she is just being a ROB because her pricing (and service) is not oriented towards customers that are regulars. It's an interesting dilemma.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    When a girl is on my OTC roster, I’m not seeing her ITC anymore.
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