

Somewhere in the club
I am thinking the revies/ratings should be categorized into daytime and night time so that the PLs know which club rated well for day time vs night time.
For example I visited two clubs at night time after 11.30 pm. They were dead that time. When I went through the reviews again with good eye, most them have good rating for day time reviews.
So founder should change the rating system to be two types...
What do you guys think?


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    How about a different rating for every day and time. Just read the reviews.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    I don’t pay any attention to the numerical ratings. I read the reviews for their content so a further breakdown wouldn’t be helpful to me.
  • anon4231
    7 years ago
    There's already different times for reviews; what may be helpful (and what I think you're asking for) is a way to filter on various aspects of the review, i.e. time of day, day of week, money spent, etc.

    Not that you shouldn't read all the reviews, but filtering for your particular case could give you more focused information (i.e. I'm looking for another club to skip out to after a shitty experience - how does it look during this day of the week and what can I get for the money I have in my pocket?)

    I visited a very "extras" club a couple of weeks ago because of exactly the above scenario (shitty club visit,) and it was... nowhere near as extra as I was expecting from the reviews. Much like Darkblue999, more careful reading of the reviews made me realize that most of the extras are dayshift - evenings are slightly more normal. Fortunately, I wasn't there looking for the extras, but I can see how someone could make the mistake.
  • 79terrier
    7 years ago
    I assume all clubs are better during the daytime
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    ^^^i think 79terrier makes a good point. Also, isn’t it going to take at least as much time filtering reviews than if you just actually read some reviews after first checking the time of day?

    The other reason to rely on content rather than some sort of filter is because what you may want out of a club might be very different than what most other reviewers think makes for a good club.
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    Is this why we put time of day on reviews?
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Rating a club is the same as rating a dancer. Makes little sense other than getting an idea of what someone else likes. On the other hand, an honest review can tell one a lot. But a review of the dancers such as "they were all 10's" would be of little value unless you knew what the reviewer liked. Say I said the dancer were all 9 and 10, you could bet they'd be Asian and if Papi said the same thing, they'd have big butts and tits and be black.
  • anon4231
    7 years ago
    @Clubber: Yeah, I don't think the rating is worth a damn - but time of day is very useful, if only because it seems like you'll get similar service (or "service") at similar times of day. Similarly, one local club apparently has a really shitty manager on Tuesday daytimes - I guess they're a lot more attentive to the lap dance room than the average. This is good intel in the moment, but a trend like this would pop out given a sufficient number of reviews.

    @Huntsman: I was thinking of something really simple, like a drop-down that lists the times of day, and then a dropdown that lists days of the week. You could pick "anytime" or one (or both) of the times/days, and it'd only show you reviews that matched that.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Anon4231, that wouldn’t be bad. You and most on here are probably more conscious of that sort of thing than I am. The bad about being old school is that I don’t readily see the possibilities. The good about being old school is that maybe I study the detail and try to carefully read stuff. I don’t mean that last sentence as a pat on my own back. It’s probably more a function of my age and work history that has made that my comfortable way to research.
  • anon4231
    7 years ago
    @Huntsman: To be fair, I research each club pretty extensively as well - I can probably appreciate your viewpoint more than you think.

    I'm just not likely to take pen and paper to write down what's available on which day - I just get an overall feel for the club, but the "overall' was skewed by a lot of weekday daytime reviews, when I was going on a weekend night. Not that I didn't have a good time, but it was a bit different from what I was expecting when I walked in.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Ratings start to matter when you are going to a larger metropolitan area and have to sift through 25+ clubs. In the past, I've found the value and dancer ratings to be more accurate than one might think, at least on a relative scale against other clubs in the same region. Clubs that have either positive or negative outlier scores often had them for good reasons.

    All of which is why I'm less than thrilled about the recent changes to the weighting methodologies. The gulf between shills and long time club hounds has been narrowed, making these ratings more susceptible to shill manipulation. Not the end of the world by any means, but it will make sorting through clubs in some areas a bit more challenging.
  • anon4231
    7 years ago
    Wouldn't -any- weighting be better than no weighting? I can't make the math work out in my head here.

    CL 10 gives 1 point to a club. CL 2 (for ease of math) gives a club a 10.

    No weighting:
    Club gets (10+1) / 2 points in their review, for a total rating of 5.5

    With weighting:
    Club gets ((10/12 * 1) + (2/12 * 10)) / 2 points in their review, for a rating of 1.25 (if I'm remembering weighted averages correctly, at least - weight of an individual review would basically be CL/total CL.) That barely moves the needle on a shitty club.
  • anon4231
    7 years ago
    Okay, just checked with the Wikipedia article, and it looks like I was off - the weighted average would combine for a rating of 2.5 - still significantly lower than the unweighted 5.5 though.
  • lolruned
    7 years ago
    I see what you're getting at and in theory, it sounds like it could be a viable option. However, you're rating the overall experience of a club. You aren't going to want separate reviews on a fast food restaurant, such as how good the food and service is in the afternoon vs night. The quality of the food and service should be the same across the board, regardless of what time you visit. I would probably be alright with a separate rating on afternoon vs night as some kind of VIP option
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Founder should also display the std deviation for each of the ratings.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Presently the day and time is shown at the bottom of the review. I'd like to see it at the top. Then I cold just bypass all of the night reviews of Follies and other clubs that I never go to at night.
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