
I think this stripclub is trying to shake me down

I was in a strip club a couple of nights ago, ordered a bottle of champagne and attempted to get a private dance from the stripper. The charge for the dance didn't go through so I ended up leaving saying i'd be back the next day, I ultimately decided not to go.

I receive call the next day saying I owe the girl $450 when I never received a dance from her. They claim they have a video as well as witness, and that they have a signed receipt from me( which makes no sense because the charge has to run before you sign the receipt) and if I refuse to pay she'll take me to court. If they can prove in the video that I spent the time with the girl I'll gladly pay, but I feel like if I got to watch the video they'll take me to a back room with like 5 bouncers.

So if by chance i did black out, things still dont add up, they wont let you in the VIP room without paying first. And i did not drink the champagne, which is extremly unlikely if i was getting the private dance. The things they are saying just arent adding up in my head. But it doesnt make sense for them to go through all this trouble either if it didn't happen.

TLDR a stripper claims I had a dance with her I have no recollection of happening and is threanting taking me to court. Is this legit?


  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I can’t imagine somebody is going to take you to court over $450.00. Did you order and pay for the champagne? How can they prove you never handed the girl cash for the dance? Besides, aren’t all girls technically supposed to receive payment up front? I think it’s bullshit.
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    I ordered and paid for the champagne, the girl is saying i owe her, and we didnt even have the privare dance. And they claim there is a video. Also yes they should get payment up front
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I wouldn’t pay it. Besides, why would she go back there w you, if you didn’t prepay? It’s completely possible that you gave her the money and she didn’t feel like paying the club and got caught.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I think, at some club, the girl will rent the room herself for an hour, and then get as many guys as she can back there, for whatever time she negotiates. I don’t think you owe anyone anything.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    There's a lot that doesn't add up. I'd just tell them that you don't owe anything and that if they feel they have a case they are welcome to pursue it.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I don't understand this story at all. Too many unanswered questions. And the biggest question is why did you give the club your telephone number.

    Sorry Bj99 but rule #1 is never pay for dances, VIPs upfront. House charges yes but not dancers.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    How did the club get your phone number?

    Did you give the club your personal information?

    If they opened a bottle - they will probably want payment for the full bottle. It might not be the dancer - but a club policy. Since you paid with a credit card - and also gave the club a form of id - they have enough to fraudulently push a charge through.

    I’m thinking they bent the truth regarding having you on camera. If you were in the club - you were on camera. It doesn’t mean they have you on camera in the VIP room with a dancer.

    If you were drunk, and beyond just buzzed, its possible you don’t remember. It’s not recommended to pay for drinks or VIP fees on a credit card - as it’s easy for this type of thing to happen.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    @ subraman. It’s technically the policy that dancers are responsible for collecting payment first. Which means it’s on them, not what a customer should do. Usually vips are different bc they do through the vip manager, and you have to pay to go back there. Any tips negoatiated are between the customer and dancer, and would be verbal agreement. So I can’t see how he’s legally responsible for any services from her.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I’ll add that I never ask for dance money first, but when talking w night shift girls, they tell me they do when guys seem extra drunk, bc they will forget they don’t have any more money and ask for dances lol.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I’d tell them to go pound rocks , but I’ll have to say the whole story doesn’t really make any sense.
  • max_starr
    7 years ago
    Given the industry type and the fact that it's a credit card, winning a dispute EVEN WITH VIDEO will be extremely unlikely in their part. That is why the liquor store down the street from me only allows debit with PIN.. Too many customer charge backs. The owner told me he lost many even with video... Debit with pin is nearly impossible to dispute though.
  • max_starr
    7 years ago
    They will have to somehow prove that they did not tell you it was declined, which would be extremely hard.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    There’s a whole lot that doesn’t add up. You seem to admit the possibility that you were so drunk that you could have passed out, which means you were drunk enough that you could have said or done anything. Maybe you do owe the money. But since they are making the claim, the burden of proof is on them. I would start by asking them to send you a copy of the receipt and video they say that have. If they are really going to take you to court they will they will have to show it to you eventually.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It sounds like they are saying he owes her for a vip, but not for the champagne, and that the dancer will take him to court, not the club. Am I wrong?
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    If it’s just the dancer fee, it’s none of the club’s business, assuming she’s an independent contractor like virtually all are.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Bj99 it’s unclear to me about the $450. It sounds as though he had to pay for the bottle to get into vip. He claims the charge was rejected. He also claims they called him.

    So I’m guessing he tried to get vip - with a specific dancer. He saw that you had to purchase a bottle to get into vip. He gave the club his info - credit card and drivers license. Then the charge didn’t go through. He then left the club due to embarrassment. The dancer was pissed because she lost a sale - which is understandable. If the dancer called him and claimed he was on video with witnesses - I’d let it go - as she’s probably bluffing.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    He says in the comments that he ordered and paid for the champagne tho. And he specifically says the girl says he owes her money, not the club. Maybe he had enough to pay for the champagne, but not the accompanying dance, or the additional amount she wanted. Either way, I can’t see how he’s legally owe anything.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    He might. They had a deal. She was apparently ready, willing and able to perform. Not her fault he didn’t have the money. She may have lost other sales while she was dicking around with him. This looks like a violation of Subra’s rule #2: don’t be a little bitch.
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    They're whole argument makes no sense. I brought the champagne becuase i wanted it. I was waiting for the charge to go thhroug for the vip room. They came back and told us the charge didnt go through, so there could not be a reciept. Meaning i did not get into the Vip rooming meaning there was no service.
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    Trust me, i wasnt with her that long
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Yeah. It sounds like bullshit.. you order champagne just to drink? I’ve never seen a guy do that.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Ok. Now I understand a bit more. How did the club get your phone number? Did you give your number to the dancer? Have you checked your credit card pending charges online yet?
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    Yeah, wich is probably why i was out of money. But i dont understand why they will allow me to come down and watch the video unless they intend to sick their bouncers on me
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    I honestly dont know how they got it, its possible i gave it to the girl becuase she wanted to make sure i came back. Credit limit reached nothing can go through
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    The more I see in this, the more I tend to side with the dancer. But still, it’s her claim to prove. She’s either got to show you her proof or go away.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Based on what you’ve disclosed - I’d say it’s not worth it for the club to pursue anything. You’ve hit your credit limit - so they won’t be getting more from you.

    However, the dancer might want the money. That’s very different than there being a legal method to get you to pay up.

    If it was the dancer who called - and not the club management - that’s very different. The dancer might want the money - because she spent time anticipating a vip session. But she’s not entitled to it - since she didn’t perform in vip.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I don’t feel bad for her. I have no sympathy for dancers who take advantage of really drunk customers and charge 450 vips. Plus, there’s no reason she couldn’t have gotten him to pay up front for the vip, if it was going to be charged on his card, before going back there. Managers have told me, “go ahead and go back there, I’ll bring it for him to sign,” but I don’t go back until she brings it to him, and it’s signed. If she just wanted him back there bc she knew the deal was iffy, that’s on her. If the card was declined, I can’t imagine why the manager wouldn’t have gone back there immediately, and told them. Maybe bc they felt it was better to attempt to collect after, regardless.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    One of the tenants of strip-clubbing is to never hand your credit-card over - some clubs are legit but CC overcharging happens all the time; it's a seedy business where it's all about the $$$.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Yeah - too many inconsistencies in this story including the club having the OP's ph # - adding to the inconsistencies is him "possibly not remembering" - plus he was able to use the card for the champagne but not the dance.

    Anyway - it's rare the club comes for the $$$ after the fact - the case is usually the club charges the card then the customer has to fight to have it taken-off - if you didn't get the services then you have nothing ot pay for - if they say you did and have evidence they can easily email you the video w/o you having to go in the club (which I wouldn't do) - the only way they can "prove something" is them having video of you going into VIP then coming out 30-minutes later (the avg length of a VIP) thus extrapolating you did get something since you spent 30-minutes in VIP.

    Stories like this are often hard to believe especially when the person "may not remember stuff" and it's someone new to the board.

    Anyway - if it didn't happen, I wouldn't pay - and if they say they got evidence then I'd tell them to email it to me and based on that I would rethink the situation.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    You state "The charge for the dance didn't go through..". Did the champagne charge go through? If it did, I assume you signed for that. Forgery is an option, but seems a lot of trouble for $450.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    You should go back and pay her $1k just for the stress you caused.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    What club was this? Perhaps some on here may be familiar w/ it and its businesses practices.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

    Excellent point! Sort of the purpose of TUSCL. isn't it?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    So weird, the influx of brand new posters with the oddest situations going on! Okay, under Papi's theory of "even if it's a troll, an actual lurker out there might have the same question".

    First, to review the lessons learned:
    1. Paying by credit card in the strip club, and getting so drunk that you may or may not have blacked out . I don't like blaming the victim, but there's such colossal bad choices being made, I kind of feel like $450 as a bad choices tax is getting off lightly. Hey, every one of us has done dumb things in strip clubs, just learn from it.
    2. It shouldn't be that hard to write a clear, concise description of what actually happened. The fact that we're still taking guesses after multiple posts, means perhaps some work on communication skills is warranted.
    3. There's some serious weirdness going on here, from a man just wanting to buy a bottle of champagne at the strip club "just because", to ... well, almost everything else.

    Still, here's what I would do:

    *** If I were absolutely certain I did not do that dance: simply cease communication with the stripper entirely (if it's in fact the stripper who has been doing the communicating. I dunno for sure.)

    *** If there's any chance I did that dance, then I owe it to the stripper to find out for sure. Call the club, talk to the ***manager*** and no one else, get a copy of the signed visa bill for $450 plus at least a short clip of whatever video they claim to have. Pay the girl if you owe her. Cease communication if they have any excuse for not being able to come up with any evidence. Absolutely do not go to the club, smartest decision you made -- only thing waiting for you there is a beating
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    I'm sorry for all the confusion I'm not the best a explaining. the fact that there are uncertainty in my memories is why i'm iffy about the whole thing i'm not trying to avoid payment where it's due. it's just so many things that they said just doesn't match up with normal procedure there. I the Champagne come separate, it's not automatic with the VIP room, but the two do go hand in hand. I missed there apparent deadline as well, so I guess i'm gonna find out how legit this is one way or the other. Thank you everyone for your input
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"I'm not the best a explaining"

    Ha ha, little bit of an understatement :) Well now that you got us all riled up, you'll have to tell us what happens. My guess is nothing, but stranger things have happened I suppose.

    Could you clear up: who contacted you? Was it club management? The stripper? Someone else? If club management contacts you, you might ask for the proof (copy of the video, or a clip from it, of you getting a dance in the VIP).
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    I'm honestly not even sure who it was, It wasn't the stripper, I assume it's one of the waitress's or something.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Okay, so just the waitresses and a stripper dreaming up a scam, I can't imagine it being anyone but management doing the contacting, if it were for real. More then ever, I'd counsel "Do nothing"... I don't believe, if the club were behind this, they'd have some random person call you, so I tend to think you did not do the dance and do not owe the stripper money.
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    I hope so, I really don't have time for a court date over this bullshit
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    This story reminds me of a post from a few weeks ago where a guy claimed he was drugged and was forced to sign the credit card slip while drugged. It’s a sketchy story - and there are too many inconsistencies.

    There aren’t enough reasonable details to provide any understanding of what actually happened. I’d strongly advise to not pay more money to the club or dancer.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I’ve known girls who specialize in scamming drunk guys. There’s an excellent chance a waitress, or friend, was helping her, and 450 is not too petty of an amount.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I'm surprised no one ever brought up rule number nth: Never use or bring a credit card to a strip club.
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    If it were me I would ask the club manager to meet me in the lobby or out in front of the club with a tablet with the video. If you owe the money pay it.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Dirk, long thread so easy to miss, but we mentioned it. I think we're all going easy. Here's what I said: "1. Paying by credit card in the strip club, and getting so drunk that you may or may not have blacked out . I don't like blaming the victim, but there's such colossal bad choices being made, I kind of feel like $450 as a bad choices tax is getting off lightly."
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^ why should that girl be encouraged, by getting the money? She knew she was taking advantage of a very drunk guy. It’s bad for the whole club when girls pull this crap. It’s the worst ROB behavior. If she doesn’t feel he deserves that money, he can’t give it to charity. It doesn’t need to go to that dancer.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    “If he doesn’t feel”
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    The only thing missing from the story is “ when I woke up, I found a long scar on my abdomen. My kidney had been removed !”.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Kinda funny—seems like the PlLs here are siding (kinda) with the dancer and BJ99 is calling her a ROB. A couple of additional comments. $450 is not really a huge amount for a VIP. More than I would pay for a half hour, but I have been quoted much more, and it’s actually in the low use for a full hour at most places. A lot of people can get pretty drunk and still function close to normally, and the clubs are full of obviously drunk guys buying VIPs. Is she really supposed to say no because she thinks he’s too drunk? I’ve got no sympathy for this guy. But I’ll say this for the third time: he should have them send him their proof. If they really have the proof, he should pay her. Even he admits it might have happened the way they say.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Bj99 - your point is well made. I think this is a situation where the customer put himself at risk, and a dancer took advantage of a drunken customer. However, the customer should have kept himself in control too. It’s easy to get aroused and drunk - and then it’s easy to get taken (in certain clubs).

    I don’t think the dancer has the evidence she says she has. I think it’s scare tactics - thinking the customer will pay because he was drunk and not in control.

    I’d recommend both the customer and dancer let it drop. The customer should learn several lessons - not to get drunk in a club, not to use a credit card in a club, not to charge over his limit, etc. The dancer should learn to not try to squeeze a customer for more than he’s able to spend.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Low end, not low use.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    mark: ya, I think this is one of a number of newly-created alter egos telling stories. Still fun to debate about.

    Anyhoo... just for grins I asked a good friend and fellow SCer who is a LEO what he thought. Right off the bat, he said it all sounds fishy. When strip clubs have payment problems, the manager handles it. They'll almost always call the cops right to the club; and if the incident was egregious enough, they might issue a petty larceny infraction on the spot. Even if the club messed that up and wanted to follow up with him the next day, he felt it is always the manager or some senior staff that runs this, not some random person from the club. Lastly, he said that even if they had a video and took him to court, he thinks it would not be a slam dunk -- the judge would have to be satisfied that they didn't completely take advantage of a drunk guy.

    All in all, in no uncertain terms, he said do not return physically to the club, and if you do want to see if there's any evidence, ask them to send you the video -- we do have email, it's quite easy to get video clips without you having to go onsite physically. In all, he and I both feel that going back to the club -- meeting the manager in the lobby, whatever -- is as colossal a blunder as the initial using the credit card and getting blackout drunk, especially given the likelihood that this is a scam.

    Those of you above: if your bullshit meter didn't go off, hearing that a random person from the club called him the next day, that might be cause for some re-calibrating. (and yes, I realize the whole story might be made up lol)
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    The name of the club is expose. And after looking at some reviews apparently overcharging is common as well as attempting to scam customers. The sad part is i go there quite regularly and never had this problem.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    What city is that club in?
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It hadn’t occurred to me until now, but it would be nice if how a club handles disputes was more reviewed. My club is absolutely safe for the customer to come in to, and talk to the general manager, and to review footage. I know of several customers who’ve had issues, and the management handled it professionally and my customers were happy (mostly weird bar charges). I know of one ROB situation, where a guy disputed the charge and was able to get thousands that he’s been ripped off, back. I can see how it wouldn’t be the case at some clubs tho. I do think scams are common. If you do use a cc, always check charges on that card regularly. All you need is a cc number, name, and phone number, to find address (prolly billing address), and make online charges. I’ve also heard that hotels (staff) can be bad ab stealing cc number.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    I'm still stuck on this, which made no sense:

    ** "If they can prove in the video that I spent the time with the girl I'll gladly pay, but I feel like if I got to watch the video they'll take me to a back room with like 5 bouncers." **

    Why would you need to watch a video to know if you spent time with the girl? But ok, assuming your later correction is correct and your memory is clear, you already know that you did not.

    So no, you should not go back to the club to rehash this - there is no upside to it. Even if it was legit, it is doubtful that anyone is going to go through the time and expense of suing you over $450. But since it isn't legit, you already know that she has no basis for a suit and so does she.

    You should assume that this is a scam. Some guys are skittish enough about their strip club activities becoming public that the threat of a public court document would, all by itself, be enough to get them to cough up the cash. If you went back to the club, you'd no doubt be treated to a dog and pony show which would likely involve a menacing bouncer, who no doubt would be getting a cut for his troubles.

    Treat this as a lesson learned. Cash and carry is the only way to go if you want to keep control of your spending and maintain your anonymity.
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    Thats the thing, my memory is a little fuzzy at some parts. But nothing they are saying is adding up. I remember the end very clearly we sipped champagen while we waited for the charge to go through before we went to the VIP room
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I had my CC # stolen at a cheap hotel a few years ago - it was on a short trip to Dallas and I don't recall having had anyone else physically handle my CC - I check out of the hotel and not long after there were fraudulent charges on my CC for electronic equipment (an oscilloscope and couple of other things), which somehow was flagged by my CC company and notified me of it.
  • Salty.Nutz
    7 years ago
    OP sounds like a chick after "date rape""..."it was fuzzy, i dont remember". maybe you have shouldnt drink if you cant hold your liquor
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've lost track of the details - do you recall actually being *in* VIP, or waiting to go to VIP - or you don't recall actually having made it into VIP?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    What’s w the champagne? Do you really just order champagne bc you like it? Or did a girl have you order it? It’s just a quirky detail for me. I’ve never ever seen a dude order a glass of champagne for himself, w no ladies to share a bottle w.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    2 other TUSCLers with a fairly long TUSCL history, have posted threads about them not having any recollection of a strip club visit when waking up the next day with all their $$$ gone and they were not heavy drinkers and felt they had gotten drugged - seems a bit far-fetched but drugging guys to steal from them def happens and has been reported on my local news a few times.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Buying bottles aka popping-bottles is kinda common in certain circles - kinda a way to front/impress similar to rain-making
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    I dont recall going to the vip room. And yes i do enjoy a glass of champagne. I am a heavy drinker. I had actually went to the vip room with another girl i remember very clearly and i did pay her, but i wasnt alowed in the vip room until after they charged my card. And then i went to find another girl and we went to a diffrent room since my time was up in there
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Sitting at a table by yourself with an expensive bottle is akso similar to the guy that likes to set a stack of bills on the table.

    I don't see him buying a bottle that odd - maybe he likes champagne or is a way to attract girls to his table.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I'm like BJ in that it's absolutely weird to me too, but I don't do nightshift where most of the conspicuous consumption types that Papi refers to are there, and my circle of friends is definitely not the "order champagne just for myself" types... though I might not be shocked to walk in and see one of them alone at a table with nothing but a whiskey bottle on it lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Now you're making it more confusing.

    So u took one girl to VIP and paid her, with the CC?

    Then you tried taking a 2nd girl but didn't make it to the room b/c your CC didn't go thru?
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    Exactly, i was out of money
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    In my book, sitting alone at a table in strip club: 1. with a bottle of liquor—not weird, 2. with a bottle of wine—not weird, 3. with a bucket of beers—not weird, 4. with a bottle of champagne—very weird. Did they put one of those little sparklers on the bottle and prance it around the whole club to announce they caught another live one before they brought it to the table?
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    Got get attention some how right
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Since you're a heavy-drinker and your memory is fuzzy, doesn't seem one can get to the bottom of this.

    As others have said, if they contact you again tell them to give you the so called evidence (email or uploading to the cloud) - stuff like this usually gets handled in the club at the time of the incident not via a ph call the next day - if there's follow thru then don't admit to being a heavy drinker and not remembering stuff - just state the facts as you know them.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Okay. So, you were giving off the ‘whale.’ Vibe. W the whale vibe comes ROBs. :/
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    Man fuck those bouncers and fuck that stripper. Dont let them stress you over some bull shit.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Now the story is shifting again. Alrighty then...

    Since it now seems possible that she did spend time with you without being compensated, my answer changes a bit...

    If you don't expect to go back anytime soon, then fuck it. She's not going to sue you anyway and there is still a chance that she is lying to begin with.

    However, if you have any plans on visiting that club in the near future, and especially if she is a regular dancer there, it might make a bit more sense to make the effort to sort things out. I agree with others who say that you shouldn't go their in person to deal with it, but they should be able to send you a video clip. If what she says is true, then maybe you come to a compromise that everyone can live with as I'm sure that you didn't get a full VIP session if your card was declined.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    This is starting to sound like a TUSCL version of The Hangover! Still very little info on this bizarre night - more questions than answers!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    He said the club was Expose in Austin - per the little I know of Austin this does not appear to be one of the better clubs tbus no big deal not going back there with better options in the area, unless there's something particular about this club he likes
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > As others have said, if they contact you again tell them to give you the so called evidence (email or uploading to the cloud)

    +1 on having them upload it to the cloud.

    If only there were a way to arrange for founder to offer a free month for getting a strip club video put on Pornhub where the dancer jumps up leaving you nodding off alone in a champagne room with your dick out holding an empty bottle of champagne like it was an Indy 500 trophy.
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    So its offically been a little over a week and i havent heard anything. Am i in the clear?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    No way to know - don't lose sleep over-it - they don't have much of a case especially after the fact - if they come after you, which I doubt, you either coward to them or fight their ass (get a lawyer and counter sue them).

    I'd check my CC in case this is all true and they try to charge you as soon as the charge can go thru - IDK if there's a way to ask the CC company to not let them charge your card going forward, but if there is I'd do that for a little extra peace of mind.
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    How long before i cab say im in the clear?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    The code word is dumbass.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo: Call the CC company and report the card lost or stolen. They’ll issue another one with a different number and freeze the old one.

    @Fuckinhoesman: What do you lose by never going back there? Sounds like there’s plenty of other choices. Ignore them and move on. Worry about it when you hear from a lawyer or a court. Which won’t ever happen, in my opinion.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Take Papi’s advice, and take action with your CC company. If you report the card being either stolen or compromised - they will issue a new card with a new number. That will protect you in case the club tries to run your card numbers again.

    If the club is known to scam customers - it’s best to not use a card in the club - but this should help to keep you safe too.

    Who knows when you will be in the clear? In many clubs, since many customers use cash, when you leave the club, you are usually in the clear. The longer you wait to change your card numbers - the longer it will be before you are in the clear.

    I’m still unsure how they got your phone number, but if they have a copy of your card - and your drivers license - and phone number - they have enough to begin a lawsuit. It’s doubtful anyone would sue over $450. However, with lawyers getting involved, it can take awhile before they contact you.

    If you get an invite to The People’s Court - I’d think twice about showing up...
  • Fuckinhoesman
    7 years ago
    I dont plan on ever going back. Injust was wondering if im in the clear of a possible lawsuite. Ive been having nightmares about this shit
  • Salty.Nutz
    7 years ago
    you have some issues you need to work on before you go to another SC. 1) Hold your liquor, you pass out drinking champagme, thats weak ass fuck. 2)make more money so you are sweating 450. 3) stop being emotional, why you having nightmare? if you go to court so what, you'll pay what you owed them anyways.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    As I mentioned earlier, if it was a cash transaction, you are probably in the clear.

    Have you canceled your credit card yet? If not - that should be done.

    Learn from this experience. There are many lessons here - don’t use a credit card, don’t give your contact info out, don’t drink champagne in a club!

    What good would come from overpaying for a bottle of club champagne? It’s one of the big overpriced items in a club. It can get you drunk quickly. It doesn’t make you look like a big man. It makes you a mark for any ROB in the club.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    and i thought i did some krazy things in the clubs.
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    Listen to Cashman and others:

    1. Cancel credit card and have new one issued immediately.
    2. Don't ever use cc or give contact info to SC ever.
    3. Stop worrying about past situation. Burden of proof is completely on them. Fuck 'em.
    4. Never get b/o drunk at a SC. If you can't control yourself, consider AA -- you have issues.
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