Men on tuscl

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?

Men on tuscl:"omg @ these misogynstic trolls talking abt pimps and prostitutes..they need to gffo.

Also men on tuscl: let me make in fun of a female being a housewife, among other things(let my actions show that, although to a lesser degree, i am still misogynistic compared to the trolls i condemn for being misogynists as well)

Also men on tuscl: oh wow..i thought that making in fun of a female being a housweife was such an innocuous joke !im so inncoent!

What MANY other, non chauvinistic men may think: you wouldnt laugh at the term nigger being used in a joke, but you think laughing at a woman being a housewife in a "joke" is funny rather than discriminatory...

What logicians would say: in order for the association between a housewife and a woman to be a joke rather than discrimination, the only way that would make sense is if being a housewife was never used to seclude women from their own individual rights(access to education and jobs), and resulting in their vulnerability to being beaten due to being economically dependent on men.

Men on TUSCL: im still innocent!

Nicole out! It nice to read ur comments


last comment
avatar for MackTruck
6 yrs ago

You need to get laid again

avatar for MackTruck
6 yrs ago

You need to get laid again

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

MackTruck wins! Well said.

avatar for crsm27
6 yrs ago

Funny you never responded to your last thread going off on this subject. Myself and others presented many things which you didn't respond to... which you said you would.

BTW..... here is one for you. do you believe it is ok for a man to sue a woman after an alleged sexual assault happened and is deemed a false allegation? Or should criminal action be taken against a false assault claim? Do you believe that it will help or hurt women coming out or reporting sexual assaults?


avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
6 yrs ago

Here is all you got to do sweetie...


avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 yrs ago

Nicole on TUSCL = attention whore

avatar for HumptyDance
6 yrs ago

No content provided

avatar for crsm27
6 yrs ago

here is the old thread she didn't respond to....

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

trolls on tuscl: let's give each other awards

trolls on tuscl: I agree with the other trolls!

trolls on tuscl: our trolls are so interesting and funny!

men on tuscl: I'm still not convinced they're trolls, let's give them the benefit of the doubt

trolls on tuscl: I'd like to nominate all the other trolls for most interesting contributor awards

men on tuscl: Still not convinced.

avatar for shailynn
6 yrs ago

I’m willing to bet anything Nicole1994 is a man, or a tranny, several guys around here are into that type of thing... but I’m not judging.

avatar for crsm27
6 yrs ago

Here is another tidbit....

Some women are claiming Misogyny when a man looks at her or comments on appearance. I am not saying the old "cat calling" construction work stereotype but the... you look very nice in that. Some women are feeling objectified and what not. Yet they were stuff that is figure forming, showing off body (yoga pants, sports bras, etc) and then cry... "stop looking at me you misogynistic pig".... REALLY?? It is like a woman would look at a man looking good in a suit, tight pants, shorts, no shirt on, etc... and make comments. Yet that is ok... and the other isn't? Again not the so called "cat calling"... but simple nice complements.... are getting taken as offensive..... is this ok? Is this a double standard?

avatar for crsm27
6 yrs ago

Here is another one....

So now people cant make "yo mama" jokes? Is that misogynistic?? Or are they offensive to fat people, stupid people, etc? Just curious... is it only misogynistic or is it a hatred towards fat people if it is a "yo mamma so fat"... or is it hatred towards people if it is a "yo mamma so stupid".... or are these racist jokes some how? I mean should the whole fucking world be offended by any and every joke???

yes I am on a roll but and you might say "triggered".... but I want to show how stupid these posts are when it is about a JOKE!!! it is totally different if a someone was calling all women Ho's and what not. but it is over jokes.

avatar for FTS
6 yrs ago

Women are just property, we should stop letting them vote and stop letting them own land. All they’re good for is baby making anyway.


avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

Just joking around with you guys, I logged back out of the Nicole1994 account and back into my own. I'm Ninabambina again.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

You remain a troll.

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

Shailynn - I don’t think Nicole is a tranny or a man. I think she’s a she.

Here’s why I believe she’s a she -

She gets frustrated when others don’t see her point (which she believes is obvious). Just look at the smh’s that occurred when we didn’t see her point regarding rap music.

She’s a law student - and therefore she’s going to “beat a dead horse” or argue a point beyond where we would stop. Way beyond the point where we would stop.

She will pick at each detail - over and over again - to see if she can reframe an argument to better suit her purpose. This again goes back to her law school mindset.

Her photos are her. She posts them - and sometimes changes them if she’s not into a certain look in a few days. Guys don’t do that shit.

I am a below average idiot - but I think she’s definitely a she - and not a he or a he-she.

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

Crsm27 since I'm back on my real account here, I'll address your questions.

"do you believe it is ok for a man to sue a woman after an alleged sexual assault happened and is deemed a false allegation?"

What kind of question is this? Obviously if it's a false allegation it is never ok, not even for men. A false allegation is a false allegation regardless of sex/gender. Sexual assault isn't just man on woman, men are assaulted by men, women are assaulted by women, women can assault men, etc. In fact, trans women (who were born male) are usually at great risk for sexual violence including assault. They are probably the group at the greatest risk. It may seem suprising, but it's true. Rape is about power more often than just lust.

"Or should criminal action be taken against a false assault claim?"

Criminal action should be taken and can be taken depending on the seriousness of the claim. If it went all the way to court, the person who falsely claimed they were assaulted/raped would be subject to perjury charges if they lied under oath in the court room or during a deposition, etc. It is rare for a false claim to go that far. Usually false claims are dropped quickly, sometimes before the accused even knows about the claim; an example would be if a teenage girl told her parents she was raped to avoid being punished for having [consensual] sex... then once the girl sees how serious the accusation is, she comes clean and the charges are dropped. She likely won't face punishment, especially if it was dropped quickly before damages were incurred. And if damages where incurred, the person falsely accusing could also be sued, which is obviously a civil matter.

"Do you believe that it will help or hurt women coming out or reporting sexual assaults?"

I believe the answer to that is obvious. Was that a rhetorical question? Let's remember, most criminal assault cases are not false claims, even though they are very hard to prove "beyond a reasonable doubt."

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 yrs ago

LOL whenever Nina goes into Nicole mode she has to get stupid high.

avatar for crsm27
6 yrs ago

The reason why I asked the "troll" those questions is because many women believe that am man shouldn't bring a counter suit if found innocent or it is a totally false claim. The reason why is because it would be a step back for the reporting. Because many people think a sexual assault is sometimes their fault. So they dont come forward. Hence the reason why the #metoo movement has become popular and is helping bring out many past sexual assaults. People are now knowing it is ok to come forward.... but yet the #metoo movement has brought out people seaking to hurt others..... Azi Azaria comes to mind. Also a recent NFL Draft pick.... woman tried to have sex with him (i think because seeing $$$) and he refused. It cost him millions because his draft stock dropped and now he is doing a counter suit.

Also you talk about "damage done".... no matter what if name is in the paper damage is done! Many times before that... DAMAGE is done. A wife, co worker, boss, etc. Just the allegation hurts and gets people fired, reprimanded, shunned to a certain extent, or just has that stigma over them.

That is why I asked those questions.

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

That is why I said "damages incurred," and went on to mention a lawsuit if that it the case. Damages incurred are exactly what you mentioned and is what leads to defamation lawsuits etc after any false claim in which "damages" are incurred (damages = lost wages due to firing, damaged reputation etc).

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

And by "many women" I don't know what you mean, because the majority of women will not think it is wrong for a man to sue a woman, or even file criminal charges if applicable, on the basis of the false claim. Most practical people will agree that people have the right to legally retaliate after a claim is proven false.

avatar for crsm27
6 yrs ago

that is why the "trolls" rant on misogyny is something that is really scary in today's world and work place.

HR departments are getting claims all the time about this crap. Women and men claiming stuff. Such as someone looking over a should at a computer screen on a project... that person is "invading" space. yet they are were asked to look at the computer screen. Or unwanted advancements.... "hey you look good today in that ....." etc. That is why this is a very very serious discussion. It will become where you wont be allowed to socialize at work. I have many friends who are HR directors and they say it is crazy the shit they are dealing with and yes many of it is simple stuff such as complements. Then i wont even bring up about asking a co-worker out on a date or even to just have drinks as a group!! That is another can of worms. Like i mentioned it is heading down the path of no interaction with co workers.

avatar for crsm27
6 yrs ago

^^^^^ And by "many women" I don't know what you mean, because the majority of women will not think it is wrong for a man to sue a woman, or even file criminal charges if applicable, on the basis of the false claim. Most practical people will agree that people have the right to legally retaliate after a claim is proven false.

Oh i beg to differ on this. But could also be the circle of people you bring this up with. Many of the #metoo movement dont want to see counter suits in this aspect. Because they will think it will hurt others who think that they might have some fault to not come forward.

Like i mentioned it is kind of counter productive. Because people will think they can get sued! Which could possibly keep people from coming out when they think they have some blame in the action that took place.

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

Crsm27, sounds to me like you just want an argument. I answered your questions in a pretty straightforward manner (which OP is incapable of doing), and you still keep going.

Yes, it is OK for people to sue for a false claim where damages were incurred. Again, you say "many women" in such a loose context that it serves no purpose because the majority of women, and people in general, will not have a problem with a) the victim of a false claim suing someone for damages due to the false claim, or even b) the person who made the false claim facing criminal charges if the allegations went all the way to court/deposition leading to perjury. This includes people in the #metoo movement. The majority of them aren't going to condemn someone for taking action after being a victim of a damaging false claim.

False claims obviously hurt the credibility of actual victims of sexual assault and/or rape, but I would argue against your point that suing or seeking criminal charges for false claims reduces credibility. It may do the opposite, and deter liars from making more false claims.

And again, damaging false claims are a lot less common than actual assault is. Most claims of sexual assault that make it into a court room or deposition are true, albeit usually very hard to prove.

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

@Nicole, have you posted that full frontal nude shot yet? I want to see if you are as hot as you say you are, so I can judge how smart you are.

avatar for crsm27
6 yrs ago

Nina... you being a law student should know a tactic used in many criminal and civil cases/lawsuits is a "counter suit".

Which means if you bring up allegations against someone. They turn around and present a "counter suit" for defimation and what not.

This is the stuff that #metoo is trying to prevent. Now many states have protections against this type of thing while a criminal case is going.... but some dont and some of those reach far enough for protection. But this is a "scare" tactic used to keep people from coming forward.

Now I know that after a false allegation is proven and a judgement has been made... then bring up a counter suit against that false allegation is a different thing. But yet even that or the possibility of that is what many people I have talked with that are involved in the #metoo movement say are scaring people from coming forward.

Like I stated... it might be the circle of people you bring this up with. Hence your circle is different than mine.

Then back on the topic of misogyny and the Trolls thread..... or your alter ego. This is the same thing... crying wolf or calling misogyny all the time is a big issue and will hurt any movement forward on this subject. So if the Troll is bring it up to try and make a point or to be funny... either way it is hurting.

Sorry to be butt hurt on this... it is just something I deal with every day and sometimes it gets to a breaking point... like today.

avatar for ToyChaser
6 yrs ago

No, No, NO Nicole, women like you get beaten for being stupid and bringing up graphs at dinner tables and parties around family and friends and not bringing beer out to company fast enough. It has absolutely nothing to do with "Being dependant on a man', and everything to do with you being a cunt..

avatar for hoarker
6 yrs ago

Incoherent babbling. Thank you public education.

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