
Criminalizing Sex

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
That's what all of these LE actions really are, and the extreme levels of restrictions on the licensed NV houses, and the restrictive situations US strip clubs are forced into, and the attitudes that some take, playing restrictive clubs and dancers off against the wilder ones.

Such people do not like highly sexualized women, are afraid of them, are afraid of what they might do if not highly regulated.

Need to look at all of this as a civil rights, legal, and political issue!



  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    They will say that its about the money dimension. But it is not. Really its about the off the hook women, and suppressing them.


    Emerson Lake and Palmer Song "Trilogy" by Jad&Den Quintet
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    politics and the law is full of self serving prudes and hypocrites.
  • Leonard313
    6 years ago
    Government has many flaws...but one of their big ones is going after the easiest targets rather than making a real difference.

    If they want to stop human trafficing...go after the pimps. But, going after the prostitutes is easier...and going after the johns is even easier. So, you end up catching and releasing a few women back into sex slavery and cause a few sex addicts to pay a fine and maybe get divorced...and that is what the government thinks will solve the problem. Meanwhile...pimps and trafficers just sit back and wait for the gal to return, new clients to show interest, or they go grab another girl.

    Think about what would happen if it was decriminilized and regulated. Prostitutes would be required to be STD free, would pay a little in taxes, and would have worker protections. Johns would be safer and much more likely to report shady experiences/situations. Pimps and trafficers would have to essentially cater to an underground group of criminals and wouldn't be able to make nearly the money they do now. AND...law enforcement could focus all their efforts on the real problem.

    But, the above would take REAL effort. Congress would have to agree on something they would take heat for and law enforcement would have to work harder to get the true "bad guys".
  • Electronman
    6 years ago
    I agree with Leonard313. It looks like we didn't learn anything from the nation's failed experiment with prohibition. Now we're heading down the same path with prostitution. When it comes to powerful human wants and needs, the best strategy is to legalize it and regulate the business to make it as safe as possible for all parties. Besides, legalization will also generate tax revenue.
  • pensionking
    6 years ago
    Completely agree with OP and other comments.

    Legislating morality is a slippery slope. Protect me from you, thanks. Protect you from me, fine. Protect me from my own choices, fuck you.

    Increase criminal consequences of trafficking itself (especially of minors -- unforgivable!!). Arresting sex providers, purchasers of sex or website creators that offer a forum for consenting adults to connect is super wrong.
  • 623
    6 years ago
    This too shall pass - when the republicans rule they cater to evangelical interests and all “fun for fun’s sake” must stop. When the dems rule fun becomes Ok again but only if it doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings.

    “Those who fail to study history shall be doomed to repeat it”.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    The one argument I find nonsensical when discussing making what is now criminal behavior legal is justifying the cost increase by saying the Government will make money taxing it. Massachusetts has the single most successful state lottery in the country, but if you live in Boston you can still play the daily numbers game with the mob. Why didn't the state lottery drive it out, being do successful and all? The mob daily numbers pays off at a higher rate because they're not justifying having 800 employees do the work of 50. The Democrats are the ones who went after strip clubs in Rhode Island, not Republicans and Democrats didn't have to support this bill either.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Leonard, remember that if you don't criminalize sex, you will have those who offer it commercially, and so you will have business operators who facilitate this. So some will look down on these business operators and call them 'pimps'. Jim and Artie Mitchell started the contact strip club biz, and Dianne Feinstein tried to lock them up in a case where prosecutors were calling them, "The Corporate Pimps"

    I don't think you can say that one side of the industry is automatically good, while another side is automatically bad.

    What Amnesty International has said about the potential for abuse in the sex industry is that the best thing to do is just to legalize it.

    Adult web sites which talk about things have the potential to expose problematic and abusive situations.

    What most do agree on is that the NV model is not a good map to follow.


    Rubmaps is 100% user-generated. Users submit the location of the business, pictures of the business, and also the reviews. None of these have been verified by Rubmaps. Therefore, it is unknown whether these locations are accurate, if the pictures actually depict the locations, or if the reviews are factual.

    Rubmaps is not affiliated or associated with any business or individual on this site.

    Rubmaps facilitates fantasy as it meets reality. Please enjoy the site for entertainment purposes, as our goal is to provide an outlet for users to share ideas and stories with each other regardless of its veracity.

    We want to take this opportunity to remind our users that Rubmaps has zero tolerance for underage prostitution and/or any type of sexual acts between unconsenting individuals, which includes sex trafficking. If any user becomes suspicious or aware of any such activity, please report to the appropriate authorities.



    I am against state lotteries and gambling, starting with the Georgia run California lottery.


    Derek and the Dominos: Let It Rain
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Actually, this may be the first thread I’ve approved of SJG starting. The declassifying of many drugs and decriminalizing sex would be a more sensible society. IMO
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Well, consensual sex is a criminal act and should be punished with execution.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    No one should ever have sex. That would be bad according to our new commanders. They must stop consenting adults from meeting up for fun.

    Instead we must all work on war plans for the destruction of this planet. Make war not love. Death rate should be over 90%.
    Then after less than a million human survivors, no one will care about the war on sex. People will be happy to find another living human being.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    The human race could go extinct. The current political leaders will smile in their graves.
    Other alien species might visit our planet and find our remains.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Unless the aliens are watching us now, we'd probably be decayed by the time they come here and find us. Except for the mummies who are well preserved.

    But, the aliens *could* be watching us now. I myself sometimes think I'm part alien.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    Now I'm thinking about making babies with Nina to see if they have alien traits. :)
    I'd probably have to have babies with other dancers as well to have a valid experiment.
    Now I just need the money that Greenville agents spent in Greenville SC to find evidence. An experiment needs several tests.

    I heard a rumor the entire human race was an alien experiment. I also read or heard there are 18 alien species observing or interacting with the Earth, some friendly, some not. I probably have aliens directing suggested videos on YouTube. I see all the crazy videos. So far I have not personally seen any aliens that I'm aware of. Just a cloud UFO escorted by black helicopters ages ago. I know of someone who acted like an alien. Practical joker he was. I guess he never made money off of his invention for a new type of car engine and transmission.
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    One person posted that Venus was a habitable planet with a very advanced alien civilization and the whole hot enough to melt lead was a big lie. He even said it was a joke that one of the first spacecraft to descend towards the surface supposedly used a parachute. It was a joke because if it was hot enough to melt lead, the parachute would have incinerated long before it got far. I think YouTube is full of crazy people. I once met a stripper that actually claimed she was from Venus. First time I met a stripper from Venus. I never heard that Venus could have strip clubs. I always believed our governments were telling the truth that Venus was hot enough to melt lead. If they were lying,it'd be a great lie to keep everyone away.

    One very interesting tidbit I also heard was that possibly around 600 BC or 600 ad, I forget, supposedly several cultures around the planet had 360 calendar days and they all changed their calendars to 365 days after an event occurred where people recorded that the sun set twice in the same day and supposedly the earth spun backwards. The implication was that a large planet or object came close enough to the earth to alter the rotation of the earth to change the time it took for the earth to complete one trip around the sun. I did not verify any of this. If it happened, maybe I don't really want to know how fragile life on this planet might be.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Reigning in free highly sexualized women is what the law against prostitution is really about.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Even on this site, some do not accept the sexual revolution, the elimination of the two categories for women, and the elimination of the different rules for men and women.

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