Legal pot and strip clubs

avatar for Tiredtraveler
I think legalized pot will be a boon to strip clubs! Most companies (the one I work for included) had a strict no tolerance policy concerning drugs and alcohol to the point of random testing. If you test positive it does not matter who you are you are out the door without unemployment since the discharge is justifiable. This policy has been tested in the courts in Colorado and upheld. Some of the fast for chains, retail stores and other places around here now test as condition of employment. Legalized pot is going to create an entire group of young people that are not employable at responsible businesses.
(Businesses are required by law to carry workman's compensation insurance in case an employee get injured on the job. Most workman's compensation insurance companies insist on a testing policy because an impaired employee is an accident waiting to happen. I know I do not want a stoned or drunk co worker anywhere near me on the job. If an employer knowingly has an impaired employee on property and he/she causes an injury to themselves or others the employer can be held liable civilly and criminally.)
(Please note the now the first thing required for ANY on the job incident is a drug test and yes alcohol is a drug)
The net result is that more stoners are unemployed and stripping likely won't require a test therefore a larger pool of girls to work in clubs looking for money to spend at the pot store down the street.


last comment
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
I work with this population and the disconnect is a reality. The students all think that pot is legal and no big deal and they all fail their drug tests when applying for jobs. Too stupid to lay off for awhile before testing I guess. we were a lot smarter about this in the sixties and seventies.
avatar for AnonymousJim
8 years ago
OK, so here's a question: Will there then be certain clubs that end up being pot-free?

My club attendance became far more regular when clubs became smoke-free. I don't care for pot smell, either. I don't necessarily think it should be illegal to use, but I don't like it myself.

Maybe just a pot smoking patio for those who want to use?
avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 years ago
Or will they serve Cannabis Candy or Pizza??
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Movie stars, singers, celebrities, and other rich people brag about using weed, cocaine and other drugs. They never suffer any consequences. But young and poor lose jobs or go to prison for doing drugs.

The only drug I consume on a regular basis is alcohol, which is legal. But I think the War on Drugs is counter-productive and cruel. I take the libertarian position that adults should be free to consume whatever they want.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 years ago
What do you do about stoned/drunk on the job? A true libertarian would retain the right to get rid of the stoner. I Europe they now designate addiction as a "disease" so you cannot fire them.
avatar for Dlee305
8 years ago
It's a catch-22. A person gets high off the clock, has an accident while sober on the job, gets drug tested, and fails. That's f'd up!
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Since I quit smoking cigarettes, I prefer smoke free environments, as well, and would be perfectly happy if adults had a patio to go outside to smoke cannabis and tobacco before getting their pole smoked in the VIP.
I support decriminalizing pot, but not so much legalizing it. Bear in mind, I don't know how tobacco is legal, given the well documented addictive nature and health effects. To effectively legalize pot, there needs to be a cost-efficient and reliable means of testing for marijuana intoxication just as there is for alcohol. That would allow responsible adults to use marijuana responsibly.
avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
The DJ needs to play this every time JS69 walks into the club…

avatar for shadowcat
8 years ago
In my career the federal government required mandatory random alcohol and drug testing. During the last 20 or so years of working, I was probably randomly tested about 15 times. The feds required that 5% of us got tested annually I was never a drug user of any sort. So I never had a worry. I was talking to one of our union reps about testing one day and he said that they don't even test for pot. I never wanted to test that but wonder how universal that is?
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Shawdow: Most places do test for weed, but because so many legal, over the counter medications produce alLow level positive for weed the "passing" level is not zero, but a higher percentage. Weed is unfortunately a fat soluble like vitamin A which builds up in the body's fatty tissues, unlike cocain, which like vitamin c is water soluble and is peed out. If you are a heavy weed smoker, my personal experience indicates 35 days to pass a test - you can snort an 8-ball of exceptional coke on a friday night and pass a test on Monday morning. This excludes hair tests.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
gammanu, excellent video, thanks. Everything definitely goes a lot better with a bag o weed. Especially strip clubs.

And there will never be such a thing as a marijuana free strip club. That's because smoking is only one way to get high. With the variety of edibles, concentrates, etc. available today, I can get high any time, anywhere, and nobody will have any clue that is what I'm doing.
avatar for AnonymousJim
8 years ago
If you want to eat it, drink it or take it as a suppository, go for it. It's the smoke I don't like. Smells like skunk.
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