Of course there are plenty of women that get cosmetic surgery that never go into stripping or sex work. But i can't help but feel that many of the strippers that get it done tend to look at it as an investment and might not have done it if they weren't in the industry. They almost certainly wouldn't have been able to afford it or as much of it (a tangent on my "what do strippers spend their money on" discussion). Lot of the girls that say they are going to get their breasts done :(, say it's for them, but no one really sees a woman's bare breasts besides PLs and lovers, so i'm dubious when they say it's for them. I'm talking about generally decent to even great looking natural breasts that just might be a little smaller or saggier. Sometimes i've seen dancers with perky Ds get them done, SMH. If a woman truly has nothing (AAA cups or less) to work with, or empty socks on her chest, something like this could really bother her regardless of other people, but to do something to yourself for someone else just doesn't strike me as very sane. Even sadder is that their "investement" just tends to turn into a money pit as it often loses customers/regulars and they still have to often get them redone/replace/revised for almost the same amount of money later on.
I might sound like i'm singling BA, but i'm talking about all CS. Labiaplasty (which i think is the stupidest one; no sane guy would ever voluntarily have a knife put anywhere near his unsightly junk let alone pay thousands for it), and even butt implants and injections. The oversized donk seems to be a more recent fad, but fads don't last forever but the effects of CS often are life-long. The same could be said about tattoos which have already been discussed before as well as piercings. Then you have procedures like lip filling, botox and liposuction which are usually temporary, but still very expensive answers to questions never asked.
I have little doubt some of them would not if they weren't strippers. I say this because I have met a number of strippers who have asked me if they should get their boobs done. I'm like, why are you asking me? I don't think that conversation happens in a normal bar or with family members.
My CF got her breasts enlarged because some customer paid for it. She is leaving the trade and told me she would have done it anyway. She went from a B cup to a C cup and it doesn't look all that different to me. There is a higher incidence of this stuff in this industry and in the porn industry.
One thing we guys often don't consider is how competitive some women are with other women about their looks. I haven't watched more than five minutes of a 'Housewives of' show, but I can easily see those women doing it to maintain or improve their social status in a group of peers.
I'm sure that some strippers get it done as a career investment. But I don't believe that there would be a problem with poverty-stricken cosmetic surgeons if they stopped.
Obviously enough, aside from strippers, there are zillions of women getting breast implants every year, and I'd bet a huge number of them are just your everyday average low-self-esteem partygirl chick with body image issues and a desperate need to feel hotter than other hot girls. In fact, most strippers, if they weren't stripping, would fit into that group as well. So, yes, I think that **if** they had the money, a decent percentage of strippers (25%? who knows -- but orders of magnitude more than the general population) of strippers who get boobjobs would get boobjobs anyway.
I think civi women are more worried ab their tummy and extra fat, but many strippers who get boob jobs, probably wouldn’t. They think it will help them make more money. I don’t think it always helps. I see girls get boobs jobs when they really should be getting their teeth fixed, or getting a nose jobs
Driver through Salt Lake City and it seems like there are hundreds of plastic surgery billboards. I doubt most of the ladies in that region are strippers but there sure seems to be a healthy enhancement industry there.
I would think strippers have an extra-incentive to do CS since their livelihood and ability to make $$$ mostly lies in the way they look - thus I think CS is likely much more prevalent among strippers - heck, from what I recall, breast-implants became popular in the 80s and I would not doubt strippers were in the forefront of that.
^ Ooh that's brilliant. Get prosthetic bags inserted into her boobs for a loser boyfriend that wants to change her body. When she breaks up with that tool, she'll be left with fake tits that will have to be removed or replaced at some point as well as other potential health complications like capsular contracture (very common scar tissue build up around the implant). Smart.
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