
West Palm Beach clubs have become horrible lately especially on day shift !

Living well and enjoying my retirement
You guys know I was blogging a few days ago while I was at DDs, the Spearmint Rhino sucks of late, Monroe's hasn't been very good since they took over from Dreamgirl's Sugar D's & Flashdance are scary, the only club that is any good lately is Cheetah's, Scores is uneven and Rachel's has too much GPS going on. The only thing to do is go to Pompano for late afternoon but the traffic heading down there sucks, maybe not as congested as Miami, we need some pro's to come in and fix these clubs, how about you S. Florida guys do you all agree with me or am I expecting too much ?


  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    What makes it so horrible?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Do these places hire as many girls as they can, or do they impose strict looks standards and make sure that the girls follow front room restrictions?

    The first type would be the kind of shit hole which makes for paradise. The second type is a show club or clip joint, designed to take money off of chumps.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Good question chess, it seems like the girls are very lazy in most of these clubs they don't get off their phones, DD is trying to get away with a $5. Cover then you walk in 4 girls I customer in the club, Spearmint which used to have one of the best active dayshift bars around here has become a freak show with the managers trying to push the girls to do the buy me a drink hustle, Monroes seems to be full of these young moronic sorority types the travel from crusty to crusty in a pack trying to get the custie to buy overpriced lady drinks for the pack Ultra has a bunch of fuglies and sixty year old grandmas it's incredible the authorities are fairly lenient in Palm Beach County you would be amazed at some of this stuff. It was so much better just two years ago, I'm getting a bit fed up with these venues that don't seem to have much appreciation for us customers.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ If buying the drink gets you time to sit and talk with the girl, instead of 'wanna dance', then you are already ahead.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ your comprehension skills need work how does buying a bunch of overpriced lady drinks lead you to that stupid statement. You really should get out once in a while and actually go to a strip club you might learn something.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    for this comparison I'm using girl drink price (and tip) of $10. now in my favorite club (hk) that amount of deniro almost buys a vip 5 minute dance. but it is rare to do a vip dance without buying a girl drink. the girl drink might last 5 minutes. so maybe 10 minutes overall with the dance. simply put (realistically) 10 minutes in total. interaction with the girl for about $25. not bad.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    If she is asking for a drink, then that means you will get at least a little bit of time to talk to her. If you like her, that is always good.

    Far better than at the 'wanna dance' places.

  • goosman
    7 years ago
    I've only made one excursion to WPB and was not impressed. My presumption is that Pompano is just too strong & too close, that talent & customers who would frequent WPB end up going down south. And for folks down south, we have to drive PAST Pompano to get to WPB, and from everything I've read & seen, why would one do that?

    I thought that there was a niche in WPB for the rich guy, looking for the Playboy Playmate type dancer, but maybe neither of those really exist up there.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @justme I get that my complaint is that the fun has left a lot of these places, it's not one thing it's the atmosphere has changed of late. The clubs seem to be implementing policies that are aimed at preventing interactions, the managers are not paying attention to any detail that doesn't maximize profits often at the expense of easy enjoyment. Case in point a few months ago one of my CFs was sitting with me drinking mgr called her over to tell her she needed to order some crazy drink instead of what she was currently drinking (a beer her choice) because he wanted to generate more revenue. She told me that she had no desire to comply and that is not an isolated incident it has been happening frequently. Another place where I used to enjoy a cigar with my drink banned cigars yet the smoke from cigarettes is all over and you get a whiff of marijuana as soon as you walk in, why not invest in a good quality smoke eater rather than ban cigars. I didn't mention this but I am not cheap usually spending from 50 to 200 dollars on a normal dayshift visit tipping and all.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You hit it right @goosman it's really a shame because there were a lot of good clubs here not long ago it is definitely trending down.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    justme62 is laying it out plain and simple. The drinking time lets you talk with the girl and get her loosened up. Maybe you can steer her towards a no alcohol drink, or maybe you can just hand her cash. But front room time with the girl is valuable, and all the more so if you really want to start getting friendly with her, and even more so if you want this to continue OTC.

  • mikeym
    7 years ago
    It is difficult for a visiting dancer to work in WPB due to the licensure requirements to work there so Miami and Pompano get most of the visiting dancers. If you like my answer, click on my name and click the TRUST button. Thanks. Mikey
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Licensing things are a problem, just a way to try and plough that entire industry under. We have that here in Santa Clara County, though I think they just call it registration.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @mikeym you might be on to something with that mikeym good point. Even though I have met more than a few dancers over the years, that were from out of town, still I agree with your point.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    BTW I won't hit the trust button jus yet, because you are a dick, your comments regarding both me and Papi at Vixens were completely inappropriate.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    One last question to @mikeym why is it that they were much better not very long ago the licensing requirements have pretty much been static for a dozen years or more.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    We need Papi here.

    At these W. Palm Beach clubs, are the girls nice looking, at least some of them? When they hustle you for a drink, do they sit and talk with you, snuggle up with you? Any lap sitting?

    Can you get very friendly with them? And then what can happen in the booths and back rooms?


    Yes, the lost broadcasts, quite good, 1969
  • mikeym
    7 years ago
    Recently, I drove a dancer from out of state to Miami Dade on a Friday. She was able to work at the clubs in Miami that night, Saturday, and Sunday before I drove her back. She told me that she would have had to apply for a license and pay $75 to work in WPB. I do not know the date when WPB started that license thing- maybe in the last two or three years? Maybe there are more visiting dancers needed because there ae so many clubs now in South Florida?

    As far as Papi, I have clubbed with him on HUNDREDS of instances around 2007, 2008, and 2009 at Secrets, Tootsies, BT, Rolexxx, Coco's, and other clubs in South Dade. Before he moved to Miami, I was the originally Papi Chullo. In the early 2000s, the clubs in S. Fla did not have as many Cubans now, or at least they were near the airport at Porkys, Pussycat, etc... Eastern Europeans women were popular in Miami. Then the Cuban invasion began, and I encouraged them to call customers "Papi" and "chullo."

    Papi is now a senior member and very well respected. Him and I are two of the anchors of the championship TUSCLers. Yor're an okay guy, too, 25, drinking scotch and smoking cigars at your WPB clubs. Can we all get along?
  • mikeym
    7 years ago
    SJG, I just saw your post. Thanks for the SJG system. I wanted to tell everyone that it really works!

    In WPB, not to oversimplify things but there are two cluster of clubs: 1) the white clubs and 2) the black clubs.
    The white clubs used to be legendary for having lots of 9s and 10s. The dancers from Miami would love to get hired at the WPB clubs. Things changed about 3 years ago with the girls from Miami wanting to work in WPB. However, like 3 years ago, the clubs in WPB are overpriced, and it is even harder to get laid. Although I and a couple of others have done okay at Cheetah WPH every once in a while.

    The black clubs have multiple good reports of mileage during day shift, but at night shift, it is usually just throw dollars and make it rain.
  • mikeym
    7 years ago
    I should give more credit to papi. Before he moved to Miami, I used to get the chicas. When papi moved to the 305, things changed. There were multiple occasions when we would be sitting right near other in the club, and the dancer would always pick his lap over mine. He is quite younger than me, and his tornado (Papi Jr.) would attract the dancers to him. I moved away to Ft Myers and have not seen papi in ten years.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @mikeym we can get along just fine you are probably a good guy yourself most of the time, but keep one thing in mind I don't care if you disagree with my assessment of any given club ever but I am nobodies shill and I couldn't put Papi up to writing a review, favorable or unfavorable if I wanted to.
    If those are fair points we would have no problem getting along ever.
    Now as to the licensing requirements in Palm Beach County, as far as I know going all the way back to 1998 when there were still jiggle joints in Boynton Beach and half dozen or more good clubs I Lantana, Lake Worth & other municipalities they have always required, as far as I knew a dancer card. I remember very well that there were some places that made the girls get them prior to starting work but there were some where they would give the girls two weeks before it was mandated. Another point the office where the they are licensed allows them to come in be fingerprinted and pay the application fee and the card is issued right there at the same time. Whether that has changed or not I do not know , but like I said earlier you have a valid point that I hadn't thought of before. But our recollections still constitute anecdotal information not scientific facts, and don't explain entirely the late decline in the clubs in this area.
  • mikeym
    7 years ago
    Okay, I am cool with you, 25. If you TRUST me, I will TRUST you back. You could ask sjg if you want. I am trustworthy with that.

    The incident with Vixens had nothing to do with you so let me apologize to you, sir. It was about papi, who I often think of as my son.

    I came to this country from Cuba in the early 1960s. Back then and in the 1970s, we did not know or care about HIV or other diseases so I had lots of unprotected sex. Many states had brothels, too. Anyways, when I used to club with papi, I imagined how my son would look like. I did not dare tell him. He might have punched my lights out.

    Anyways, I am a viejo who was kind of slow to the Internet. I only joined tuscl in late 2015. When I read about papi, I wondered how my son would be: the apple does not fall far from the tree. I do not think papi is my son, but I love him like a son and wish him the best.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Ok mikeym I'll trust you Papi & I became friends about three years ago I don't see him as often as I'd like due to him being in 305 & me in the former 407 now 561 but I remember when I moved here we were still 305 as well anyway alls good here I'll not tell you about SJG if you come on here often enough you'll find out for yourself.
  • mikeym
    7 years ago
    About 10 years ago, my ATF at Tootsie's left to work at Rachel's. My recent ATF at Tootsie's left to work at E11even. That might tell you something, too.

    I have not seen papi in nearly a decade, but I probably was smoking a cigar with you in one of the clubs in WPB within the last year.

    Next, I really like sjg's system a lot. I did not pay money for his book- if there even is one. However, I learned the basics of the system by reading the discussion board. It has worked for me even if people insult him.
    By the way, massage parlors used to advertise in the sports page in the East Coast. Its like pussy is being persecuted in the USA. Sjg is very interesting, and I like him.

    Finally, I am driving with my Atlanta ATF from Panama City to Ft. Myers. I will try to post on Sunday or Monday about any clubs I visit.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Sounds good check your profile I sent you a trust
  • laplurker
    7 years ago
    Based on reviews, I have been only to Cheetah WPB. I have always gotten extras in the private room. Expect to spend $400. Dancer quality runs anywhere from 5 to 9 depending on the luck of the shift.
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I agree, the WBP clubs have in general declined the past few years. I prefer to drive down to Pompano.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Yeah, perhaps the WPB licensing thing may be an issue - Palm Beach county is also smaller than the other 2 SoFlo counties so perhaps less demand? Also WPB is a long drive for most South FL PLs that are not from Palm Beach county.

    In the end, the WPB clubs are too far and overall may not offer neither better-mileage nor better-value - seems the Pompano & Miami clubs are more willing to push the envelope
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Mikeym, thanks for the endorsement!

    25, So at these West Palm Beach Clubs, the dancers push drinks. Does that just mean that they are pushing them, instead of the waitresses, and do they even have waitresses. Dancers are there to engage with customers, so it sounds like a positive.

    The club needs to make money. Buying a dancer a drink is how you get to sit with her and talk with her. Sounds like all that is written about Tijuana.

    At many of our local clubs, there are hookers who sometimes get in there. Often the first thing they will say is, "Buy me a drink".

    Mostly what I think it is is just that the guy will see the drink as a kind of down payment, and so the odds that he will want to leave with her for a session are increased. It also probably makes the house more likely to allow her to operate there.

    But sometimes dancers do the same thing, "Buy me a drink". Sometimes I think it is because they want a drink. But also it is again the down payment thing, making it more likely that the guy will sit at her stage and tip. In one case it was a dancer I had talked with before, and she definitely had outside interests in me.

    Once at the Brass Rail, where hookers usually come in under the cover of the amateur contest / wet t-shirt contest, one, though not sitting on my lap, was still sitting next to me, facing me, pushing against me from her crotch to all the way up her sternum, and getting her face so close to me, that besides just a drink, she was clearly trying to get GFE going.

    I was not up for that at that time, or with her.

    Sometimes at our local clubs they make it clear that all the dancer restrictions also apply to women customers, like no embracing. But sometimes at the Brass Rail they are much more lenient about women customers.

    So just from reading what you have written, it is not clear to me that these West Palm Beach clubs are so bad, they sound more like TJ wannabe places. Not so bad. But one has to be in the mood for chasing girls.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ You are a moron what knowledge do you have about the clubs in WPB, please add something to this conversation, or any conversation that is not just a contrarian opinion, or shut the fuck up.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ Dickhead, I'm just repeating back to you what you have posted. Unless you are willing to be more clear, then your post makes no sense and you are just inhibiting reasoned discussion.

  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ You really are stupid , everyone else who posted on this thread had no problem understanding what I wrote. This is a pathetic attempt on your part to argue, state your unfounded opinions and get attention to your lonely delusional ideas, I feel sorry for you , but I'm not getting sucked into your personal drama.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    twentyfive. my only west palm beach spearmint rhino visit was about 3.5 years ago and was a good time. nude, smoking, booze, food service and good girl interaction.( all though i had to go next door for fulfillment.) too bad it is disappointing since then.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Spearmint Rhino was a very good club three years ago, sadly not any more.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    lap lurkler. my overall wpb experience 3.5 years ago was in that $400 range. i felt it was an ok deal. butt not a kmso experience. butt nice.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    twentyfive, you are not being very specific in supporing your negative claims about these clubs.

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