
What percentage of men (and woman for lopaw) are strip club enthusiasts/PLs?

avatar for theDirkDiggler

I would probably put it at about 1% for men and maybe .01% of women. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was less. By enthusiasts (which is putting it nicely), i mean the club is like a second or third home (work being the usual second home) to them, and they're paying serious money (say over 10% of total gross income, usually well over 20%), so they're tithing to the temple of pussy. These are the PLs that probably contribute 30% or much more of all strip club revenue to strippers and clubs, but more to strippers. Then you have your celebrities and athletes and whales who are strip club aficionados, but make up an even tinier portion of the population and don't visit as often to really impact a club's and stripper's bottom line. It just seems strange that such a small group of people could be the life blood of an entire industry.


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avatar for jackslash
7 yrs ago

I like being part of the 1%.

avatar for shailynn
7 yrs ago

Well, I wouldn’t even fall into that category.

avatar for 79terrier
7 yrs ago

I think I qualify (and almost everyone in here does) as a PL, however I don't pay for anything near 10% of my AGI at SCs. Probably closer to 1%.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Now it makes more sense why a strip club would fail or close if they didn't cater to the needs of this "1%". Of course some areas are limited by laws and ordinances, and they probably have to be more creative or gimmicky (ROBish) since they provide comparatively poor value, especially to these select few, or these clubs just go in the other direction and cater to the rest which isn't as sustainable in the long run. And of course there are people that are addicted or whatever and just continue to pay whatever for whatever they can get.

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

I'm not a PL or strip club enthusiast by that definition either -- not spending over 10% of total gross income or even close. I think it's your definition of PL, it's way way off

avatar for 79terrier
7 yrs ago

One thing the clubs have going for them is that they are generally in lousy neighborhoods, where rent is likely cheap. Fairly low overhead, aside from what it costs for a liquor license and a legal team. How many bars outside of strip clubs have the 'entertainment' pay them to work there, and get a cut?

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

It's definitely possible to be a low spending enthusiast (say ldk82), but the frequency and money spent will probably go unnoticed at strip clubs to call such a person a true enthusiast/PL and i don't think regular or favorite stripper could apply to them (outside of a one way relationship; she's your favorite or regular, but she might not even notice or remember you much). Or you could be filthy rich and 1% of your income is more than 50% of mine.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Also, it doesn't have to be just strip clubs, but all Pay4Play (OTC, SA, even escorts they meet at strip clubs). This stuff is expensive. If people are really having as much stripper pussy as they say they are having, i have a hard time believing it's costing less than 10% of total gross income unless they are again, very high income.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Put another way, many people spend around 10% of their individual income (gross or net or whatever) on eating out say even once or twice a week or more. And some people literally do tithe this much to their place of worship. This is definitely a superfluous expense and one i can completely forgo in favor or strip clubbing. I don't think i have to hurt financially to make this trade (although technically, i never ate out much so this trade doesn't apply to me).

Finally not all enthusiasts/PLs are TUSCLers, many of them even, so they are likely not getting maximum value for their dollars thus increasing the percentage of income they spend on this hobby.

avatar for 79terrier
7 yrs ago

I'm not filthy rich, hit the clubs 2-3 times a month, spend 200-300 each time. I think that makes me a PL, sure feel like one.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

^ By your own admission, you're spending around $400-900 per month. If that's close to 1% of your monthly income ($40,000-$90,000), yeah, you're pretty rich in my book.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Anyway, my numbers aren't exact science or whatever you might call them. It's just a loose approximation of the amount of money and time people spend on this hobby and how little of the general population do this. You can compare it to golf, eating out, gambling, shopping, whatever. I'm sure the percentage is very small though.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Okay, i don't like the way this discussion is heading (or essentially a dick measuring contest). So i'd rather not get into argument about what makes someone a PL (time or money spent) as this is very personal interpretation. So reboot. What percentage of the general public regularly go to strip clubs and actually spend some money? Again, i think this is a very low percentage but still a very large percentage of total strip club revenues.

avatar for Dominic77
7 yrs ago

Tl:dr ; The first step In the 12 step program is realizing that you have a problem ...

I have no idea what the OP is talking about. I've seen someone on here, rickdugan maybe, that 90% of the spending is done by 10% of the customers. I doubt that group is seriously spending like a baller. Even a Top 3 Percenter can't spend like a baller in a club for very long without it eventually causing blowback into his personal life, esp. with dependents to support.

With that said, I do think a decent portion ("most") guys end up at the titty bar at least once a year, either guys' night out or solo. Sure. A lot of wives and society (and other dudes) are in denial about that. I'm talking about titty bars or nudie bars in moderation.

But the level of spending on clubbing the OP paints unless it's a 350k club guy with a grown family who's JUST DONE with LTR -- that's Long Term Relationships, for Liwet -- I can't see that being sustainable for very long on most incomes of living arrangements with an SO -- that's Significant Other.

Most dancers tell me the typical customer come in a few times a year and spends $60-100 total. Some might come in once a month but spend about the same per visit. Who knows if they really know or if they're even telling me the truth.

Just stick to 10% of customers do 90% of the spending. The dancers end clubs do seem to focus on them.

avatar for Dominic77
7 yrs ago

That's what I get for posting on an energy drink. WTF was I thinking? Disregard.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Here's the thing. I've only run into someone i knew at a strip club only once and he likes strip clubs. There was a time when he went almost every week but then he got married and children and was focused on his business so that hobby went to the back burner. I actually went to a club with him the first year i met him after he moved to Illinois and wanted to try a local strip club. I only ran into him many years later after he had divorced and was seeing another woman (i detailed it a little bit in my "Ever run into someone you know" discussion). If this was a common hobby, i'm sure i would have run into plenty of people after over 15 years and hundreds of visits.

Likewise, when i talk with people i work with (i almost never talk to my friends about this hobby and they by large do not go), some might be interested, especially the younger ones, but most people already have a tight budget with no room for a new expensive hobby. The couple of times i did go with some coworkers, a couple of them seemed too stressed out about the money involved to fully enjoy it. They are definitely not regular PLs.

So it just seems like a small number of people and not your typical regular consumer, that keeps the strip club boat afloat. Sure some clubs are in tourist locations (Vegas) or close to metropolitan areas or airports where they might get more of the one or few time business and not reliant on regulars, but most clubs as 79terrier mentioned in shady areas or in the middle of nowhere where you have to go out of you way or do your due diligence to even know where that place is, let alone keep on going there on a regular basis.

So even though it seems like there are a lot of PLs out there, and an active discussion site like TUSCL may have you believing that, i think the number is a lot smaller than we (the PLs) would usually think.

avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

I’m not sure if I fall into the 1% - but I’m definitely a PL and enthusiast. The numbers presented are higher than I want them to be, but they might be the truth.

I’m very two faced - as I’ll piss $1000 away in a club - but I’ll laugh at those investing in Bitcoin hoping to make a killing - so I’m not very good at looking introspectively.

avatar for 79terrier
7 yrs ago

I'd say the 1% is right on PLs, however, there's probably another 30% of the population that goes occasionally with a group, be it from work or some other event.

There's a large group of men who won't go fro religious/moral reasons.

avatar for Jascoi
7 yrs ago

maybe i am really .01%. if so..... it's sad.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

Okay, here's some nerdy number crunching. Say out of 100 million men between the ages of 21-80, maybe 1 million are spending about $500 a month on average for $6 billion a year with about $2 billion going to the clubs. Does that sound about right with average per club earnings out of i don't know how many thousands of them there are in the country?

avatar for lopaw
7 yrs ago

@theDirkDiggler- Based on what I see and read, I honestly believe that I am probably the only hardcore female monger on the planet. At least it feels that way.

avatar for Shadilay
7 yrs ago

I think 1% of the general population being PLs is a bit on the high side. That would mean that in small city of 100,000 there are 1,000 PLs. It just seems really high.

Where I club has a population of roughly 100,000 and has three clubs. That would mean there would be about 333 PLs per club, which just doesn't seem to fit my experience. The clubs would be a lot more crowded and you would probably recognize a lot more faces everytime you went.

I'd say the real number is somewhere between 0.1-0.5% for guys. There are probably so few female PLs that it wouldn't even be a statistically significant amount.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Hard to believe that the clubs could operate with such a small percentage. And then it is hard to believe anyway that the percentage would be that small.

But put that way, to prefer strippers, non-monogamy, and women dressed for sex, and to be part of such a small group, it feels good. But I tell you, the process of getting here, marital failure and my whole life being torn apart and being forever off the path of respectability, has been really heard. I guess it is like this for the women too, becoming part of the Bad Girl set.


Star Star


avatar for lick-that
7 yrs ago

@lopaw Don't feel bad, there are a few of you here and there. I know and see a couple in the NE

@Dirk. I've known a couple SC owners and I think its far less money in the industry than that. A lot of what comes into the clubs isn't retained by the businesses, and non of the owners I know are independently wealthy. They do it more as side biz or just out of a love of bar ownership than anything.

Can't speak for the corporate clubs which I don't frequent often, but even there I don't see that much circulating, and they're carrying far higher operating costs. (Sort of a hobby of mine, watching the operations of any business I'm around.)

avatar for 79terrier
7 yrs ago

"Where I club has a population of roughly 100,000 and has three clubs. That would mean there would be about 333 PLs per club, which just doesn't seem to fit my experience"

Actually, that might make sense.If we assume a PL goes to a club on average 2X a month, that comes out to about 22 visits per day per club by PLs (333X24/365). Figuring in a 2-3 hour visit, that does seem to be supportable, especially when you add the non-PLs.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago


That just supports my theory that there is just a tiny number of guys that largely support the thousands of strip clubs in the country. Whenever i go during days or weeknights, it's almost all regular Pls. But i tend to prefer weekends nights where more of the casual customers go and still i think the regular Pls are spending a large share of the money.

avatar for lick-that
7 yrs ago


Agreed. Regulars do make up the greater spend, like most businesses. The girls aren't surviving off of the casual customer for sure.

I just don't see that much money circulating in the SC economy, and certainly not staying in the clubs bottom lines. Most spending mongers funnel most of their spend to the dancers, sure the clubs get some of this, but these girls are hustlers after all, they know how to work their biz environment.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

Almost impossible to know how many regular-SCers there are - I guess as a measuring-stick per se is how many people you've known throughout your life that were regular strip-club goers - even that can be hard to figure-out as a regular-SCer often keeps his hobby on the down-lo.

Back in the day I took a couple of friends/acquaintances to clubs but they either could not handle the expense of regular SCing or they just didn't get the bug and preferred to socialize in a different way (dates, hanging out w/ friends, etc).

Lots of headwinds to being a regular SCer - most of all is the $$$ required to enjoy the hobby - many people are unable to spend that kinda $$$ on SCing either thru not making enough or having a lot of large expenses (family to support, etc) - many people can't go b/c they have too-many responsibilities or it would be really hard to hide it from their wife (unaccounted $$$, time, etc) - and many people see-it as a waste of $$$ and would rather spend that $$$ on other things like vacations, driving an expensive car, etc - and there are those that are looking for Ms Right and want an S.O. (gf or wife) and finding love is their focus/drive.

So in terms of regular SCers as a percentage of the population old enough to go, I'd say it woud be pretty-small if not tiny - I assume the population of casual SCers (a handful or less of visits in a year) is much much bigger.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

IDK - if SCs were not too-profitable one would think there would be a lot less of them keeping in mind how much of a headache they can be to own/operate - I would assume the owner of a decently popular SC can be a millionaire - there are plenty of regular bars around that seem to stay in business - as has been mentioned a SC is like a bar where most of the employees pay to work there, not to mention cover-charges, parking-fees, VIP room fees, an often way jacked-up drink-prices, all of which regular bars don't profit from but stay in biz.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

Plus a fair # of clubs get a cut of every dance sold

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago


I think your math might be a little off in terms of how many PLs might frequent a single club at one time. If 1000 out of 100000 are PLs that doesn't mean that 333 are at each club. If those 1000 PLs only go twice a month on average, then that's 2000 visits a month spread over 3 clubs or 667 visits per club per month or an average of 22 visitors per day. Much more reasonable. Also the total population of 100,000 isn't the total population of eligible straight males, so you're probably working with a number less than 30,000 (no minors, gays although they go to different clubs, or very elderly, physically or mentally disabled; guys you just generally won't see in the club).

The thing is there are also a lot of cities (the vast majority actually) that don't have any clubs. So they have to travel at least a little bit. Where do they go? Or don't they? Or maybe they're balanced out by locations that have a huge amount of clubs like Portland (with something like 50 with a population of well under a million) or the very sparsely populated areas (usually rural) that have a club that attracts anyone in a one hour radius. But yeah, the number probably is still under one percent it not well under one percent, which makes strip clubs very vulnerable to dry spells of business for whatever reason (price jumps, raids, loss of talent, stupid managment/owners).

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

^ Dang, i didn't see 79terrier's response to Shadilay. Oh, well i think we came to somewhat similar conclusions...

avatar for JamesSD
7 yrs ago

Of my city of a million people I bet there are maybe 100 to 200 serious enthusiasts. So I'll say 0.1% of the male population or less.

I imagine AMPs and prostitutes cover a bigger chunk.

avatar for Jascoi
7 yrs ago

now that i am sober i can't figure out what i meant with my earlier post here.

avatar for chessmaster
7 yrs ago


avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Sexual Aesthetic, and for those crazies who want to actually have personal relationships with women who work in strip clubs, they have that.

Otherwise no reason to be in strip clubs very often, or to be spending much money on a regular basis.

Being so regular in a club that you basically know all the girls, seems to be what our OP Lopaw is describing. It's like I want to have via using a motorhome in the parking lot, curious. Not sure how well it would work, those girls are mobile, and most of them seem to bounce from one PL abuser BF to another. Don't really want to have contact with that.

But being a strip club regular does seem to mean giving up on 'normal life' and monogamy and community property acquisition, etc.

FWIW, the organization I am building, once it gets going in a metro, it will offer to all of our members all the aesthetic and polygamy benefits of strip clubs, and at no extra costs. I see this as the best way, because men and women are working in long term partnership.

But when I travel to a new metro, need to start somewhere, so it will be strip clubs.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 yrs ago

Sorry, DirkDigger is our OP, not Lopaw. My mistake.


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