Military Discounts
Evil Lair
The “tipping the door girl” thread got me thinking about this. I don’t know how many of you are aware, but many clubs offer a military discount on the cover charge. By discount, I mean free, in most cases. Sometimes it’s actually a discount, usuallly 50%. My informal guesstimate is that over half do this. I usually ask if the cover charge is $10 or more; if $5 I don’t bother because it seems kinda cheap to ask when the door charge is that low. It seem more frequent in the South. Molly Browns in Daytona Beach actually used to comp the cover and the first drink, but they stopped doing this recently. Moms Venus would com the door charge and the first dance—a really good deal (don’t know if they still do this). Anyway, if ask and they give me the discount, I tip the door girl a buck or two, otherwise not.