
Love in a strip club

avatar for vincemichaels

Yesterday, I was at Bogarts in the afternoon, none of the dancers caught my eye until this blonde got up on stage. After her set she prowled the room and eventually came up to me and we talked. She told me about the new custy she's been dating and that she's told him she wants to fuck. Wow, strippers fuck ??? LOL She said she told him she wouldn't be falling in love with him, she just wanted sex with him. I told her I was falling in love with her. I have lust in my heart for you, woman. As Jimmy Carter would say. She laughed and we talked some more before going up to VIP and having sex.


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avatar for jackslash
7 yrs ago

Glad you found a dancer you could have fun with in Bogart's. Anytime I go there, I check out the dancers and then cross the street to the Flight Club.

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

Figures a POS like vinceygirl would hang out in the diviest of dives: Bogart's: the perfect example of a burn your clothes after your visit type club.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Figures your alter ego and you show up and poop. Go to Mickey D's, ya dumbasses. Crazyjoe is the bathroom troll now there, and he says he'll give you the ride of a lifetime. By the way fag, when are you going to rite nother revvuw, or are ya going to cuntinue to be a dummbas thet paz for the membership privolegges . What a stupid POS ya are, faggy. Come over here, we just got another shipment of telephone poles. They are the rite size to ram up ya fag azz. LMAO

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Samme goes for you, txtittydumbass, obviously you pay for membership, no revus en agez. So you wouldn't have a clue to the reality and fun I had at Bogarts yestada. Jack, good buddy, I would have walked over to The Flight Club had I needed to, haven't been there on a Zaterda in agezz. There was a black babe, unfortunately she wasn't thick enough for the Papi man who was cool, we talked at the bar for awhile , I thought about doing her, but didn't have too, the blonde was mighty fine. Real enough for me, there are diammunds en da ruff even at Bogartz. (Apogiez to Juice, I hadn't purposely mispelled in a thread for awhile. It felt good. And Juice I'll be doing a road trip down South soon. We can club somewhere down there when I drivve un down der to my home state of Georgia. The Cains were a powerful family down there after the Civil war. Unfortunately, they spent the money they made rebuilding the railroads after General Grant came down and ripped the state apart.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Well, I'll be amazed, txtitty got something sorta rite, yez, ya fag, Sherman had his share of fun. Grannntt had fun too. Tell ya what, fagass, show up at Follies when I'm there. Shadowcat haz a present for ya asscrack. The bouncers brought in a 25 fuut Spruce for the holidays. I know it isn't azz big azz you like, but it'll work just fine when they light it on fire and push it up your fag azz. ROTFLMMFAO.

avatar for Dougster
7 yrs ago

VinceMichaels is gay!


avatar for vincemichaels
7 yrs ago

Naah, dickbreath Douchester/txtittydumbasshitfag, wrong again. U are the fag here, not me, no matter how you wish I were. Tell ya what, coward, why don't you show up at our next meetup at Follies. I know the gang wants to see what a chickenshit looks like. LMAO. And fagboy, txttitty. . . . . You were there ???? I don't think so, dumbazzes like you died fast in that conflict. You probably were back in the mess tent gagging on real men's cocks. LMAO

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