
The Real Reason they hate Trump?

Friday, June 16, 2017 7:59 AM
Trump has struck a nerve everywhere.

Is the real reason the media and the politicos hate Donald Trump is that they are afraid that it may start trend that citizens that have actually had to work for a living might just start running for office and take a hard look at the corruption, "featherbedding", profiteering, collusion, nepotism, duplication, racketeering and out & out theft that is government and media today.

DC insiders are shitting bricks because he is interfering with the gravy train of their thieving and lazy lifestyle. Until now no outsider has been able to endure the constant barrage of attacks from the media and government agencies to be able to complete a presidential campaign much less get elected. The thieves, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles in the DC halls of power that are in league with their cohort teammates in the media are frightened he will expose their sleaze ! I have had to deal with the vermin the inhabit the DC area and I would rather swim naked with a hungry alligator than trust any of them. In my opinion 99% are corrupt beyond redemption.
Even Bernie (Mr. I am for free everything for everyone) stole millions and his wife is looking at jail for embezzlement.

The end of the equation is Trump has struck a nerve with the WORKING public in as much as he is truly a trouble maker and by and large fulfills his promises. Yes he has declared bankruptcy but came back, yes he sometimes/is an asshole, yes he has been married 3 times but he takes care of his children and he has children because he want children not because it is politically expedient for election campaigns. Plus he is known for getting it DONE not for being popular.!

The working taxpayers of this country are ass tired of paying for every lazy piece of shit that decides to not work or comes to this country to live off the rest of us(I have not problem with immigrants who come here and work but if they are illegal they are just potential slaves for the left to control, who do you think cleans the pools and houses of the wealthy Hollyweed and liberal wealthy in the "sanctuary cities" for sub-minimum wages). Politicians court the lazy and uneducated with promises and just enough of our money to buy their votes then pocket the rest of the money. 65 cents of each dollar paid into the welfare fund is used for "administrative expenses", if a business had that high of an overhead it would be out of business in weeks but because it is government they just get out their guns come to you house or employer and demand more money from you and if you do not pay up they simply take it at gunpoint.

Please note I have included ALL the DC denizens, the bureaucrats are worse than most of the politicians because they are the termites and rats behind the walls. I lump the Bush's, Clinton, Gore, Reid, Pelosi, Lugar, and all the rest who have NEVER held a real job where they had to do their job of be fired ! I am not a particular fan of the Donald but at least he has a pair.

Maybe the real reason they hate Trump is that he will expose the system to the light of day and demand the same rules (accountability) apply to government as that the government applies to us!


  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Oh, barf. :P ..Trump supporters need to get over themselves. Go have a Mountain Dew and calm down.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Trump is a liar and a con man. I feel sorry for those people who support him because he doesn't care a bit about them.
  • yahtzee74
    7 years ago
    jackslash, so you're saying Trump's a typical politician!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Hes no different than any other politician, your rant is so far from reality it's laughable.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    Nepotism????? Like having your children run your company? Like two of your top aides who have no political or government experience being your daughter and her husband?

    Trump crawled out of one swamp and into another. Just because you parrot claims he made when he was running doesn't make them even remotely true.

    85% of the reason people hate Trump is he can't keep his fucking mouth shut.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    @TT: It's nearly impossible to wade through one your typical rambling diatribes. I'm asking honestly: do you have any formal education?

    @TT wrote: "The end of the equation is Trump has struck a nerve with the WORKING public"

    No, it's been well documented that Trump won by appealing to poor, rural, uneducated, working-class white guys who've been displaced by globalization and automation. Trump did this by appealing to racism and xenophobia. By fomenting all the fears white people have against a country that no longer looks white. If was a backlash against our first AA president.

    Nothing in your rant, of course, about the cause of the last financial crisis that whiped out $5T from the economy. Must have been caused by lazy, poor, people on welfare.

    Trump is hated because he's a lazy, fat, ignorant, racist, bullshitter, who doesn't give a shit about any of the details that go into good policy. He's not a self-made guy or even a good businessman. He got to where he is by virtue of his inheritance.

    Amazing amount of lying and bullshitting about Trumpcare. It's polling at less than 20%, and when millions of people lose their health insurance, it has the power to take down Ryan and the GOP in the upcoming elections.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Congrats Random your post was just as moronic as the first one. You are special.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Trump is hated by the Republicans because he is not one of them. He is hated by the democrat party because he is so effective at beating them where they live. He is hated by the establishment (including foreign leaders) because he is their worst nightmare- a POTUS with the desire and ability to make America great again. He is anti-globalism (well he must be a xenophobe). He is in favor of secure borders and controlled immigration (well he must be a racist). He wants to cut taxes and entitlements ( he must be an oligarch). He wants tear down or renegotiate unfair trade accords which disadvantage the United States (he must be a Nationalist). Here's a simpler explanation: Trump's a Patriot. You can hate him all you want. You can call those who don't hate him all the names you want. That won't change the fact that he is winning. The media is distracting all the leftists with their conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, Trump has already undone half of Obama's BS, and he's working in the other half.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    Yup, he has struck a nerve on everyone!
    I heard a quote from a illiterate politician the other day that all racists voted for Trump.
    If you believe him then all Black racists, all White racists, all Asian racist, all Hispanic racists etc. voted for him unless you are stupid enough to believe that only whites are racist. Only the media morons think that only White people are racist.
    I first same Barack Obama when he spoke at the Democratic National when he was still a state senator and I told the people I was with that he was a fast mover in the Democratic party with huge behind the scenes backing of the shadow government because he was a new,y elected state senator for Chicago. Why would he be on national television since he was a nobody with no experience. In twelve years he went from a nobody to president through the Chicago Political machine????????????
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I'm really beginning to think that the leftists on TUSCL are the dumbest leftists in America. They are completely incapable of acknowledging when they are wrong, articulating a point, or submitting any facts. They take the most outrageous lies they hear, and repeat them as gospel. In true communist fashion, they call you names and threaten violence when you point out all their factual errors. It is that very same ignorant, close-minded worldview that led to the cowardly attacks earlier this week. All leftists are cowards - they are afraid of having to face that they were wrong. Wrong about the election, wrong about Trump, wrong about the country. Except for twentyfive - he's afraid that were going to take away his malt liquor and government check.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Quick note: there's something about strip clubs that attract the most bizarre right wing and Libertarian whack jobs. @TT and @GammaNut happen to be the most extreme. I wonder if there's more neurosis in front of the pole or behind the pole?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I wonder how gramma nut case survived to adulthood if he really is an adult not some illegitimate spawn of David Duke posting on his mommy's computer while she's at work. Maybe Darwin' Law isn't settled science after all, or maybe he was a premmie .
  • bkkruined
    7 years ago
    Must be proud alumni of Trump University....
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    Um no.

    He's a foreign policy disaster. Just yesterday he and his own Secretary of State weren't on the same page on Qatar.

    He's a liar who lies. He denies ever tweeting his own tweets.

    With all apologies to the old guys here, he's clearly going senile.

    He makes me miss fucking GWB. History will remember him about as fondly as President Grant, without the military service to temper his reputation.

    He's an idiot.
  • Cowboy12
    7 years ago
    I'm not a big fan of Trump, but I do think he should be given a chance.
    The huge, corrupt political machine and the media are both working against him.

    Trump lies? Name someone in politics that doesn't lie!

    At least he wants to fix the system, reduce taxes, bring companies back to USA, and quit giving USA tax dollars to un-friendly countries.

  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    No he doesn't want to fix the system, another lie. His cabinet is full of wall street cronies and the usual Republican swamp dwellers. He wants to get him and his kids rich using the Presidency and cut their taxes, not to create jobs but yo hoard wealth. He doesn't give a shit about the rest.

    His lies are stunningly blatant, claiming he never said something there is record he said or tweeted just months prior. Most politicians have the decency to wiggle.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Random: " there's something about strip clubs that attract the most bizarre right wing and Libertarian whack jobs"

    Maybe. But internet forums have always been dominated by those with libertarian leanings. I do think that personality type would also be attracted to strip clubs. Maybe I'll write more about my speculations in the future.

  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I'm sure Washington hates trump for the reasons you mentioned.

    However the rest of us hate trump for completely different obvious reasons. His disapproval rating is close to 60%.

    Fuck trump.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "a POTUS with the desire and ability to make America great again"

    Does anyone actually believe that garbage?
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "He's an idiot."

    That's an understatement.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    He reminds me of the guy in high school who went out of his way to piss people off. Not to get them to think, just to piss then off.....
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    The posts against Trump, for the most part, do little to dispel the notion that lefties are slogan spouting idiots. Between the time the prior moron in the white house declared his "line in the sand" in Syria and the time he left office 175,000 people died. The fact Republican haters gloss over obama failures like this proves they are no better than alt-right, no better at all. Most politicians have the decency to wiggle? You sir should never breed.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Random @Dougster the real reason this web site attracts nuts and alt. rightists is because it is in moderated and that emboldens them to say stupid shit that they would never say out loud or in public. I don't think it really has much to do with strip clubs as much as it does with they feeling of anonymity.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I wanna see that $1T infrastructure spending and those tax cuts. Build that wall! Build those nukes! Deficit be damned! Growth will pay for all that shit and more!

    Also heard that someone might have written about the origins of Trump's personality damage stemming from his childhood. Anyone know anything about that?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Trump is no friend of working people, no way. He is against the very idea of downwards wealth transfer by taxation. This was how FDR saved capitalism from itself and preserved our democracy.

    Trump is an extremist, and this is what makes him different from other politicians. Most strive for the center, so that they don't lose too many votes to the other side. But as there have come to be so many people totally disconnected from politics, people who listen to the nonsense put out by right wing media, a candidate like Trump was able to draw them out by putting out an extreme message, even though he lost the center.

    Trump is obviously quite a character. I could have been there like Billy Bush going on and on with him about all his doings. Not everyone hates him. But the reason so many of us want him out of office ASAP is simply that he speaks without responsibility. What he seems to want is a return to the Gilded Age, before the Civil Rights Movement, before the Great Depression, and even before the Progressive Era.

    We either learn to manage capitalism, or we go into something worse than Nazi Germany. Sorry that so many people don't seem to understand this. Already as it is today, most good paying jobs are things which should not exist, people making money by doing things which would be better left not done.

    The only choice we have for the survival of our society is Western European style Social Democracy. Up through the mid-60's we were about in step with them. Canada's first moves to universal health care were modeled after the US Medicare system.

    But then Nixon with his Southern Strategy, and his looking for wedge issues to peel off swing voters, like going after Catholics with abortion, and also as Eisenhauer's VP, importing Nazi Holocaust collaborators from Eastern and Central Europe to "offset the Jewish vote in the cities", and then people like Paul Weyrich, building the Evanelicals into a political force, and then Lee Atwater, showing people how to pander to racism in a post Brown v Board world.

    And Dougster, the Soviet Union collapsed because of excessive military spending. Building another generation of nuclear weapons is the last thing we need. It is simply a demonstration of willingness to use. If we do that, there will be nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism.

    What Trump wants would mean economic slavery, and of course riots and revolutions. If this happens, you know where I'll be. I'll be the one passing out the Kalashnikovs.


    Gospel From The Stripper Pole

    Grahame Bond - Love Is the Law

    Never though much of this girl, still don't, idiot!
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    @25, it's really best explained by watching the first portion of Idiocracy; sadly, we did it to ourselves.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    I'm a leftist progressive Obama fan, but I'll concede foreign policy, and the middle easy specifically were his biggest failures. He was elected to end the American Theocracy installed by GWB, and may have been the most successful domestic president since FDR. But his middle East strategy was weak and the outcomes sucked.

    I don't think Trump has a clue what he's doing internationally though.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "most successful domestic president since FDR"

    This is what I've been saying! It describes Obama perfectly.


    Pentangle, a girl played me some of this, like late 70's. In the years which followed, I always looked for it in new and used record stores. Nothing.

    Here, then and now:
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Bj99 I have watched that movie I don't subscribe to their point of view, we did this to ourselves but not in the way that you think. Point in contention this last election was billed as the most important in our lifetime yet just slightly more than half of the eligible voters excercised their franchise, yet people all over the world are fighting and during for just that reason.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Being involved now in local politics and at the sidewalk level, it is only about 10% who are even trying to pay attention to what is going on. Most just want to pay their bills, or they are convinced that politics is completely corrupt. So if they do vote, it could well be for someone like Trump.

  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "What he seems to want is a return to the Gilded Age, before the Civil Rights Movement, before the Great Depression, and even before the Progressive Era"

    By God if sjg ever said something that made sense this is it.

    Trump and his supporters would have women relegated to the kitchen and doing chores, blacks picking cotton and deport all the Mexicans and Muslims. Hell, they would deport blacks if they could.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ Coming from you chessmaster, that means a lot to me.

    Trump does not understand that we have moved from an agrarian age, through an industrial age, and are now in an information age. There never will be enough jobs, and of the wage paying jobs that we now have, most of them we would be better off without. This is just the way it is. If we don't come to understand this, we will be living in something far worse than Nazi Germany.

  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    If he could, Trump would deport all of the Blacks. Then he would deport all of the Native Americans.

  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "don't think Trump has a clue what he's doing internationally though."

    He doesn't have a clue what he's doing at all. Except undoing all of Obama's policies and dropping missiles in Syria. Its obvious how unprepared he is for the job and on top of how stupid he is I thought that would disqualify him. He is irresponsible, immature, clueless, a bigot, a con man, and only in the white house for his own self interest(as are most politicians but at least all those other qualities don't apply to most previous presidents, even George bush).
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Howard Stern says that he never expected to be elected. He just wanted to be in a position to negotiate higher pay for his TV program, "The Apprentice". He was getting $100k per episode.

    This makes sense too, considering the way that he ran, like Governor Halley of South Carolina said, "Needing to be the loudest voice in the room." She had been the first prominent Republican to denounce him.

    This is also why even before election day, Michael Moore announced that he had nothing more to say about Trump, but was going to focus on the people who voted for him.


  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    The choice is always democrat or republican, and they aren't all that different relelative to political parties in other parts of the world. Their points of contention are overblown and just a means of distracting voters from things that could actually be changed. I voted for Johnson bc I wanted to see third party on the ballots.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Lol Txtittyfag is living proof all of the retards voted for trump.

    The irony is trump voters are the ones dragging down this countrys iq.

    Did Vince tell you to stop sucking? GET ON YOUR JOB.

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