The stripper that got away

avatar for theDirkDiggler
This can be many things. Say a stripper that worked at a club briefly, but you never got a dance with her. Or it could be a stripper that you danced with once hoping to cultivate a more substantial relationship either regular ITC or OTC, but just quit. The one thing in common seems to be they were all really hot. The exception might be the girl you really get to know over time and build amazing chemistry, but then quits, but i don't really count that unless you have exceptional dances with her during a one time deal. I'm mostly talking about girls that you only saw once (as in dances) or once or a few times (say stage or floor) but never really interacted with. Or she really catches your eye, but you were never able to get her attention or she was busy and you never see her again. Another exception might be the unfinished business girl. A girl whom you planned to do much more with, but never got to, or you ran out of money before you could do anything really fun with her or it started getting good :( and vowed to come back with replenished funds. In all cases, these are girl you come back to a club hoping to see again, but never do. I tend to be a present, in the moment kind of guy, but i do spend more time than i care to admit wondering about all these girls that could have been and there have been quite a few of them.

Do you think about the stripper that got away?


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avatar for Darkblue999
7 years ago
Yes. Two strippers I had dances one time with both of them on different days. They are 9.75 and hot,classy for me. I went to that club several times hoping just to take dances from them.But I never saw them again and I haven't seen girls like them so far.
avatar for ButterMan
7 years ago
Yes this is happened to me a couple times in life one actually proposed OTC and for some reason I thought I could do better and never took her up on it now she's gone wish I had and another I took too long to ask for her number and she disappeared yes the strippers that got away
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
Yeah, I think about her until the next time I go to a club and find a different hottie. That's the great thing about strip clubs. There is always another girl.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
I don't know. New dancer turnover is so high so i guess it should be expected. But 9+s are quite rare in clubs, so i always wish they stick around. Although this type of thing happens, it's usually only about few times a year, if that, that i'll see a girl that i'm really interested in and never see her again. But usually when they realize that the big easy money isn't there or it isn't as big or easy as they thought despite being hot, they usually quit.
avatar for magicrat
7 years ago
I met one a few months ago right about the time I had to leave. We had a good conversation but she rarely works anymore so I doubt I will ever see her again. But as many astute observers have mentioned, there are always more girls!
avatar for IHearVoices
7 years ago
Not all that often, but when I think of the finest dancers I've ever seen (or when posts like this come up) I think of this one blonde I Orlando, of all places. Her face was so pretty, and her body was right. All the right curves, the right amount of thickness - second finest dancer ever. This one dude tied her up basically the entire time of the party, which was from 3 until 6. Two and a half hours of her grinding on him on a couch. Closest I ever got to being jealous in a SC type setting.
avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
I have a couple of "what might have been" dancers in my past. One was close to my age at the time, and we hit it off so well I wished I had met her in "civilian" life. Not only was she beautiful and in fantastic shape, she was a great conversationalist and had a sharp sense of humor. Only saw her twice before she retired from dancing (found out she got married so she was most likely engaged when I first met her). C'est la vie.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Yeah, lots of such situations. Only remedy is to never enter a strip club unless you have time and cash sufficient to be entertaining some and spending the night with any such suitable girls.

You hit it off with a girl, follow thru with it, and then keep on seeing her regularly after.

For myself, I think this is a good way to play it. Same for AMPs and Street Hookers as well.


Led Zeppelin, 1969, live Denmark TV…
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
I can think of 2 that I did OTCs with and 1 that I was about to, all from years in the past that stick out as chicks that i would really like to see and interact with again but the odds of that happening are about zero.
avatar for mjx01
7 years ago
There were 2 dancers that I wanted to see in a non-business capacity. Never worked out and occasionally wonder, what if. But eventually sanity returns to my brain and I remind myself that I 'dogged a bullet' both times.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
mercy. all the missed opportunities.
avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
I started visiting my first men's club during my sophomore year. Near the end of the semester, I went on a double date with 2 dancers. I've written about this before. I can imagine people who read that story thinking, how in the fuck did you get through an entire semester without realizing this young, hot dancer had a thing for you? Well, the reason was, as hot as she was, she wasn't the one that really had my eye.

There was another dancer, I'm guessing she was 28, maybe 30 at the most. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. Blonde, curvaceous and very feminine. This was a different time. Before every dancer had tats and piercings and an attitude. Like seriously, if I wanted to date someone like that, I could just date a guy. She would often wear dresses on stage. And she carried herself like a lady, a naughty lady, but still a lady. She was so gorgeous I could barely look at her, could barely talk to her.

Then the drinking age was raised to 21 and I suddenly couldn't go to men's clubs anymore. Like wtf? I'm old enough to go to war and get killed but you won't serve me alcohol? Anyway, by the time I was legal again she was gone. It's dumb of me to think of her as the one that got away, because I was just a boy and she was a woman. It was 10 years before I met another dancer who was as beautiful as she was, but it wasn't the same, and I would trade every date with that other dancer for the chance to go back in time a little older and a little wiser.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Just within the last year there have been no less than 10 hot young girls whom i had the good fortune (or is it bad as maybe it would have been better for me to have never met them) of meeting and enjoying their sexy company briefly and then they just disappeared. I guess it was better that i met them as i still had enjoyable times with them, just not enough for anything really memorable.
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