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avatar for WetWilly
7 yrs ago

3 porn stars dead within a month.


avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

Very sad. I saw this yesterday. I didn’t see any details of what lead this girl to take her life.

avatar for orangepicture
7 yrs ago

the article says pills

avatar for DR99
7 yrs ago

Who was the other porn star to die besides August Ames?

avatar for K
7 yrs ago


Shyla stylez .

avatar for orangepicture
7 yrs ago

Oh shit, Shyla Stylez died? She was one of my favorite porn stars of all time. That sucks. [Fun Fact: A few years ago, I met and sat next to a girl on a flight from Phoenix to Philly that looked EXACTLY like a younger version of her; it was uncanny.]

avatar for AnonymousJim
7 yrs ago

Ames and Stylez both. I just found out about Stylez today. She was an ATF. I once saw she was coming through as a featured escort and seriously considered if it was worth $2K. Did a search for her online for, ahem, other reasons and got a story that she was dead. Not what I wanted to see.

While this is depressing -- Stylez was basically the complete package, from flirtiness to dancing to the many things she did on camera -- it also makes you scratch your head. Part of me wants to put on my tinfoil hat for this and wonder if these aren't coordinated somehow.

Someone put bubble wrap around Lisa Ann.

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

"We will miss her but she will never be forgotten because she will always be in our hearts.”

She will never be forgotten because she will always be in MPEGs.

avatar for rh48hr
7 yrs ago

Hopefully this is the last one If the "bad things happen in threes" principle holds form. I did not know this performer though.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

I don't ever remember a stretch where i heard of "so many" porn stars (and they are definitely well known stars) dying. Seriously, the last one i can really remember is Savannah from the 90s. I'm sure there were many others, but they were more isolated and more far between and probably less famous.

avatar for whodey
7 yrs ago

Best qoute in the article "This isn't fun anymore. At all. Ladies, if this job is causing you emotional pain, GET OUT!! No amount of money is worth your soul. I wish I still had mine."

The same holds for any job, or relationship, if it is causing you so much stress and pain that it is leading to suicidal thoughts or causing you to do dangerous and damaging outlets (drugs, alcohol etc) just to cope with it get out.

No job (or problem) is worth killing yourself over

avatar for DR99
7 yrs ago

Well Lisa Ann is one of the few girls in porn that ran her shit like a business. So many of these girls blow all their money on boyfriends and stupid shit. I get it though I had a good job when I just got out of HS and it s hard to think of saving money back then. I blew so much money on stupid technology purchases. Buying some apple or google stock would have been so much better in the early 2000's

avatar for sinclair
7 yrs ago

Yurizan was Top 10 for me back in 2010-2012. Here is a scene from 2010 when she first started B/G porn.

avatar for NaturalSelection
7 yrs ago

Is it morally or ethically wrong to spank it dead porn stars? Asking for a friend...

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

It's considered a tribute.

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