Shift Change in Detroit Clubs
Strip club culture often reflects local habits and patterns. Over the years, I have noticed that Detroit clubs have a sharply-defined shift change, typically at 7:00 pm. It's as if the factory whistle blows and the day shift punches out. At 6:30 there are a ton of dancers; then suddenly, they all disappear as the night shift filters in, often slowly. This week I pulled into the Cricket parking lot at 6:50 as at least 8 day shift dancers in street clothes rolled out the door toward their cars (one of them gently berating me for showing up late!). Is this just my imagination? Are there any Detroit clubs with a decent selection through the evening hours?
Traditionally once dayshift is over in the early-eve it often stays slow till about 10 pm from what I've noticed. Miami and most South FL clubs close late around 5:00 a.m. and many have a dancer midshift from late-afternoon thru early-eve but it's often a weak shift in terms of dancer #s and talent - anything can happen at any time in a strip-club, but shift-change & the couple of hours following it are usually weak.