
Phoenix Open Thread

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili PalmerArizona

Been wanting to do this thread for awhile. We Phoenicians will start a good conversation in a local review, and then it derails because no one goes back once the new reviews start the next day. So I thought this thread would e a good idea to discuss the general state of affairs in PHX clubs, particularly if you don't have enough info for a review.

I'll start off with this potential bombshell: Guess who no longer works at Hi-Liter? A certain Asian lepidoptera, who, according to my source, was relieved of her employment on Monday. Cause of the termination: apparently, a scuffle broke out between here and one of her overly possessive sugar daddies. She was so incensed about the altercation that she called her "boyfriend" (his occupation actually rhymes with "gimp"), who, I am told, then came down to the club with a couple of "friends" who were going to teach the PL a lesson. Pepper spray was actually used to subdue the combatants, and it was decided that her services were no longer required at the club.

This piece of info goes along with what I saw and reported a few ago, when I saw her very angry at and gesticulating and yelling at the Old Dude With a Man-Purse, who usually makes a little DaveFromPhoenix "nest" for his extended time with her. Not sure if it was the same PL or a different one, but it's not very surprising.

Moral of the story, as always: Do not fall in love with dancers. Enjoy your time with them, pay them fairly for their services, text them to arrange schedules, but do not get overly possessive. She doesn't belong to you and she never will.



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Avatar for mark94

HL is definitely going through a transition, but I’ve found good as well as bad lately. I’ve had 2 enjoyable visits in a row most recently. That’s enough data for a trend, but the math isn’t irrefutable......yet.

Avatar for azrookie

I've known this dancer for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy who she thinks is her attorney (her license got pulled in one of the late 2017 raids) turned out to be a pimp.

I'm going to miss this Khmer dancer. I don't know who the douche-bag was who caused the altercation. But the HL mgmt should ban him permanently.

Avatar for ppwh

Do not fall in love with dancers

This is physically impossible. It happens for me sometimes when they say Hi!

but do not get overly possessive

This sounds like a fair compromise.

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

On another note, to the dude in the "Ant Man" t-shirt, please do not masturbate in the club. Sitting down at a table and keeping your left hand in your front pocket for an extended period of time...just, ewww.


Avatar for Corvus

Damn you Chili, now I can't wear my Ant Man T-shirt anymore.

Avatar for lolruned

Yes do not fall in love with a dancer. I don't know how some people can call themselves "friends" with a dancer when they're paying them to hang out with you

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

Well, if it is open for any Phoenix SC topic...

Here's an open letter letter to whoever is going to re-open Centerfolds (I guess the owners of HL)

Please get off your asses and do whatever is necessary to re-open this great sc. I have to drive buy this closed sc every other day spurring memories of all the great times I've had in there and all sexy honeys I spent time with from CF.

Re-open it already.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I’ve been very worried about the blow job queen. Can anyone report on her?

Avatar for Titus23

@lolruned - I'm friends with a few dancers I've met. We hang out outside the club, go to bars, dinner, movies, etc. Anything outside the club is free of charge. Just two people hanging out and having fun. When I go to the club, I don't necessarily go to see them, but if they come hang out with me, I'll tip them for their time. They're working, and I understand that. That said, once I'm a dancer's friend, getting dances pretty much ceases. At least in the normal sense. One of them is a trained masseuse, so every now and then I'll pay for "dances" that are really just a kick ass massage.

Now, if you pay for their time in the club, and pay them to hang out with you outside the club, then yah, I completely agree with your point. That's a paid friendship, not the real deal.

Avatar for etsutwigg222

Blow Job Queen is flourishing in the West Valley at Xplicit. Many longtime pole that were polished at HL are now being taken care of there and OTC.

Avatar for shailynn

DavefromPhoenix is world renowned. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing.

Avatar for rh48hr

Good Intel etstuwigg. JS has a new place to check out now.

Avatar for 79terrier

Any word on Centerfolds? I've been too lazy lately to head down south to HL

Avatar for azdd

Thanks for starting the thread CP! New topic - for those that frequent Bourbon Street, what do you think about those little love seats under the TVs to the left of the main stage? I almost never see these in use, even though they are comfy and slightly private, especially in the back corner. I know some BSC dancers will only do $20 VIP dances, but I used to enjoy a handful of $10 dances on these love seats as a warmup, or test drive for my dancer. I used to sit in those seats until a veteran fave of mine told me I shouldn't sit there, that it sends the wrong message. She never said what the message was, I guess that only cheap fucks wanting $10 dances sit there. So, I don't sit there anymore, but kinda miss it. Opinions?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Remember, now threads only stay open for two weeks after the last post.

Just based on what i read, the ones which look interesting to me are:


/listing.php ( black )




/listing.php ( nude, membership? )

Anyone have any feelings about these?

and then:

Skin Cabaret Scottsdale

/listing.php ( dive of dives, blonde front room makeout girl )

and then I remember there had been some in Flagstaff.

And then the most not a strip club lot lizard place I could imagine, Kingman, on site massage, seems gone:



Avatar for san_jose_guy

There are also two clubs in Yuma, and people have written curious things about them.

And then another just across the state line in unincorporated Winterhaven CA



Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

@azdd: The biggest problems with those seats are 1) they're way off the beaten path for the few dancers who do wander the club looking for dancers, so you're chances of getting one from a high quality dancer diminish exponentially, and 2) you can't see the friggin' TVs from there.

I'll see the occasional PL lock down a hot dancer with $10 dances from those couches, but that's about it. But then, when I'm in the club, the number of custys varies from 6-15 or so, so no real reason to sit there.


Avatar for Mate27

Sorry to disappoint you folks, but the Phoenix Open doesn’t start until Feb. 2019. Youre gonna have to wait.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ LOL - when I first read the title I interpreted as "Phoenix Open - Thread" vs "Phoenix - Open Thread"

Avatar for Richard_Head

I remember the old days when that certain lepidoptera's gimps sat in the back of the club all day collecting her money. Not sure how she lasted at the HL as long as she did. I wonder where she winds up? Sounds like Xplicit is a possibility.

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

Sometimes it's nice to try something off the normal menu. Was a slow Saturday for PLs and dancers today, so I tried a dancer I might not normally say yes to. Did 4 dances on the floor--very nice and sensual--and then took her to VIP for some more. Job well done, and I have a new dancer in the regular rotation.

Avatar for Mate27

Chili, ^^^ would you say that this was an Iconic dancer? I like athletic girls.

Avatar for Richard_Head

I wish this thread would move to the top when someone adds a new post. Anyways, I was at the HL yesterday and got the low down on Butterfly. Unless the story has taken on a new life of it's own, sounds like bad dudes on both sides of that dispute, pimps vs cartel members. I can see why she's no longer employed there. I will miss her. On another note, I saw Mimi there, I hadn't seen her in a long time, this is a very good development.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ in the Discussion view at the top there is an option to sort the threads by last comment and then the thread with the most recent comment appears at the top

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

@Meat72: not an iconic dancer, just a tall, slender white one that someone who knows my preferences would be surprised by the choice. Turned out well in the end, considering she was the only dancer I had in the 90 minutes I was there.

Re: the no longer employed dancer, I'd like to remind everyone that it is probably a bad idea to "loan" a dancer $10,000. Just sayin'.



Avatar for ppwh

I'd like to remind everyone that it is probably a bad idea to "loan" a dancer $10,000. Just sayin'.

Those other bitches were just talking shit. But we know! You give one of them $10 and see who you're still thinking about.

Avatar for azdd

Have had the opportunity to spend several days in Phoenix, which means multiple visits to HL and Bourbon. I try to get to Bourbon by 9:00pm when they play the house song (Girls, Girls, Girls) and call all dancers to stage and you can see the full lineup of who's working. Of course most of them disappear into the dressing room after that house song ends, but it gives you some hope they will be on stage or maybe on the floor eventually. I've noticed that some nights they don't do the house song at all. Not sure why, unless they don't bother on slow nights. Decent talent in the house this week, finally caught up with Layla last night (busty Persian beauty) after many many months, so that was cool.

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

I've never heard them miss the house song. Been as late as 9:30 sometimes, but never missed. Interesting.


Avatar for abqspencer

Is Kat back at BSC? She went to China/etc. for a few weeks a while back.

I'll be in town next week and am definitely stopping by (as per usual).

Avatar for azdd

Kat was in the house last night!

Avatar for abqspencer

nice, thanks AZDD! Definitely will be seeing her next week then.

Avatar for azdd

Another very enjoyable visit to Bourbon last night. Saw my old fave Kendra, still a brick shithouse. Got closely acquainted with Skyler, definitely adding her to the rotation! Honey had on a sexy new top that draped her amazing orbs incredibly, and was soooo fun to slip my hands under. A couple of dances with Kat, and then finished my night with new AA Bentley. Hold on to your knickers boys, she is the real deal, LDK in two songs, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Avatar for Salty.Nutz

i like going to BSC, although mileage isnt that great to none existent, the girls are pretty. Sure, better mileage is had else where, but the standards i have for strippers is very high, mostly based on looks, superfacial. im looking to creep, when i go to the club.

Avatar for abqspencer

@salty, I’ve never been able to figure out your definition of mileage. Every girl I’ve had dances from at BSC, with maybe one exception, have given excellent two way contact dances. Some with kissing, some with OTP play, some showing the kitty, some allowing some over the clothes kitty play, some even encouraging LDK.

Now if by mileage you’re looking for extras, you’re absolutely right. I haven’t encountered that at BSC either.

Avatar for abqspencer

Guess I've just been lucky. :D

Avatar for Salty.Nutz

abqspencer...dam im getting milked...lol..oh well.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Treating the girl like a vending machine is not a good way. Get her off script, front room makeout session. THen when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.


Avatar for azdd

Time for a thread bump AZ guys and gals! I've had a lot of time in Phoenix during the month of May, and spent most of it at Bourbon. I will always make stops at HL as long as my ATF stays there, but other than her and a few other long time HL faves, I'm finding it less and less appealing. Are there ANY new hotties at the HL worth stopping in to see?

What's the latest on Centerfolds? How about a completion date for Christie's 32nd St.? Anyone make any other notable stops around town that should be shared with the rest of us?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Anyone check out Eves PHX, could be membership club, nude, no alcohol sold?

VLIVE ( black )?

Chicas ( hot latinas? )

Venom still in Tucson?

Big Rig Doll House gone in Kingman?

Nothing left in Flagstaff?

Anyone visit clubs in Yuma or unincorporated Winterhaven CA?


Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

I think Centerfolds is a pipe dream. Highly doubt at this point it will ever re-open. I, too have been spending more time at BSC, though there is still plenty of talent at HL. At this point, Band-Aids is off the schedule due to overzealous bouncers who are clearly killing their core business. Not too many other clubs are on my radar right now.


Avatar for Mate27

I wouldn’t give up yet on those clubs reopening. The Super Bowl bid was just awarded to the area last week, and if the Final Four gets a nod in town which will be announced in a few months, you can see the Liquor Board loosening up a bit. They need to show local improvements towards sex trafficking in order to woo successful bids. This strip club slowdown could be seen as the low hanging fruit for those improvements.

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