
Have you known any of the dancers before they started dancing?

I think i've only known two dancers before she started dancing. One was a girlfriend of a friend, pretty hot too and i thought pretty smart as well; went to Loyola University for eh, i don't remember. I was surprised as hell when i went to some semi-dive and saw her there (i thought at least that she would dance at some upscale, high end club). Actually i was just surprised that she was stripping at all. The place was fairly low contact, but decent grind. I actually got a set of dances with her, but it was a little awkward, like i was doing my friend's ex-girlfriend. I didn't pick her brain too much and find out exactly why she started dancing. I did remember promising her i wouldn't tell anyone and i didn't. Well unless this counts; i don't think it does (based on the very limited info i gave). For the most part, i just let her do her thing and make her money. The club closed down not long after and i never saw her again at any other club.

The other girl who was another girlfriend and later wife of a friend (that actually wasn't as disastrous as it sounds) as well a friend of my best friend and eventually a friend of mine, i never saw in the club she worked although i did go to the club a couple times. So i guess that doesn't really count. She did do some porn too, but i have no idea what her porn name was, but she did quite a bit actually (not just a one or two time thing), although i haven't seen any of her stuff, certainly not the harder stuff; she eventually moved away to Las Vegas and divorced the friend.

One other time i went to a strip club with some friends and they chose the club almost specifically or in spite of the fact that they knew a stripper that worked there. It was a bona fide dive and the girl was easily the best looking girl there. Nice face, really nice butt, but pretty small tits with pierced nipples. I didn't know the girl at all or her brother who was the friend all my friends knew. So i didn't really care or feel any awkwardness. One of my friends did say that all he could think about was her brother when he saw her as i guess she looked a lot like him.

All of these experiences were pretty early in my SCing years and probably less likely now as all the girls i've known with stripper potential in my youth are pretty old now. Although i'll see a PYT at my work and wonder in the back of my mind if she'll choose stripping as an alternative to making considerable more money than the near entry level money she's making now. I never did see any former crush at the strip club. That would have been interesting and i definitely would have taken advantage of the moment.

As a side question (as i'd rather not make an all new discussion for it), have you ever run into a dancer outside the club? Random encounter and not OTC. I saw a dancer in her civvies at a gas station near the club pumping gas. That's not a big deal i guess. She looked pretty different, but it was definitely her. I pretty much ignored her. There was also one time that i "maybe" saw another dancer at a local grocer. She was one of those alt-type girls so she probably wouldn't look that different OTC, just maybe a little less glammed up, but she was never all that glammed up ITC. When she saw me at the checkout line, she kind of looked away, almost too obviously. I just also kind of ignored her as i was in a different line and let her think she still had her anonymity. I didn't notice what she bought (in hindsight i wonder what strippers usually buy at the grocer, as i doubt many of them cook for some reason), but i did see her walking out in the parking lot where she peeled off quicker than average in her SUV. For some reason, i thought she might pick a more fuel efficient car, but girls love their SUVs/CUVs.

That's it for me. I hope some of you have had better, cooler stories...


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Known them just as they were starting, like from their first or second day, or from when they were the waitress.

    :) :) :)


    Live - All Over You
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I can answer yes to both questions.

    Have I known a dancer before she started dancing? Yeah, I've posted this before. I was at OG in LV about to tip a cute red-headed spinner on stage. She sees me, hands go to her mouth, and I'm standing there confused as fuck wondering what I did. After a while she scoots over to me, gives me a peck on the cheek and whispers in my ear. Turned out I had once been her trainer when we briefly worked for the same company. I knew she had been fired, but hadn't known what had happened to her until that night.

    Another time I was at UNLV, and this late twenties hottie who was walking by saw me, came to a stop, and gave me this deer in the headlights look. I didn't recognize her from any clubs, so I didn't immediately make the connection. In LV there was a certain quiet little karaoke club that was frequented by dancers at my go to club. They would head there after their shift and drink, sing, dance, just blow off steam. That was where I knew her from.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    One that I was surprised to see worked at a Detroit club for a while. I was surprised to see her there, she was one of the class "brains" from my high school, she did have a nice set of tits. A month later, no more.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Never have - but I personally think it would be kinda a kinky turn-on
  • BigPapaSmurf
    7 years ago
    As to your first question - kinda sorta. Somehow I won the cosmic lottery and ended up dating a girl in my mid 20s who had a perfect body - 10/10. 36/24/36, D cup. Face 8/10. She worked as a bartender but when we first started dating she wanted to start stripping. This was years before I first went to an SC and I said nope, I'm not cool with that. She would have been great at it. I'm not sure if I would have reacted differently if I knew SCs like I do now - it would have been hot and an ego boost to be dating someone hot enough to do that but just the idea of random dudes seeing her naked wasn't for me. And I didn't even know what lapdances (and beyond) were back then.

    As for the side question - yes. The first time I ever went to Delilah's in Philly the hottest girl working that night was "Hannah". Tried to get a lapdance from her but the one time she walked by I had gone to get a drink and my friend who was supposed to be keeping an eye out spaced.

    So there's this gas station a block away with great fried chicken that everyone goes to when the clubs all let out and we're waiting for our Uber after getting fried chicken and beer and I see "Hannah" getting gas. She's in street clothes but still bending over to get something out of her car, etc, giving all the dudes a show. Whistles and comments all around and she's eating it up and laughing her ass off. I've been back to DD's 4 times or so in the months since and never saw her again. I think she must have moved, quit, or gone to another club, because she's a 10 and if she were still at DD's would be working the busy nights.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I have known a couple before they started dancing. One invited me to go see her at the club, the other was a surprise. I'm not sure if the second one had started dancing before or after I first met her. I never would have thought, though, so I think that still counts.

    I have seen a couple of dancers while out at the store and they both came up and talked to me. One was with her boyfriend, and the other gave me a hug.

    I have seen a former bouncer and a bathroom troll, too. The bouncer came up and said hi, and that he didn't work at the club anymore because of differences in creative vision or something. The bathroom troll sort of hid staying in the out doorway when I was going in. I guess he knew one of the clerks and was worried I would say something to out him.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    I have come across two dancers that I knew as children. I have been posting about one recently and just posted an update.

    I have seen an dancer or two out in the real world. We pretend not to know each other, which is always the safe approach. Never know who the other is with.

    I have met two women in real life and later found out or spotted them in a club. Once cut my hair and another was a neighbor.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    I knew a co-worker's wife before she started dancing. Also knew a SC barmaid, but won't count that.
  • DrStab
    7 years ago
    Way back in the day, when Windsor (Ontario) was the hotbed of Detroit-area strip clubs, my old high school buddies and I walked into a club and saw a gal we knew from high school dancing. We were like 19-20 or so, as was she, and she had some major baby damage. My buddy screams “Holy Shit! It’s [her name]!” She was quite embarrassed by the situation. I felt bad for her, and in retrospect, would like to apologize to her someday for that night if I ever see her again.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    First question: No, I wish. I've known some hot chicks and I always dreamed that one day I would run into one of them dancing at a club. Never happened. Probably never will. I've given up hope.

    Second question: yes, at least four times that I can remember. Bumped into one at a Walgreens drugstore. I had seen her plenty of times at a local club but never got any dances from her as she's not really my type. We always said hello to each other ITC and were on friendly terms. She was walking out of the store as I was walking in. I said hello. She didn't even break stride and headed straight to her car.

    Another time, I saw this dancer whose pussy I used to eat occasionally in the VIP room. She was shopping with her boyfriend at a local grocery store. I don't think she saw me. But if she did, I wonder if she said something to her boyfriend like "Oh, hey, look, it's what's-his-name! I came in that guy's mouth a few times. He basically paid for these groceries. We should go over and thank him." LOL

    I also recently saw a barmaid I used to know years ago from a local club in the same grocery store. She was with her boyfriend, too, I think. I was talking on my cell and trying to go through the grocery list quickly. No communication whatsoever, not even eye contact. I had always wanted to fuck her though. Had she been alone I might have said hello, even though it's been many years.

    And last, I ran into a girl I had been with OTC at a different branch of the same grocery store chain. We shot the breeze for a half hour or so. I always liked her, but she's married now and wants nothing to do with me anymore.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    I forgot about being at a Firestone and in walks a dancer from my ATF's club. Kind of did a double take and that was it. I asked my ATF if she ever mentioned it. She hadn't. Perhaps she wasn't sure she knew me. I never sat at the bar by the stage, rather away from the stage at a table with my ATF. I didn't tip her at the stage as my ATF wanted to give her the money. She had the hots for her, I am sure..
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Have only ran into 3 dancers outside the club that I knew inside the club:

    1) a white chick from Baby Dolls Dallas, she was very curvy with great natural Cs, saw her at a Dallas mall shopping with her female friend, she noticed me but looked away and I did the same out of consideration for her (I was alone)

    2) An AA dancer from Baby Dolls Dallas - incredible natural big-Cs/small-Ds with large permanently-erect nipples (yum yum), saw her at a Dallas supermarket with a dude who I assumed was her BF thus I avoided eye-contact - she saw me a few days later at the club and told me "I saw you at the store why didn't you day hi", I told her I didn't say hi b/c she was with a guy, to which she said "you still could've said hi"

    3) a white chick from a Miami club, nice bod and kinda tatted up, never got dances from her but had seen her at the club - she was at a Miami mall with a guy about her age who I assumed was her BF
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    At a Dallas mall in the late-2000s - I notice a young and very attractive ebony wearing a supa-tight spandex-type tank-top with some INCREDIBLE natual Ds that looked like 2 perfectly round softballs - jer tits were not only good but freaking AMAZING (she was 19 and her large round boobs were perfectly firm) - she looked too-good not to be making $$$ from tjose INCREDIBLE TITS, so I just approached her and asked her if she was a dancer and lo-and-behold she was - she told me her club and I went to see her a few days later and those tits were even more impressive bare
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I don’t think I’ve ever known a girl before she got into stripping.

    I’ve seen a few dancers outside of in clubs. One I saw when my daughter was little - and I was holding her as we rode the escalator in a mall - and the dancer was riding the escalator in the opposite direction - and she smiled at me - and then it registered who she was - and I almost messed up my neck trying to get a second look!

    I knew a dancer who worked in my office. I enjoyed her at her club one night - and she was in the glass elevator at our office the next day as I was walking in the lobby - she gave me a big smile and blew a kiss as the elevator went up.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I wonder what a non-stripper would think about that pick-up line. Baby, you just got too many money-makers not to put them to use. You just have to be strippin...

    Interesting how many of the black chicks just seem to have no shame at all about stripping or worry about being outed. They really do see it as an honest living. They probably have it all over their social media and i guess their BFs just have to take it with the territory.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I’ve seen a couple girls I knew from the strip clubs at a few nightclubs around town.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago

    I asked politely if she was a dancer, I didn't put in the terms you described, LOL.

    And she was well spoken like a whitegirl, kinda looked and acted like someone who grew up in the suburbs and not the hood (she didn't have any tats) - she lived in Dallas but stripped in Arlington about 30-minutes away b/c less-chance of her running into someone she knew
  • mjx01
    7 years ago
    There was this one girl I knew via work who I later ran into while she was working at my local club. We tried to hang out some after, but there was too much SS in her life. There are times I regret not having her help me get more "plugged in" with my local club, but I'm sure I dodged a ton of shit by that not happening.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    cashman... high five!!!!
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Justme62 thanks! It was a big moment in my pl existence!
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