Maher, Griffin, Colbert: Anti-Trump comedians are a having really bad moment
Bacon props!!
I hope I don't fall into this category the Washington Post just had as it's headline.
Sorry for not including a link. Maybe SJG will be kind enough to attach it here. Thanks for all your support SJG. The link you shared of me on Bill Maher's show is priceless. It really shows today's left wing liberal's true colors.
Sorry for not including a link. Maybe SJG will be kind enough to attach it here. Thanks for all your support SJG. The link you shared of me on Bill Maher's show is priceless. It really shows today's left wing liberal's true colors.
You better keep doing your minivan commercials and just talk about hot pockets and keep out of politics
While I admit Griffin is digging herself a deeper hole, I think one look at Bill O' Reilly and Sean Hannity and I can say you don't have to be either left or a comedian to be having a bad hair day. Oh, and Griffin may have dug a deep hole but she ain't a permanent resident in one like Roger Ailes
But Bill O' Reilly, he's probably fucked for good.
I think his point is spot on, why do these fucktard liberal celebrities think we give a shit about how they think life should be? Liberalism is a disease. The majority of people who actually listen to Maher and Griffin live in the northeast, California or Pacific Northwest. The rest of the country could care less what they think, which is why Guys like JimG are killing it with their act. I think Griffin and Maher are hacks desperate to stay relevant.
Why is autocorrect like a cop? Never around when you need one.
Or she could have gone a bit more highbrow and insulting like "you fucking morons, we were going for a whole Judith-Holofernes thing. But I guess I shouldn't expect the unwashed followers of a guy who thinks the book is called 'two Corinithians' to understand."
I could respect either. But whining is just non-brilliant! :(
She tried flirting with me when I was single, before Jeannie and I started dating. I was more attracted to my pastrami deli sandwich than her red headed and red covered snatch. I said I'd rather be dead than have red on my head.
She wouldn't stop talking and I couldnt get in a word. I couldn't even tell her I wasn't interested in doing a comedy duo with her. I just said I had to eat and to give me her # so I could call her. Of course that call never happened.
Thanks to all who agree with how terrible of a comedian she is.
That is not fake news.