De-prioritizing Clubs

To go along with the various SA threads, I tried texting BackPage girls this weekend, and had my first local FBSM with one. I'd say it was a par-for-the-course experience. Light massage followed by mutual touching, and a hand finish. 45 minutes with her was about what 20-25 minutes in a strip club VIP would have been. But it was nice to be alone and mutually naked with a young woman and not need to think about song counts, bouncers, cameras, club rules, etc.
The upshot of it all, is I think I'm going to start using clubs as backfill for a while. I'll try and spend money first on independents, massage shacks, maybe go on SA or WYP. If none of that is panning out, just head to the club again. The club is still alright for the mystique of encountering the unexpected, to be able to have a few drinks, or buy a few and joke around with a tipsy dancer.
I suppose those of you in extras-friendly cities may feel like your clubs are fine, as a one-stop-shop. Clubs in my area really aren't much for extras. I suppose they're more of a training ground for fresh mongers. It's easy to fall into the initial stage of noticing a gaudily lit venue... or advertisements in the local entertainment rags, or sports section of the newspaper. Clubs draw in newbies who don't know where else to go hunting.
I will say that I didn't realize what a diverse massage "spa" scene Charlotte has. The extras "spas" outnumber the legit ones, as far as I can tell from reading other review forums.
last commentYeah - w/ time, most mongers need harder stuff to satisfy them - low-mileage clubs can get old pretty-quick, especially if they are pricey where one feels they're getting very little value in addition to little-mileage.
Different scenes click w/ different mongers - many that are hardcore into escorts don't tolerate SCs and the hoops one often has to jump thru - and many that are hardcore SCers don't like certain aspects of escorts (often mechanical, kinda show-up "wam bam thank-you maam" - but in the end if you need release (aka "fuck a bitch") then one often has to look beyond SCs in most areas.
The spa scene is something I haven’t checked out much. This might be funny coming from one of us but it just seems so shady. And I’ve seen escorts. Idk what it is. The idea of it is great I guess the laws here just don’t allow it to flourish the way it should. And are there non Asian massage parlors? Maybe I’ll expand one day
w.r.t. massage parlors; supposedly is a good source for info
I think clubs deserve a place in the rotation but there are other options, as you have cited. Sometimes one type of mongering seems fun but then gets old and it’s time to move on to something else. I think we are best off recognizing our boredom and moving on when the return on time and money seems unsatisfactory. FBSM can be a nice change of pace.
Just as moving on from a given stripper is often a good thing, so is moving on from clubbing when it’s not cutting it anymore. You can always cycle back to it if it seems interesting again.
Playademan, yes there are "American staff" spas in my area. They have a reputation for being pricier than the Asian ones, service is more unpredictable. Girls will sometimes "go independent", since it is typical at a spa to share 40% to 60% of the massage fee with the management.
Charlotte should be a good area for SA. Large enough metro area to have lots of potential SBs, lots of places where you can go to and be anonymous, and lots of hotels (with lots of customers) if you need to make use of those.
I have a fav FBSM agency here that I use, with one super hot, oozes sexiness favorite girl I like to see. If she's available, 175 for a massage and HJ with her is better than taking my chances on what might be available in Follies on any given day, and waaaaay better than taking a chance on a $240 or up VIP anywhere else.