
OT: Our elected officials

avatar for vincemichaels


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avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

@vinceygirl Are you posting the link to try and distract people from the fact that you recently confessed to being a pedophile?

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

I posted this link to attract you, Douchester and you walked right into my trap. Blow me fag. ROTFLMMFAO.

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

No much of a trap, @vinceygirl. Explain to me why I should be concerned about this "trap" of yours?

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


From the article you posted, "“She had a placard, so I never questioned,” Callihan told The Washington Post — though in retrospect, he said, he never noticed anything physically wrong with the mayor."

You know me. Would you think I have a life time handicap parking permit, yet I do. I don't use it a lot if there is an empty normal space near by. But if she was using a fraudulent permit, NAIL HER!

Just as an example how some are...

A year or so ago, I was going to a local spot for lunch. Only one handicap spot near by. I was going to use it, but a car pulled in before me. I'll mention that the spot is directly in front of a Domino's Pizza shop. Out of the car pops a pizza delivery guy!!! Anyway, I park and go into the shop, ask for the manager. "He isn't available." was their reply. Well, I am getting ready to call your corporate office about YOUR employee parking in the only handicap spot. Boy did that get their attention.and the manager. He seemed shocked I was questioning them using such a convenient space. He tried to keep me quite by offering free pizzas. I told him, that might work if I could get good pizza instead of Domino's. Anyway, it end up in the corporate domain. They said they terminated the manager and the delivery guy. Personally, I bet they didn't.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

No need to,fagboy Douchester. I'll let you drive your dumb ass crazy thinking about it. We all know you can't think well, you are such a moron. LMAO

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Good for you, Clubber. Once at a restaurant, I watched as a guy and his girlfriend parked in a handicapped space. Watching them walk in, I could see no handicap in their walk so as they walked by, I commmented that there are handicapped people that need the space. He got irate and was ready to start throwing punches. I calmly told the manager next to me to call the police. They left and he vacated the space.

avatar for shadowcat
7 yrs ago

I've seen the handicapped spaces and the pregnant mother spaces but how come nothing for old men with hemorrhoids? :)

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

Sorry vinceygirl. You're the one who got caught lying about military and recently admitted that you are a pedophile when you cracked under pressure from txtittyfag. Think that makes you the moron.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

wrong again, dickbreath. I haven't confessed to anything. You on the other hand when they jail your ass for felony fraud will be crying the blues. Lick my nutsack, gagging faggot. LMAO

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

Fraud? Oh, my. I am tempted to play along and ask what I'll be charged with fraud, but I get the feeling this is just another one your non-trap "traps". So you'll just wait for a letter or call from your Geico Neanderthal lawyer about it. Won't be holding my breath though.

And, yes, you confessed twice directly to being a pedophile. All there in black and white for the world to see, pedoboy!

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Don't worry, shadowcat. Should your neighbors in Alabama elect Moore, no doubt he'll push for that reform. He must have hemorrhoids with all the allegations about his alleged sexual abuse of women. :)

avatar for Clubber
7 yrs ago


What I wonder is, I can use my handicap parking in the prego spaces in Florida, but the pregs can't use the handicap spots. Surprises me they've not bitched about that. However, I have had that discussion with a woman. She shut up when I mentioned that getting pregnant is a choice and can be avoided. Losing the ability to easily move about is never a choice.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Damn, txtittyasswipe/Douchester, you continually show us how stupid you are. GEICO is not licensed in Michigan. But that's your pathetic life. :)

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

Geicon is not licensed in Michigan to practice law? No shit. Yep, you sure got me good there, @vinceygirl. Next thing you'll be telling me that Neanderthals died off thousands of years ago. Although your existence is proof to the contrary.

avatar for jackslash
7 yrs ago

The mayor lacks decency, honesty and integrity. She should run for the US senate.

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