
Reddit answers from current and former sex workers

In a brilliant place!
Thursday, April 20, 2017 4:41 AM
[view link] Interesting


  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Really good link; one of the best posts of the year in fact. Thanks!
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    "I was sort of an escort/sugar baby." Uh sorry hum I don't think there's any "sort of" to that.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Interesting link. Thanks for posting.
  • Dlee305
    7 years ago
    The last one is one is BS. When money is involved, things change. Save the mental gymnastics and pleasantries.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    7 years ago
    Sugar Babies have been around from the beginning of time, is part of the oldest profession, in America we like to live on the banks of the Nile river. Marilyn Monroe sang songs and made movies about sugar daddies. "My Heart Belongs to Daddy" is a song written by Cole Porter, for the 1938 musical Leave It to Me! which premiered on November 9, 1938. It was originally performed by Mary Martin, who played Dolly Winslow, the young "protégée" of a rich newspaper publisher..." 4got good article, Reddit has some interesting articles, but one needs to figure out if this is real or just all made up, or they just tell things as the y see them or talk themselves into believing what they can live with... "Never argue with someone who believes his own lies."
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