
Bitcoin, strip club currency of the future

The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
Thursday, December 7, 2017 8:39 AM
Could bitcoin become the strip club currency of the future? Some say it's untraceable, and more and more electronic transfer purchases can be made with it. So now you don't need to carry a wad of cash with you, just tap phones with that stripper in the VIP in the back room and go to town.


  • FTS
    7 years ago
    *cough* $18,000 *cough*
  • impala
    7 years ago
    But can be transferred at fractional amounts (i.e. .1, .01, and from what I was reading all the way down to 0.000000001
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I am no expert but to me other currencies like Litecoin with low transaction fees seems more likely. Bitcoin works more efficiently for large transactions. The exchange fees seem like they will eat you up at the low Satoshi levels. I do hold bitcoins and cant believe what has been going on recently. Traders like Dougster or some of the others with more experience with the mechanics of these alternate coins should answer that.
  • dtek
    7 years ago
    It's not untraceable at all. The entire blockchain (Bitcoin ledger, sort of) is public information.
  • impala
    7 years ago
    I know this, anything done electronically is traceable, was being facetious
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    The ledger is public which validates the integrity of the transactions but the buyers and sellers are not listed or even known. Its kinda the point. Now you are wecome to believe there some secret goverment agency monitoring traffic and reverse engineering who the buyers and sellers are. But that transparency is not built into the mechanism/code of bitcoin.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    ^^ There are programs called Tumblers that basically "clean" your Bitcoins, so they are not traceable. Also, there were recent updates about the Lightning Network starting to come online, or something like that. All I know is that the Lightning Network is what Lightcoin uses, and it enables instant transactions at extremely low costs. All my knowledge on it basically comes from watching aantonop on youtube. I really need to buy his book....
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^^One thing you guys need to be aware of that there was a hack of satoshi’s minding operation last year they made off with over 3 billion in bitcoins
  • joeblow44
    7 years ago
    The volatility has to come down quite a bit to make it practical. Lap dance may be $20 when you start the dance. By the time the dance if finished, the dance may cost you $23. It also can work in your favor depending on the USD/Bitcoin exchange rate at the time the transaction is made.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Lol@joeblow haha soo true! You will have to establish a futures hedge on the upcoming commodity market for bitcoin to lock in your lapdance price. But coming back to reality I think unless it is a digital coin to currency dispenser in the club not many strippers will want to take payment without that cold hard cash in their hand. It would be like using Paypal or Venmo for your dances. I have occasionally used both for girls OTC or SA but never in a club. Strippers want cash...
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Ahh more bitcoin billionaire stories.
  • joeblow44
    7 years ago
    @Uprightcitizen. I agree with your statements. If the clubs charge as much on Bitcoin dispensers as they do for ATM fees, the dancers would really lose a ton of money on the deal! Lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    SJG Coin, the future: [view link] SJG [view link]
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