
Dougster, his sentience to be transfered to Google's new unreleased application,

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
As we sit here today, Dougster has completed his preparations and is ready to have every last drop of his blood transfused out and replaced with Ammonia. And then before the loss of Oxygen causes any brain damage, he will be fully immersed in LN2, for rapid cryogenic freezing. And he is leaving definite instructions that there should be no attempts to reanimate him for at least 100 years.

He knows that the technology is not fully ready yet, and that he is taking risks. There are three factors which have led him to make his decision. First the object of his amorous interests, still remains steadfast in his unconditional rejection of Dougster's advances. So Dougster figures that in 100 years, unless frozen himself, this object of his affections will have passed away.

Second, Dougster knows that this Trump stock market bubble is going to blow soon and its been giving him white knuckles. He needs that money to follow through with his plan, and so he has cashed out and gotten his proceeds safety to Switzerland.

Third, Dougster figures that 100 years is long enough for there to be a resolution to the AIDS epidemic and so that when he is reanimated, he will be able to have all the unprotected gay sex he wants, and that his tax free and women free floating utopia's will be numerous.

But before his Ammonia transfusion and freezing, one step still remains.

Google's Chief Technology Officer Ray Kurzweil speaks of the third medical stage of his singularity,

"Kurzweil believes we’ll get to the medical nanotechnology that Merkle envisions by the 2030s, which would lead us to the last phase—nanorobots connecting us to “the cloud” in 2045. At that point, avatars of our brains could be loaded into another body. Then we’d live forever."


Well even though this is still early, Kurzweil has arranged for Dougster to be the first to try out their new product, Google Immortality. Before the hour is up, Dougster will have transferred the avatars of his brain up to Google's cloud.

So let us all pray that this works out. After this hour, there will be no more posts coming from corporeal Dougster. Any posts will be coming from only the sentience of Dougster, living in a computing cloud.



  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I just got off the phone with Ray Kurzweil, and he said that late last night, nitrogen bubbles stopped coming off of Dougster's remains, and so this means that he is now at thermal equilibrium. But within the first 10 minutes, he was cold enough that all significant decomposition and brain damage would have already been arrested.

    He is in Scottsdale Arizona, the same place Walt Disney is. Disney had been a member of San Jose's Rosicrucian Order AMORC.

    They have them all in racks, and feed by LN2 coming in double vacuum insulated lines.

    And so if Dougster posts anything, then that means that the transference of his sentience to Google Immortality, has been successful.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I remember now:


    14 year old girl falls prey to a psycho sexual serial killer. So the book is told from her perspective, after she is dead. At first she does not even understand that she is dead, then she thinks she is in heaven. But we can see that it could not really be heaven. She is highly attached to the world she lived in. It is something else.

    In need to talk to Ray Kurzweil about this. Of course they have never transferred anyone's sentience to the prototype Google Immortality before. So they don't know what to expect. But as I see it, that Dougster is still, from their computing cloud, going after the object of his amorous interests is not surprising. It will be interesting to see how long this phase lasts.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dougster is looking for his Scarlet Woman. She will be the bearer of the Ubermensch.

    Or I should say he was, before he gave up and decided to postpone it all for 100 years and immerse himself in LN2. He just couldn't go on any more when the object of his affections was remaining steadfast in his rejection.

    So never before have we been able to continually monitor someone after they have gone through transition. But thanks to Ray Kurzweil and his prototype version of Google Immortality, we now have our Dougster, his sentience continuing in Google's computing cloud!

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Its been for several days now that Dougster's sentience has been 'living' on, while his protoplasm is kept at -196 deg Celsius.

    And Dougster made this decision himself and pulled the key lever himself. You don't think Ray Kurzweil would ever want to be around while something like this was happening.

    And then once that ammonia solution pushed the last of the hemoglobin out of the capillaries inside of his brain, he suffered cardiac arrest and respiratory failure, as well as very quickly going to flat EEG.

    Were it not for the rapid influx of LN2, cell destruction would have started in his central nervous system, and quite quickly.

    But no, our Dougster does want to be reanimated, just not for another hundred years.

    But what is really remarkable here, is that due to the brilliance of Ray Kurzweil, and his vision for a future society, he has developed a prototype version of an application, Google Immortality, and so Dougster's sentience lives on, inside of Google's computing cloud, with over 100,000 CPU's at his disposal.

    Now Gordon White, in his Chaos Protocols, talks about NDE's ( Near Death Experiences ). I cannot vouch for this, but he says that 1967 was the critical year. Before that time most people who suffered cardiac arrest died. But it was that year that portable defibrillators started to become common. And so today, in some countries it is getting into the double digits, those who have had an NDE.


    But never before have we had anything like Dougster's case, 'living' on in a computing cloud.

    So Dougster decided freely to end this animation. But the question is, when will his sentience accept this? Right now he is clearly fixated on the same issues, his unrequited homosexual affections.

    Undoubtedly the trauma of making this transition has to be a factor, the system shock which occurred when his EEG went flat due to lack of oxygen transfer. So like Ray Kurzweil, we will just have to watch and wait.


    Three Dog Night -- Eli's Comming
    Eli's Coming
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So some folks are now starting to challenge Ray Kurzweil. They don't really go along with the idea that what we are hearing from now really is Dougster's sentience. They think that all Google Immortality can really do is a computer simulation of Dougster, but not really to keep his sentience alive. What do people think?

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Really Dougster's sentience living on in Google's computing cloud, or is Kurzweil just dreaming and this is just a computer simulation of Dougster?

  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    I think SJG is gay, and apparently so does a lot of other tuscl members as they keep commenting on his sexual anomaly, which is being gay on a site for strip club members. Sad.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^i don't know whether or not he is gay but he sure has an anal fixation which I commented on a few weeks back, and his response was to post an Amazon page of laxatives.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    SJG absolutely is gay. I don't know about you guys, but if someone called me a psycho and a rapist, I would not worship them as SJG does RickyBoy.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Lol! SJG is gay ass fuck!!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    More information is coming out about this transference event. They shaved Dougster's head and attached electrodes to his scalp. 200 channels of differential low noise amplification, and all inside a copper screen room devoid of any 60hz power.

    It was all recorded, and the EEG when the last of Dougster's blood was being forced out and his brain cells were going into oxygen starvation, was extreme.

    But does this really mean that Dougster's sentinence was transferred to Google Immortality? If not, then Kurzweil is going to have a problem with continued promotion of his Singularity.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dougster keeps pitching Ray Kurzweil's Singularity, and he keeps telling people to gamble their money. But we know this is not really Dougster anymore, at least not what we have known as Dougster. His corporal remains are frozen at 196 deg C.

    So this is just his sentience, kept going by Kurzweil's prototype of Google Immortality.

    The problem is that there is no change, this sentience still does not seem to understand that he is, well, dead.

    So, if there is some kind of life after death, doesn't seem like Google immortality is it.

    Is Kurzweil's bumbling with Dougster's sentience and this failed public relations stunt going to expose the fallacy of all aspects of his "singularity"?


    Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I would say that joining SJG's church is gambling with ones money. But even with the worst gambling, the lottery say, you can only expect to lose 50% of your money. In SJG's church it would be every penny. Good thing it's all imaginary and gonna stay that way.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    King Kong was a great movie you should watch it sometime.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The only one who has ever talked about me having a church, is Dougster. But remember, this is his sentience transferred to Google Immortality. His corporeal remains are submerged in liquid nitrogen, minus 196 deg C.

    Seems like Google Immortality is not working very well. Kurzweil is going to have a problem getting people to continue to inflate the stock market in anticipation of his Singularity, if they can see that one of his premises, uploading to a computing cloud, does not work.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Funniest joke on the internet,

    SJG went into a strip club !

    that's the joke
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Has anyone frozen in LN2 ever been reanimated?

    Will Google Immortality, seeming at least so far to be bogus, actually help, let the person more easily remember their previous life?

    Is Ray Kurzweil with is talk about the Singularity, a fraudster?

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    He had been a member of San Jose's Rosicrucian Order AMORC. I've known some people who got to meet him that way.

    But they tried to hide the fact that he had himself frozen in LN2.

    Well this is news to me. Now they are saying that that was a hoax



    Well, glad now that my misunderstanding has been corrected.

    350 people frozen, plus our Dougster. But Walt Disney is no longer on the list.

    But none of these have had the benefits of Google Immortality (tm) and its creator Ray Kurzweil, like our Dougster has.


    Jefferson Airplane - Have You Seen The Saucers? ( must be where flying toasters started )
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Homosexual suicide is a big risk:

    Dougster just couldn't accept that the object of his desires has no interest in homosexuality. So Dougster decided to end it by having himself frozen in LN2.

    Has anyone ever been brought back?



    "As water freezes, it expands. Since cells are made up of mostly water, freezing expands the “stuff” inside which destroys their cell walls and they die. The cryonics companies need to remove and/or replace this water. They replace it with something called a cryoprotectant. Much like the antifreeze in an automobile. cryogenically frozenThis glycerol based mixture protects your organ tissues by hindering the formation of ice crystals. This process is called “vitrification” and allows cells to live in a sort of suspended animation."

    "Many critics say the companies that perform cryonics are simply ripping off customers with the dream of immortality and they won’t deliver. It doesn’t help that the scientists who perform cryonics say they haven’t successfully revived anyone, and don’t expect to be able to do so anytime soon. The largest hurdle is that, if the warming process isn’t done at exactly the right speed and temperature, the cells could form ice crystals and shatter."

    "Some cryobiologists have predicted that the first cryonic revival might occur as early as year 2045."

    I don't know, but I think its a scam, and I thing Ray Kurzweil's Singularity is just a stock market Ponzi scheme.



    Debunking the Gurus of Personal Finance !!!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    How they do the freezing, first using blocks of dry ice:

    So they say that Disney being frozen was a rumor or hoax? I don't understand the hoax, but rumor I can see. But is it just a rumor?

    Saying it was just a rumor:

    So here they are saying that he wanted to be frozen, but did not act fast enough to set it up:

    This could be true, but then people have been sitting on the truth for a long time.

    They say he was cremated 2 days after death. Isn't this unusual for someone so prominent, and with a world wide business empire taking off?

    And they say that he was imbalmed, why would he need to be imbalmed if cremation is so near at hand. Just keep him refrigerated, as is standard.

    So they say he is at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale CA. They show the place. I have read that they paid $40k for that. Usually usually when people go for cremation, economy is part of the draw. Why not go for full body burial if you have such a big place?

    Guy from American Cryogenic Society says that they had him cremated. Again, why are they in the loop, and why so many people sitting on the truth. And he says that he saw Disney's ashes himself. What does that prove.

    Why not bury Disney at one of his theme parks. Florida was still under construction. Why not preserve him in liquid like V. I. Lenin?

    The daughter has set up a Disney Museum in San Francisco, to put such rumors to rest. But how can she do that? And why not at one of the theme parks?

    Obviously this is a new subject of interest for me. I always had just accepted the idea that he was frozen, that they had tried to conceal it, and also that it is unlikely that it will ever be possible to bring any of these people back and that these cryogenic firms are just scam artists.

    But now it is being denied. Well, if you find enough people saying things which sound suspicious and sound like a cover up, that makes it look all the more likely that they did at least try to freeze him.

    This American Cryogenic Society says they froze the first person just a couple weeks after the chance was missed with Disney.

    FWIW, the founder of San Jose's Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Harvey Spencer Lewis, and his successor son Ralph M. Lewis, have their cremated remains interned in Rosicrucian Park, at Park and Nagle, in the Akhnaton Shrine, members only meditation garden, along with some other AMORC leaders, or so this is how it has always been presented. Disney had been a member of AMORC.

    Lots of Episcopalian Churches now are adding Columbariums to intern the ashes of their deceased members.

    In my estimation, it is just a good financial deal for both sides.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    When a fish comes up to eat something off the surface, you probably won't see it. But what you will see are the water ripples which emanate outwards.

    Well, the way you detect a conspiracy is by the lies being told to cover it up. From 11/22/63 and beyond, this is how it is done.

    So what did happen in Walt Disney's final hours?

    Here it says that he left no written instructions, but he did say that he did not want a big funeral, did not want to be remembered that way. So that at a church at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale CA, the family and a few close friends had a small ceremony, then he was cremated and buried. This would have been only two days after his 12/15/66 death.

    Plausible, maybe. But why the rumors of freezing, only because he was interest in the occult? Maybe because he was not in his right mind, and because he went down so fast.

    Having back and neck trouble, early November, he walked across the street from his office to St. Joseph Hospital and was x-rayed. Walnut sized tumor in one lung.

    I believe that today they have better ways of detecting cancer tumors. 6 days later surgery.

    Sounds like he was not truthful with his friends. Said surgery was only for back problems. Again, suggests someone not able to accept his own mortality. And in those days cancer was much more of a death sentence, and it was often shrouded in secrecy.

    They found they had to remove his entire lung, and that it was in his lymph system. When he came to they gave him the prognosis of 6 months to 2 years. He was able to leave the hospital and go back to his studio, but he would be dead in 34 days.




    Leading a tour of Disney Land, must be near the end of his life

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Describing New Orleans Square and Pirates of the Caribbean

    The Two Sides of Walt Disney

    Walt Disney's restored office suite tour at Walt Disney Studios lot

    New Orleans Square - Secrets of Pirates of the Caribbean Facade - Disneyland Dream Suite easter egg

    Walt Disney Family Museum

    Walt Disney Family Museum

    Walt Disney's Secret Apartment ( stayed there with wife Lillian when they didn't want to go all the way home. Probably in Adventure Land, New Orleans Square. )

    Walt Disney's Club 33 ( also New Orleans Square )

    Disney Family

    Third generation (children of Herbert Arthur Disney, Raymond Arnold Disney, Roy O. Disney, Walter Elias "Walt" Disney and Ruth Flora Disney Beecher)

    Children of Walter Elias "Walt" Disney

    Diane Disney Miller (December 18, 1933 – November 19, 2013) (died age 79)

    Sharon Mae Disney (adopted) (December 31, 1935 – February 16, 1993) (died age 57)


    Disneyland Walt Disney apartment walk through

    Disneyland Secrets: Take a Tour of Walt Disney's Hidden Firehouse Apartment

    Frozen Alive?

    Tragedy, Death of Parents due to faulty furnace

    That little myth probably got started in 1972, when Bob Nelson, then the president of the Cryonics Society of California, gave an interview to the Los Angeles Times. Though what he specifically said was that Walt was not cryogenically frozen, even going so far as to say, “They had him cremated. I personally have seen his ashes,” what people likely remembered from the article was his statement that Walt wanted to be frozen.

    He based this theory on the fact that Walt Disney Studios called Nelson prior to Disney’s death and asked elaborate questions about the process, the facilities, the staff, and their history. “The truth is, Walt missed out,” Nelson said. “He never specified it in writing, and when he died the family didn’t go for it. ... Two weeks later we froze the first man. If Disney had been the first it would have made headlines around the world and been a real shot in the arm for cryonics.”

    I think it is now both daughters who are buried with Walt in Forest Lawn. Full body or cremated? Also wife and one son in law.


    Okay, so they are saying that Disney never acknowledged the cause of his death. It was like that with cancer back then. This contributed to speculations.

    "Walt Disney’s death certificate — and yes, he did have one — indicates that he died of lung cancer in December of 1966."

    This is where you should be able to detect subterfuge, because the freezing would have to start immediately.




    Freezing human embryo's, seems to work with humans and animals. UK laws allow it for maximum of 10 years. Usually done after use of fertility drugs.
    surprised that this could work. But likely not done the way the cryogenic freezing of dead people is.

    Disney World has secret tunnels for staff.



    Information-theoretic death is the scrambling of information within a brain to such an extent that recovery of the original person becomes theoretically impossible. Information-theoretic death is an attempt to define death in a way that is permanent and independent of any future medical advances, no matter how distant or improbable. Because detailed reading or restoration of information-storing brain structures is well beyond current technology, it is generally not of practical importance in mainstream medicine,[1] though it is of great importance in cryonics, where consideration of future technology is important.

    Ralph Merkle defined information-theoretic death as follows:[2]

    A person is dead according to the information theoretic criterion if their memories, personality, hopes, dreams, etc. have been destroyed in the information theoretic sense. If the structures in the brain that encode memory and personality have been so disrupted that it is no longer possible in principle to recover them, then the person is dead. If they are sufficiently intact that inference of the state of memory and personality are feasible in principle, and therefore restoration to an appropriate functional state is likewise feasible in principle, then the person is not dead.

    So defined, information-theoretic death has been called "the ultimate definition of irreversible death,"[3] and "absolutely irreversible death" in which "destruction of the brain has occurred to such an extreme that any information it may have ever held is irrevocably lost for all eternity."[4]

    Information-theoretic death has propagated into some mainstream bioethical, biophilosophical and religious discussions of death,[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] and was mentioned in a 2007 Newsweek article on advances in treating cardiac arrest.[11]

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So I had always assumed that the rumor of Disney being frozen was true.

    There was a great deal of concealment at the time of his death, but this maybe because of the fact that cancer was then seen as non-discussable. And he went down so fast, the he may not have been in his right mind.

    But now I see that the direct evidence of it is not there. So I will stop assuming it true or talking about it as likely true.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago

    So the first was then Dr. James Bedford, UCLA Psych Professor, Jan 12, 1967.

    So they say 220 frozen, not sure how many of the identities are known. 350 more contracted for it, but as they are young, they are not likely to need the service soon.

    Not sure what happens if someone dies in an accident or too far from the freezing facility. Seems like their chances would be lost. Rather like why Egyptians were afraid of dying outside of their country and missing out on the Osirian Resurrection.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The perfect American / by Peter Stephan Jungk ; translated by Michael Hofmann

    The Perfect American is the fictionalized biography of Walt Disney during his final months, as narrated by Wilhelm Dantine, an Austrian cartoonist who worked for Disney in the 50s, illustrating sequences for Sleeping Beauty. It is also the story of Dantine himself, who desperately seeks Disney's recognition at the risk of his own ruin." "Peter Stephan Jungk has infused a new energy into the genre of fictionalized biography. Dantine, imbued with a sense of European superiority, first refuses to submit to Disney's rule, but is nevertheless fascinated by the childlike omnipotence of a man who identifies with Mickey Mouse. We discover Walt's delusions of immortality via cryogenic preservation, his tirades alongside his Abraham Lincoln talking robot, his invitation of Nikita Khruschev to Disneyland once he learns that the Soviet Premier wants to visit the park, and his utopian visions of the EPCOT project and his backyard labyrinth of toy trains.


  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So lets summarize the high water marks:

    James Bedford, 1/12/67, was the first frozen, UCLA Psych Professor, that is if we accept that Disney was not frozen.

    The baseball player Ted Williams is the most famous to be frozen.


    investigated for a book:
    Admirable work in this regard was done by William Poundstone, author of a ground-breaking volume called Big Secrets. Poundstone heard not only that Walt was on ice, but that the body was stashed below the Pirates of the Caribbean exhibition at Disneyland. Disney was known to have been preoccupied with death, his funeral services were held in secret, and the cause of his demise was never formally announced. Poundstone, however, was able to get a copy of the death certificate, which says Walt died of cancer of the left lung and was cremated at Forest Lawn cemetery. The certificate was signed by an embalmer named Dean Fluss, a real guy who really worked at Forest Lawn. Forest Lawn would not disclose the location of the remains, but after a search Poundstone found the grave site in the cemetery's Court of Freedom section. There is nothing remarkable about it. Conclusion: Walt was fried, not frozen.



    Some have accused two Disney biographies of perpetuating the rumor that he was frozen: Disney’s World by Robert Mosley (1986) and Walt Disney


    Walt Disney was indeed obsessed with death, particularly his own. His estate didn’t help matters by holding his funeral behind closed doors (perhaps at the request of Disney himself) and never publicly announcing the cause of his death.



    That little myth probably got started in 1972, when Bob Nelson, then the president of the Cryonics Society of California, gave an interview to the Los Angeles Times. Though what he specifically said was that Walt was not cryogenically frozen, even going so far as to say, “They had him cremated. I personally have seen his ashes,” what people likely remembered from the article was his statement that Walt wanted to be frozen.

    He based this theory on the fact that Walt Disney Studios called Nelson prior to Disney’s death and asked elaborate questions about the process, the facilities, the staff, and their history. “The truth is, Walt missed out,” Nelson said. “He never specified it in writing, and when he died the family didn’t go for it. ... Two weeks later we froze the first man. If Disney had been the first it would have made headlines around the world and been a real shot in the arm for cryonics.”


    When the “frozen Disney” rumor was started, and by whom, is unknown. The privacy Disney maintained concerning his personal life extended to his death, and the lack of details available about his funeral and burial arrangements — combined with his reputation as a technological innovator — has helped foster the story of Disney’s cryonic suspension ever since.


    After your heart stops beating and you are pronounced legally dead, the company you signed with takes over. An emergency response team from the facility immediately gets to work. They stabilize your body by supplying your brain with enough oxygen and blood to preserve minimal function until you can be transported to the suspension facility. Your body is packed in ice and injected with an anticoagulant to prevent your blood from clotting during the trip. A medical team is on standby awaiting the arrival of your body at the cryonics facility.

    After you reach the cryonics facility, the actual freezing can begin.

    They could, and while you’d certainly be frozen, most of the cells in your body would shatter and die.

    As water freezes, it expands. Since cells are made up of mostly water, freezing expands the “stuff” inside which destroys their cell walls and they die. The cryonics companies need to remove and/or replace this water. They replace it with something called a cryoprotectant. Much like the antifreeze in an automobile. cryogenically frozenThis glycerol based mixture protects your organ tissues by hindering the formation of ice crystals. This process is called “vitrification” and allows cells to live in a sort of suspended animation.

    After the vitrification, your body is cooled with dry ice until it reaches -202 Fahrenheit. After this pre-cooling, it’s finally time to insert your body into the individual container that will be placed into a metal tank filled with liquid nitrogen. This will cool the body down to a temperature of around -320 degrees Fahrenheit.

    The procedure isn’t cheap. It can cost up to $200,000 to have your whole body preserved. For the more frugal optimist, a mere $60,000 will preserve your brain with an option known as neurosuspension. They hope the technology in the future will allow them to clone or regenerate the rest of the body.

    Many critics say the companies that perform cryonics are simply ripping off customers with the dream of immortality and they won’t deliver. It doesn’t help that the scientists who perform cryonics say they haven’t successfully revived anyone, and don’t expect to be able to do so anytime soon. The largest hurdle is that, if the warming process isn’t done at exactly the right speed and temperature, the cells could form ice crystals and shatter.

    cryonicsDespite the fact that no human placed in a cryonic suspension has yet been revived, some living organisms can be, and have been, brought back from a dead or near-dead state. CPR and Defibrillators can bring accident and heart attack victims back from the dead daily.

    Neurosurgeons often cool patients’ bodies so they can operate on aneurysms without damaging or rupturing the nearby blood vessels. Human embryos that are frozen in fertility clinics, defrosted and implanted in a mother’s uterus grow into perfectly normal human beings. Some frogs and other amphibians have a protein manufactured by their cells that act as a natural antifreeze which can protect them if they’re frozen completely solid.

    Cryobiologists are hopeful that nanotechnology will make revival possible someday. Nanotechnology can use microscopic machines to manipulate single atoms to build or repair virtually anything, including human cells and tissues. They hope one day, nanotechnology will repair not only the cellular damage caused by the freezing process, but also the damage caused by aging and disease.

    Some cryobiologists have predicted that the first cryonic revival might occur as early as year 2045.



    Cryonics was first suggested in the 1960s by a professor, Robert Ettinger, who argued that death could be a reversible process. Robert's fascination with life made him research whether revival could be possible from cryopreservation or not.

    The idea of "preserving the body in the liquid nitrogen or a freezing state until the time technology reanimates and revives the life" has attracted many people over the years. Till now, nearly 350 corpses have been preserved cryogenically and are awaiting immortality.

    However, there's no doubt that cryopreservation is possible but what about the whole coming back to life thing?

    Well, here we present some cases of people who have been cryogenically preserved.

    So this Dr. Robert Ettinger proposed the idea in 1960, and then published a book about it in 1964. Ettinger is now himself frozen along with his mother and two ex-wives.

    So then to clarify my own position. I had never heard the idea about Disney being under Pirates of the Caribbean. I find that idea to be hilarious. I had assumed it to be established fact though that Disney was frozen.

    Today though I see that this is not established fact, it is rumor. I don't know if it is true or not, but I am leaning on the side of it not being true. Either way though, I am not going to be one who further propagates is, as I see it as being irresponsible to do such without evidence.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    One final matter about Walt Disney, because they were not straight about the cause of his death, it likely contributed to speculations about him being frozen. In those days cancer was a death sentence and also seen as a moral taint. And tobacco related did compromise his public image.

    The 1st and 3rd persons officially frozen were professors with quite unconventional ideas. So that they would be frozen only added to their reputations. With Disney it would have caused more problems.

    So about our Dougster and his bro's:

    "Google’s Kurzweil envisions three medical stages before singularity, starting with our current push to slow aging. Stage two: building on genomic research, including personalized fixes for diseases like cancer. Kurzweil believes we’ll get to the medical nanotechnology that Merkle envisions by the 2030s, which would lead us to the last phase—nanorobots connecting us to “the cloud” in 2045. At that point, avatars of our brains could be loaded into another body. Then we’d live forever."

    "Kurzweil has signed himself up to be frozen, in case the 90 supplements he takes daily don’t keep him alive."


    I think Kurzweil is full of it and a snake oil salesman.


    Graham Bond, Love Is The Law

    How Things Work Today, In The US, And In Most Places Other Than Social Democracies:
    A very Veblin compatible view

    LE grade cable ties
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So this Ray Kurzweil that Dougster prays to, that is before he decided to have himself frozen, sounds like a very strange bird.


    Kurzweil admits that he cared little for his health until age 35, when he was found to suffer from a glucose intolerance, an early form of type II diabetes (a major risk factor for heart disease). Kurzweil then found a doctor (Terry Grossman, M.D.) who shares his somewhat unconventional beliefs to develop an extreme regimen involving hundreds of pills, chemical intravenous treatments, red wine, and various other methods to attempt to live longer. Kurzweil was ingesting "250 supplements, eight to 10 glasses of alkaline water and 10 cups of green tea" every day and drinking several glasses of red wine a week in an effort to "reprogram" his biochemistry.[47] Lately, he has cut down the number of supplement pills to 150.[30

    Kurzweil has joined the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, a cryonics company. In the event of his declared death, Kurzweil plans to be perfused with cryoprotectants, vitrified in liquid nitrogen, and stored at an Alcor facility in the hope that future medical technology will be able to repair his tissues and revive him.[29



    first to be frozen

    a fellow traveler of Kurzweil's


    And this idea of his, which cryogenics depends on:

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So this Kurzweil does indeed seem to be a very strange bird.

    And so he's out there at his Singularity University, at Moffett Field with this Ralph Merkle


    and he has come up with this idea about:

    Though consistent with current science, this is still an entirely mechanical model of memory and personality.

    And Merkel is a cryogenics promoter


    lot of photo's of ass of Elliot Rodger's step mother
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Was the fact that Disney was a member of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC, and a member of the Freemasons, and their De Molay Knights Templar Order, factors in why people believed that he would have himself frozen?


    How about the fact that all of his work seems to be concerned with the occult, kind of like the Harry Potter books of today? Is this why people believed that Disney would be one to go for freezing.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    So Ray Kurzweil plans to never die?

    And he is part of this Bro-Topia

    "...Ray Kurzweil predicts human brains will transition to cloud-based consciousness in the 2030s"

    But the problem as we can see is that their first experiments with Dougster's Sentience being transferred to "Google Immortality" are completely uninspiring.


    Moriarty NM, Truck Stop with a Stripper Pole

    Lot Lizards



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