Just Out: 2011 Interview with Porn Star Trump Slept With

avatar for EastCoaster
Stormy Daniels said, "I can describe his junk perfectly." Since then she's been paid $130,000 not to.



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avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Goes unnoticed as we shut down the government because Mexico won't pay for the wall

Welcome to 2018 and the Trump circus
Like shit would be so much more awesome with Hillary as POTUS lol
I suppose that makes him a "Huge PL"?!?!

Good for him. Putting his money to work boosts the economy and makes jobs (mostly blow jobs).
It's going to be another "he said" "she said" but if you want to "Make America Horny Again, you can tomorrow night.

Boring if he didn't fuck her with a cigar like Bubba.
I love me a good government shutdown, I like it even better now because Trump said he was going to stay in Washington D.C., when he flies in to PBIA at 4PM he fucks up traffic in all directions right about the same time we lock up our shop and head home.
ASFAIC they can stay shut down for the rest of his presidency hopefully he'll stay the fuck away.
Sounds like she wants another $130,000 !
I thought the same thing as Warrior. The $130,000 she supposedly got for hush money didn’t seem like enough given the situation.
I listen to Howard Stern in the mornings and this week he mentioned that back in 2011 she had approached his people with the same story. However, Stern didn’t air an interview with her because at the time, Trump was a fairly frequent guest on his show and he didn’t want to get involved. So she was peddling this story long ago.

So it makes it kind of awkward now if she’s denying it after getting the supposed money from Trump.
$130,000 is not close to enough money to have to carry around the memory of Trump's junk with you.
^^^I guess the great negotiator, got the art of the deal, yet the story is out.
This is fake news. No one would believe that even the most depraved and disgusting porn actress would sleep with Donald Trump.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Then there is Obama, who didn’t have any girlfriends, unless you count his bath house visits in Chicago.
Anyone on this site criticizing him is a hypocrite.
@flagooner stop patronizing the president;)
mark I don't think Barry had to go the bath house his "first lady" seems to have had plenty of dick.



^^^Hey we ain’t picking on Melania, leave Michelle alone ;)
“Anyone on this site criticizing him is a hypocrite.”

Who’s criticizing? If any of us had that chance to fuck a porn Star most of us would have done it.

Hell, we’d be bragging about it. We certainly wouldn’t be hiding it or denying it.

But then again, none of us ran to be the president of the United States either.
Do I care whether two consenting adults fooled around...nope...
Do I care whether a thieving, conniving, married to a rapist, murdering, vicious cunt is in charge planning to line her and her criminal friends pockets, gut the constitution and set herself up as queen...Yes... If Hillary were to be convicted of all the murders and killing she has either ordered, orchestrated or approved(not including military actions) and was sentenced to serve one year for each she would die in prison! I truly believe if she could have become president by murdering her daughter and grand child she would not have hesitated one millisecond and would have personally cut their throats if it meant power for herself. (please keep in mind I am old enough to remember her for what a vicious bitch she is and the lives she has ruined/ended during and since her & Bubba Bill the Rapist rise to power starting in the early 70's)!
So do I like "The Donald" - that question is irrelevant - Is he that better person for the job - Yep!
All the media horseshit and complaints from politicos are the old pot calling the newest kettle black.
It’s a cool story (in my opinion). He’s definitely a pl with lots of money. The hush money seems minimal - considering his current role as potus.

I’m guessing she’s using this to get more interest in her feature dancing tour. For a porn star - is there much that would be considered bad publicity?
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