I got the pm too, however the messenger disclosed himself as Juice.
He wants to mail out some jars that he farted in, so you can smell what he ate for dinner the previous night. This Juice alias is disguising himself so he can surprise us with a secret Santa gift of his aroma for Christmas. Good stuff!
1313 Mockingbird Lane
Atlanta, GA 30005
Grandpa "Just an Old Codger" Munster
The rumors of me being a vampire were greatly exaggerated though.
Just got two of them about 2 minutes ago while on TUSCL.
BTW, the content of both:
Subject: hello
Content: Hello
From the same-person in the title of this thread?
He wants to mail out some jars that he farted in, so you can smell what he ate for dinner the previous night. This Juice alias is disguising himself so he can surprise us with a secret Santa gift of his aroma for Christmas. Good stuff!
...for re-gifting.
Maybe you should provide her with SJG’s home address - as I’m sure he enjoys getting mail.