Current Phoenix question?

Vegas Baby
So I’m going to find myself in Phoenix this weekend with a couple of friends. Having followed the “issues” at Hiliter as an avid board reader and contributor, I ask which club has risen to the top recently? We are all drinkers so it has to serve alcohol. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
HL has lost the better dancers and is more of an air dance and back massage location now.
The top former HL providers are now at Xplicit, Scores, and Sugar 44. Those three will be the talk of PHX soon, as more of the former HL superstars relocate there.
Hiliter-haven't been in for at least 6 months and won't be in for awhile. Used to be an awesome place. Nothing really sounds awesome lately now.
Sugar 44 wouldn't recommend days, nights (usually starting around 8) on a Sat are great. Don't know about other days. 10$ cover starts at 7. Don't think there is a daily 2 for 1. Known as "cheers with boobs". Bar area is at front entrance and tvs don't face stage and you won't be able to see stage well and tvs at same time (if that's a big deal).
Dancers are cool and will sit with you and aren't pushy for the most part (every once in a while there might be one, but I've never really had a problem after declining a dance)
There are some hot dancers, but basically nothing compared to quality of bsc. And unfortunately, one of the hottest named Katrina (arrives usually around 11pm) wears fucking pasties! Oh I don't think it opens until 1 pm saturdays, but I wouldn't recommend going in so early (unless you really were just checking it out).
Christie's has a daytime cover which I hate. Went in once around 2010 I believe. Have not been back and used to work pretty close by (for several years) I guess that pretty much shows how much I liked it. But others say it's good. I don't like cover charges especially during day shifts, so I'm sure that has a lot for my dislike to the club. I used to go to the phx one back in the day (with free cover charge coupons haha), but that was several years ago and that one's not even open now.
So my recommendations.
Bsc (especially if during days)
Sugar (depending on time of day, day shift saturday is pretty weak as mentioned )
Christies-check it out-my info on this club is 7 years old haha
Hiliter (too many negative reports recently)- many are from trusted/long term tuscl members. But if you're feeling adventurous-go for it.
One other thing bsc, hiliter and sugar are close to each other. Over the summer I visited hiliter and sugar in same evening/afternoon without paying a cover at either. Have fun!
VLIVE, formerly xecutive showcase, BLACK!
Eve's, might be membership club, nude, no alcohol, might be best mileage and service, maybe.
All will have the same (or around the same) cover charge. All will have their "A teams". Just would have to pay a cover at each so wouldn't recommend strip club hopping.
Sugar parking lot is pretty small. I've been early only (right before 7) so never had a problem parking on a Sat. But lot is super jam packed when leaving.
bsc big parking lot. Never have been to Christie's at night and don't know if it would be difficult to park. Hiliter can get very busy and can even have problems getting a table (depending on how many friends are with you) unless you tip the bouncer. Have only gone in afternoons (before 7) on a Sat.
If you get a chance, post a review no matter which club or clubs you choose that night. Have fun!
If you like Latinas, Chicas is good. Lots and lots of Latin (both dancers and patrons). Never felt "unsafe" in there, and the mileage is probably the best of all the clubs I've been to in Phoenix (non VIP). $10.00 dances in the booths are fantastic (beer, no hard liquor).
Agree with Jaguars....biggest club, probably, but lots of "show offs" in the club and it can get really crowded.
Bourbon Street for your typical "white, enhanced" stripper.
Do NOT go to Explicit in Glendale. It's nice and big inside but the girls are pushy and rude, and the bouncers watch you like a hawk.