
The stage buddy ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Sunday, June 3, 2018 6:44 PM
Ever notice some dancers go on w/ a buddy on stage (in the instances where the rotation is one girl per stage).

A while back I was at one of my small AA dives where it's usually just one-girl on stage especially on dayshift.

I was getting dances w/ a sexy ebony and she was giving me some pretty-good grinding - I then see her on-stage a while-later while I'm with another dancer and she's the only one to go on w/ another dancer - I ask the dancer that's w/ me why there are two dancers up there and she tells me the one that danced for me earlier is shy about being on stage by herself (I had met her a couple of weeks b/f so she's not exactly a complete-newb)

A while ago at a different UHM club, a dancer that gives me consistent UHM and has been dancing for close to 10-years told me she still feels shy/apprehensive about being on stage.

Any of you guys have had a dancer tell you about her "stage fears" even though she may not be a newb?


  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I don't think that is all that rare. Fear of performing in front of a group. No different than being scared of doing public speaking. I've known many girls that would tip the DJ to skip them on stage.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Often this is a newbie dancer being shown the ropes by a more experienced dancer. However, I know two extras girls at Follies who never go on stage, which is not required there. Both have told me that they feel insecure/shy getting on stage so they just don't do it. They are both pretty girls in my opinion (slender, spinner types) who I imagine would be well received on stage. But of course, the stage is not where the action is at Follies. Neither girl is at all shy/insecure giving floor dances or VIPs.
  • racejeff
    6 years ago
    Yes, I’ve had experienced top dancers in clubs tell me that. But not to the extent of sharing stage time. Years ago I was a club / dancer regular in a club and a couple of dancers there would hang out at my table getting feel for club prior to their 1st stage set. Comfortable with me and knew they would get dances later in night.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @ Papi if you remember the girl I introduced you guys to at porthole, she is very stage shy, she told me that a number of times, the way she gets around it she watches herself in the mirror and semi hypnotically makes believe that she is dancing at home alone the mirror image of herself seems to calm her.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    It depends on the club too. A stage usually has to be big enough to fit two girls. Some girls also think or maybe they actually make more money collectively on stage together than they might separately. Some PLs might get fooled by the simulated "lesbian" acts that the girls sometimes do and tip more. Also sometimes the girls work the pole at the same time. It does usually require two girls that are friends and don't mind sharing the stage.
  • scgato
    6 years ago
    That’s why a lot of dancers are on some type of drug or drunk. Been told they needed that to work the stage. Some have anxiety and that many people staring at them freaks them out.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I haven’t seen that yet. I don’t go to clubs where dancers do stage sets. It makes sense - based on your description.
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    Yeah, some people are intimidated or afraid to be on stage in front of a crowd, like public speaking. Plus for these girls there is the added stress of being naked and having their body be judged by a bunch of horny strange men.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    There are a couple that do it at Follies that like to do 3 somes in VIP and this is their attempt at advertising. I think that only about 50% of Follies dancers get on stage. The DJ always has a tough job at the beginning of each day to find willing dancers. Last Saturday I was talking with one that I have known for years and have never seen her go on stage. The DJ pleaded with her and she gave in as the first dancer of the day.
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