
Containing Trucidos Sorts

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Saturday, June 2, 2018 11:21 AM
Say we make it so no one can start more than 5 new threads or make more than 50 posts per 24 hours, and that the 5 new threads have to each be separated by 60min. Anyone think this is too restrictive? But for new registrants, it is 5 posts and 1 new thread per 24 hours. And it stays like this until they have gone through 10 days of membership and made a minimum of 20 posts. This way, if someone wants to go Trucidos, they won't be able to do it until they have a fair amount invested in the registration. And then even after they are full members, there is still some restriction. If there were to be moderators, on most forums which do this, like for example TJA, it is these moderators who are the real trolls. SJG


  • founder
    6 years ago
    I'm thinking of something different. You have to earn the right to post by either getting a review or article published, or getting someone to vouch for you.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Well, this forum has thrived because there have been no real barriers to entry. If someone has made some investment in a handle, they aren't going to go ballistic. One other member has affirmed by PM the parameters I have suggested. SJG
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    What is wrong with ignore?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The issue is that a Trucidos sort can load the board with spam, so it makes it hard for anyone to find anything. Some of it is also abusive. This forum has been very open, and this is its strength. What I am suggesting are just a few circuit breakers which will usually be invisible. Legit people start posting slow. Trucidos sorts will blow soon. We seem to have one or two of them operating right now, likely to blow soon. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    We now have between one and three Trucido's operation. The simple protections I am suggesting are common on other forums. They would stop these sorts from doing any real harm, while otherwise being invisible. SJG
  • ProudLiberalHusband
    6 years ago
    You realize I have programs that can post roughly 200 to 300 threads a second and 1000s of posts? Wanna see?
  • ProudLiberalHusband
    6 years ago
    SJG I would watch your mouth before I make you my personal project. I bet Founder would sell me your info for 500$ USD no problem
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @founder How about a combo 2 members vouch + 2 reviews or articles or 5 reviews or articles and allow reading reviews after a single submission is published but not allow posting untill the threshold is met.
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    I think having at least one review as a requirement is definitely a good idea. Posting (like driving in California) should be a privilege not a right
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    sounds reasonable.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I'm on board with Founder's suggestion.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    It's a strip club forum, not an international airport, you silly little dick-clot.
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
    I WON
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    What did you win exactly??? A BBC on which to guzzle nut?
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
    Founder officially surrendered today in a private closed door ceremony.
  • ProudLiberalHusband
    6 years ago
    I didn’t know he was a fellow Democrat. I guess he agrees with our sound strategy on negotiating with terrorisfs
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
    Learn to spel
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
  • ProudLiberalHusband
    6 years ago
    So immature
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
  • ProudLiberalHusband
    6 years ago
    Your welcome
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
    Your wife’s hot you said it’s SJG right?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    " I am the Great King Trucidos and I hate women! I first proclaimed myself as king when I was in the state prison. In prison there is a hierarchy. You either fight your way to the top, or you spread ass, but there are no women! So I made myself king and stomped any opponents into the ground. Everytime I have been in prison since, I've had an entourage of punks who all wear the "Hail King Trucidos" dog collar with pride. It was in prison that I first learned of Ernst Röhm, founder of the Nazi SA. He believed that real men are street brawlers who beat up Communists, but they don't have sex with women. [view link] So today, anytime I walk into a strip club and find that it has women, I just grab a shot class and fire it so hard and fast at the bartender that it takes him down just like a bullet. So guess what, you whimpy PL's are going to be my $1 punk asses who work in my strip clubs. So get down on your knees are prepare to accept your dog collars. [view link] " SJG
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
    Sounds about right
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    And, " It was when I was first in prison that I got my tattoo, 'Trust No Bitch'. And that means both men and women. " SJG
  • ProudLiberalHusband
    6 years ago
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
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