Which US cities are worthy of a mongering tour?
Tijuana and Detroit
I have done a tour of Detroit (last year) and may well return this year. A weekend in Portland was also fun for those into suicide girls and dive bars. What other US cities have multiple venues with attractive women, high availability of extras, amusing stage shows, or otherwise unique club experiences? If there is a scene, I will travel and review it. What say the experts?
I may do Atlanta or Phoenix, but those cities sound like they have a lone gem in a desert or clubs. Hiliter has also undergone changes in the last couple of years.
I may do Atlanta or Phoenix, but those cities sound like they have a lone gem in a desert or clubs. Hiliter has also undergone changes in the last couple of years.
You also failed to mention cost/value, which is part of the equation for most PLs. Detroit and Atlanta would rank higher if that's taken into account.
The subject of a mongering junket seems to come up periodically and the point is usually made that for a genuine vacation you're better off finding cities/regions with more to offer than clubs alone.
Florida might be worth a look-see. I could totally roll with papi as out tastes do not overlap.
Were people joking about Providence, Rhode Island? I could not tell. If hot young women are offer extras at great rates, I'll make a trip and review the worthy destinations.
Not a fan of sex tourism. My own future travels will be for business expansion into new metros, and new countries.
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