
Ways to build your budget while still being able to splurge on the luxuries that

CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
Google recommends 50% of income for needs, 20% savings and 30% for wants.
What ideas would you give to the younger mongers to be able to have disposable money for girls (strippers, escorts, etc)
Some people in Los Angeles live in their cars to be able to go to college, get roommates to reduce rent expenses and minimize the purchasing of unnecessary items.
Also get a side hustle to earn more money.
“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.” Tony Montana, Scarface.
It is not good to wait until you are too old to enjoy it...


  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    This is a question Juice has been asking for about 3 years and nobody has given him a good answer.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    ^It’s not even an affiliate link up above.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Move away from high cost areas like California or NYC, where too much of your income will be consumed by housing costs.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Trying to come up with a serious answer without resorting to sarcasm. The thread title is equivalent to: "how can lose weight and still enjoy double-bacon-cheeseburgers and cheese-fries.

    To first order, you need to realize that money saved and invested grows exponentially. Time is your friend. So you really shouldn't be pissing away money on escorts and strippers as a young guy; strippers, escorts, SBs are for old guys trying to buy their youth.

    Side gigs? If you have any kind of tech ability, check out Coursera.org (and other MOOCs), where you can get outstanding online coursework for free or not much money. Anything to do with machine learning or AI is hot. Find something that interests you, build up some projects on your own, and try for part-time consulting projects.

    Not interested in training? Maybe start your own business in something that's practical and in demand. It's true that most startups fail, but a lot of it is sweat, perseverance, and leadership skills. As an example, I was shopping for granite countertop the other day, and the warehouse was as big as a football field with thousands of granite slabs. General manager told me the owner started by selling tiles out of his car and ended up with hugely successful stores in different states. The owner was a football player who couldn't make it the pros -- but had leadership skills and the knack of pulling people together.

    True that you shouldn't wait until you're "too old to enjoy it" -- but by the same token, you don't want to end up eating cat food in your retirement years. There's no magical way to get rich; you're either born into wealth or you have to work hard and invest to get there. Or become a drug dealer.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    ...or a strippers boyfriend (if success to you is having enough video games to play, Taco Bell to eat and weed to smoke).
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Work in areas that allow for high compensation and live in areas that are affordable.

    I stumbled across this some years back and it is possible to do, especially in our society that is so much more mobile now than it once was.

    Learn a skill that is in demand and never quit learning....you'll need to adapt depending on what your field is at least twice during your career---which is another distinction have a career, not a job.

    If you do these things the money will be there to save.

    As for savings--live on your salary when you start out and if you have the type of job that provides you a bonus this is where you splurge and save.

    As you get raises live on your original salary as long as you can ( prices do continue to rise)

    And yes if you have the mindset work for yourself--not a company but stay away from the whole Instagram aka poserville BS out there on how to sell something if you get 20K followers......there are people that make it work but it is like building a life on sand and it can all fall apart in the blink of an eye.

    I worked for five companies and now my own. Back when I started the goal was to find a company that you would spend your entire life with, have a pension, and retire after 40-50 years. That thought process changed or at least started to right around the 90's. Learn to adapt and if you are going to work for someone else do so with the idea of learning as well as making a living.
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    Just make 350K annually.

    Then you can enjoy strippers and save for retirement. It's almost too easy to be a rich stud.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    This has been discussed recently.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    What’s funny about this is when I was a kid, $100. A week was a good salary, and if you were a doctor or a lawyer average pay was about 12K annually. A house in the suburbs in NYs Long Island could be purchased for about &7,000 and an upscale home was under $20,000.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Jist stick to the $20 lot lizzards
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    When you are young - and fresh out of school - you should have lower expenses. You should work your ass off - fuck lots of civilian pussy - and save lots of money.

    Don’t piss your money away when you are young! If you do - you won’t learn discipline - and discipline is required to save.

    As you get older - your expenses will increase. You might buy a home - or get married. You will think - I’m making more money - but where’s it going? Hopefully the money will go into savings.

    Remember to buy a home in a good neighborhood - in a good town - with a good school system. Those homes should appreciate over time. So even your mortgage payments are a form of saving.

    As you get older - your expenses should decrease a bit. That’s good. But here’s where mongering can eat away at your savings. Don’t let it do that. Use a small portion of current income for mongering. Don’t use savings or investments.

    Don’t act like a big spender if you can’t afford to be one! Spending a little - and enjoying it - is far better than spending a lot and wondering if you can handle it!
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Cashman is right.

    I feel icky typing what I’m about to, but I’m bored in a class I hate so...

    Assuming you want want to bang a bunch of strippers, I will give you a step by step. And yes, I mean I mean bang a bunch, not date. Cause dudes who date get emotionally attached and pressure to quit. And if you thought about paying, then I assume you want no strings attached.

    Generally speaking a lot of strippers in one area will fuck the same dude. This guy is a good combination of the dude who won’t a) whine/judge their job. It’s also the one who appears to NOT be focused on b) omg I banged a stripper. I’m a dudebro (if you are genuinely like that, then be discreet and only brag about it to dudes in the form of you’re getting a hot chick as your focus)*

    The goal is going to have a lot of stripper acquaintances. Some who you talk to more than others. You will have a very easy time sleeping with 10-20% (or maybe up to 40%, idk what whatever doesn’t undermine not being viewed as a dude who is obsessed with them specially cause they’re strippers)

    You want to be viewed as a cool guy. Be just visible enough for there to be a social proof effect. But not too much to be a stripper man whore.

    Sounds like a lot of work, but many dancers get lonely and will come on to you so once you’re “in”. So you won’t have to be going out of your way to fuck them after the initial effort.

    Step 0: Get a part time gig doing some type of sales. Not only will it up your income, you will learn how to be able to talk to a variety of personalities easily, easily brush off rejection, and also be more persuasive.

    This will be the hardest step but it’s the most important. And it will help you out in many other ways other than just getting laid.

    Step 1: Build your network. I’ll give two ideas. I’m sure there’s more.

    Step 1a: Look at a map where clubs in your area are located nearby. Look up where the chain diners are near those clubs. Find out what time clubs close. Some clubs require all customers to clear the parking lot before letting dancers leave. Others don’t care. So because of that, arrive in the window of 1-3 hours after club closing. Using the skills you developed from step 0, feel free to strike up casual conversations with groups of hot females. Chances are decent you will find dancers this way. But even if you don’t no big deal, lol.

    Step 1b) Most dancers are not good at cyber security. Find hashtags of club names. You should find a couple of profiles. These profiles will include non work related things so you can get intel of what hangouts they might like to go to. Start going to those places and meet them organically and pretend to have never seen their face before.

    Step 2) Don’t get into being a horndog mode just yet. Ideally, your first female dancer friend you don’t even want. You’re just trying to get that “cool guy” status.

    You can be the guy who just says “looks nice” or something when you get a snap of them in a work outfit. Be flirty but be distant. Strive to have enough stripper acquaintances until you know at least 3 who don’t talk to each other.

    Step 3) Feel free to escalate, if no dancers haven’t initiated that themselves by this point. Many dancers are lonely and would even be willing to buy you presents.

    Most dancers are easy once you are trusted.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    People who do well invest their money in themselves, in their own ventures.

    Assets which don't give you money are not much of an asset, really they are liabilities. If you want reasonable chances of a good financial future, you get that by building businesses which will give you current income. This and this alone is your best hedge against inflation.

  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    NiceSpice - that’s a lot of information. It definitely makes sense. I know somebody here has a “system” for this sort of thing - but I think your insights are very appropriate (and hopefully you don’t feel too icky).
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    There really isn't a shortcut - most guys on here have been in the working-world for multiple decades to where they can now enjoy SCing either after having moved-up in their career and/or raising a family (and for some having built a successful business).

    It's hard to have one's cake and eat it too - i.e. be able to live-it-up and also be financially-sound - "to every turn there is a season" - as a young-person one should not put the cart ahead of the horse - when young, one needs to be establishing themselves and laying the foundation of where they wanna get to; i.e. paying one's dues - there really isn't a short-cut and most people that try to get rich quick and take shortcuts often fail in the end and often gotta start from scratch again.

    As a young person concentrate on building a career and/or skills that make you desirable - and save/invest $$$ - most folks that didn't start saving/investing till later in life regret not starting in their 20s as soon as they got their first job out of college.

    As has been said time is your friend when it comes to investing and growing one's nest egg - similarly there will be time later-on to do more and enjoy more - it's easy to be seduced by "you don't know what will happen tomorrow so live for today" - yeah, one does not know what will happen tomorrow - one could become severely-ill or die-prematurely - but also live a long healthy life which is actually more-likely - since one does not know what will happen tomorrow one has no choice but to "play it straight" sorta speak - since one does not know what will happen in the future one has to do the prudent thing and one advice that is often given is to "pay your self first" - i.e. instead of indulging then investing what's left, invest first w/e amount seems kosher then enjoy what's left - as one gets older one often makes more $$$ and often has a bit more left-over to indulge a bit (although not always since many people keep buying bigger more expensive houses and and try to live at a higher-level the more they make).

    Some people have a knack for making $$$ or just happen to naturally be very-good at what they do and seem to always find good paying jobs and can sorta afford to live-for-today - but the avg person needs to take a balanced-approach of saving/investing and also having a little-fun - but fun should not come at the expense of saving/investing a kosher amount.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Build a career, build some businesses. I did the first, now doing the second.

    Just don't get conned by the 'Investment' 'Financial Literacy' talk.

  • Prim0
    6 years ago
    I'm screwed.......best chance for me is a lottery ticket. :(
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Lots of good advise. I found it useful. I don't know whether to laugh or not. I get better financial and career advise on a strip club forum than from family or mentors in real life!
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