skibum609 Really Does Not Like Being Wrong...

avatar for Dougster

He says that he hopes everyone who invested in cryptocurrencies goes completely broke and ends up jumping off a building. Seems a little harsh. Did these people hurt anyone? cryptocurrencies make the world better in alot of ways, so its seems investing in them is a good thing.

OTOH, he is a-okay with @vincemichaels being a self-admitted pedophile.

What a complete fuck-up the guy is.


last comment
avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

Why get so worked up over cryptocurrencies? It got hot - and it spiked up. It’s not a market segment that I’ll play in, but I don’t wish any negative crap on others.

My current situation (based on age and time to retirement) has me moving large portions of my portfolio to very stable investments, and cryptocurrencies aren’t in that area of the market.

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

Lol, there’s always a lot of ‘not liking to be wrong,’ going around here. I like Skibum bc he’s seems through a lot of bullshit, and makes points that can be eye opening. He did point out that he saw VM’s inappropriate comment as trolling for attention and ignored it. I Interpreted that to mean, he thinks the guy is full of shit, so he writes him off as a lame troll anyways.

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

@Bj99: Yeah, I'm not buying this trolling for attention crap. @vincemichaels, above all, is on the board to build a positive image of himself and make friends IRL. Admitting to being a pedophile just does not fit into that.

I think you're idea that @vincemichaels suffers from some kind of brain damage or has some kind of genetic deformity affecting his mind is quite likely, but I still won't buy "he is so dumb he didn't know what he was saying (on multiple occasions)". He very likely is so dumb he didn't know what the reception to what he said would be, but not so he dumb he was making it up in direct opposition to his primary goals for being on the board.

avatar for Bj99
7 yrs ago

Well, he did make up serving in the military just to win a point w you. Anyone who’d lie ab that would lie ab other stuff. Even if everything here is fiction, the sci-fi fan in me expects ppl to be consistent. And I do think vm is mentally disabled in some way, but that doesn’t excuse bragging ab underaged sex. It’s concerning that he even thinks that cool.

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

@Bj99: "Well, he did make up serving in the military just to win a point w you."

Well, I certainly didn't say I thought he was honest. He did say in one post that he "never" molested "any" underage girls. That was later contradicted when DoctorPhil pulled up the sailboat post.

So lying about something which is almost universally seen as positive, military service, is consistent with him trying to build a good image of himself and win friends in real life.

Indeed, he does seem good at making friends in real life providing he hides his pedophilia. But I think it bothers him that he makes these friends by fooling them. He wants his real self, pedophilia, and all to be accepted. So he rationalizes that everyone is attracted to underage girls, and that he is the only one willing to admit it. Or, he thinks, every guy has sex with an underage from time to time. It's no big deal. And, besides, he remained "friends" with her afterward??? How bad could it have been. (Wonder how much the thought of some 50/60 y/o guy being "friends" with a 14 y/o and inviting her onto his sailboat creeps everyone out?)

I do agree with you, though, that he is very likely mentally disabled. But I don't think it's to the point where he can't differentiate right from wrong, so don't think it would give him much of a legal defense.

avatar for skibum609
7 yrs ago

Dealing with family law and criminal matters daily see a lot of people with varying degrees of mental illness. Here see that in Doug, the crypto currency billionaire. I also noticed that while Doug believes that crypto currencies somehow make the world better in a lot of ways, instead of the reality which is just making it better just the very rich at the top of this pyramid scheme, that he is so bereft of intellect he gave exactly zero examples. Since my job has shown me time and time again that we profess to hate in others what we hate most about ourselves, can anyone guess what Doug hates about himself as evidenced by his posts?

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

@skibum609: One little problem, though. I've given those examples in other threads. Now I thought a guy like you (a lawyer supposedly) would actually do your research, but I guess any expectations of you is too much. Examples I've given in other threads: taking power away from the big banks and giving it to people (why I've said I personally would prefer not invest in establishment coins like Ripple and why I hope it does not win).

Another thing I've cited before, the big one for me, is that many of these coins support community voting. Another thing I've cited is how they lower transactions fees which is very important to people in poor countries. Especially Africa. How some of the coins allow people with very little computing power, maybe only a Raspberry Pi to get on board. I've also cited how they speed transactions.

So, yeah, good idea if you actually check what you say before leveling your baseless accusations. It's all there. Just let me know if you are too lazy/dishonest to look it up and I'll get the links from you.

As for observations from being a lawyer, you've indicate a number of times how good a lawyer are. Starting with that shitty third rate law school you attended.

avatar for skibum609
7 yrs ago

Community voting? Sounds like voter fraud. Low transaction fees make sense for a product backed by no one and with no value in the future. You are a robot spouting gibberish; no different than any other huckster pitching a pitching a scheme. Big Banks? Check! Corporations? Check! Establishment? Check! Progressive? No thanks. Boo Hoo you are mean to Suffolk University School of Law. I am distraught. Suffolk is a school for people from the working class, who pay their own way and want an education that gets them a job. I take your comment as a compliment; here's bitcoin. By the way show me posts where I indicate how good I am. My Mom hates it when I lie.

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

Oh? So you admit you're not very good. That's good and something we all knew anyway.

Like I say: you keep being skeptical of crypto-currencies and being wrong. I'll keep investing in them and being right and raking in the money. I'm sure it will be like the stock market with you though: no matter how long you are wrong for you'll be convinced that some time, probably just around the corner, it's gonna crash and prove you right.

avatar for shailynn
7 yrs ago

I bought a scratch off lottery ticket today. Where do I stand in the investment world?

avatar for skibum609
7 yrs ago

You are ahead of Doug. Everyone is.

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