
Ever seen another dude's CF? Ever read a review of yours?

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Did you ever go with a dancer based on another guy's recommendation? How did it turn out? Maybe you frequent the same club and have seen/danced with a girl you know is another TUSCL members favorite. Or perhaps you saw when someone posted pictures of his favorite dancer. What did you think?

On the flip side, have you ever recommended your favorite to other dudes? Or have you read reviews that mention her?


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I have used reviews of dancers to pick a dancer to try or to skip. I've had mixed results. There is a dancer I sometimes hang with that is another tuscl member's favorite. Or she was when he posted about her a few years ago. I knew her well before I ever saw him post about her.

Avatar for Digitech

Years ago, I was passing through a club-heavy town and posted on the blue side of StripperWeb (hahaha) asking for guidance. A guy (who is also a TUSCL poster) emphatically recommended his favorite at a particular club. I was glad for the advice.

I rolled into that club and took a seat at the bar. On the stage was a slender young girl with red or light brown hair. The DJ announced her name at the end of her set, and it turned out to be the one who had been suggested to me. I locked eyes with her and she came over and 'wanna danced' me. Still fueled by the glowing recommendation, I accepted.

But as we walked over to wherever the dances took place, I began coming to my senses. First, this girl was out of her mind on some kind of drug. Her eyes were half closed, her words were slurred and she seemed to have difficulty speaking in complete sentences. She also had gnarly yellow/green teeth. Lastly, she had that dopesick look. Not sure how to explain it, but it's probably familiar to you - Skinny and boney, but fat at the same time. Like, no muscle in her body at all. Her complexion was pale and pasty. All of this was a no-go for me, so I told her I was changing my mind and promptly went back to the bar. Funny thing is, that guy later posted about how she ripped him off during his next visits and he dumped her as a favorite.

Back when TUSCL gave its members little photo galleries, Alucard (peace be upon him) posted pictures of some of his favorites. I don't remember them all, but one really stands out. Again, it was a young, skinny stripper with the same strung out, withering look. Bleh. Not my thing at all.

Finally, on a local subforum on a different board, there are a ton of posts from the regulars of a particular dancer, all singing her praises. Probably 75% of the posts in that subforum are about her. I never actually met her though. But recently someone posted her picture. Again with the washed up/dopesick look. To my eyes this girl is like a 4. But nonetheless she is super popular and has a ton of regulars.

Believe it or not, I guess I understand the appeal behind this type of dancer. I see so many posts on TUSCL and elsewhere from dudes talking about how their favorite dancer's lives are trainwrecks of substance abuse, legal problems and general chaos. Confusing at first, but remember that it's in a man's nature to want to rescue a damsel in distress. A lot of guys are attracted to that. They want to 'save' her. Besides that, maybe they really are sweet girls with their withering beauty offering good service at rock bottom prices. I know a lot of guys get off just from getting low prices almost as much as the sex acts themselves. Finally, as a 'darker' reason, I think these strung out girls are more desperate/easily manipulated, and that attracts certain personality types like moths to a flame.

So, it's not my thing at all, but I think I understand why a lot of dudes have this type of stripper for their favorite.

Avatar for shailynn

I've read reviews on here mentioning girls I've met and gotten various levels of service before over the years.

I'd agree with digi, it amazes me sometimes how guy rave about a dancer and then I see that dancer and think "wow she's a 4 at best." To each there own though, I'm sure there's a 7 out there that I love and the next guys thinks she's a hag.

Avatar for Corvus

Before making a trip to Vegas and reading reviews of some of the clubs a dancer's name surfaced a few times in a positive light. She sounded attractive and fun. When I made a stop at the club while in town she literally dropped into my lap in the first few minutes. I confirmed it was her as she introduced herself, a very uncommon and distinct name.

She remains to this day one of the most memorable women I've ever met. Great dances, great looking, great personality. Nearly every stripper I've ever encountered could likely learn a lot from this woman. She was in her 40's, in better shape than most 22 year olds, and was professional but fun. It was a great trip based on reviews I read her on TUSCL.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

At its most-basic level, "different strokes for different folks" - some women make some guys tick and for other guys that woman does not move the needle at all.

It also seems a lot of dudes looooove skinny chicks and thsy find a meth-head sexy b/c she's skinny.

Also many PLs seem to put a lot of emphasis on personality w.r.t. tbeir enjoyment of a dancer - and a '5' that gives them all they want and treats them like a S.O. turns into a '9' in their eyes.

And it could also do w/ location, a '7' in one area may be a '4' in another area.

Avatar for larryfisherman

Usually the girls people recommend aren't really my type physically.

Avatar for twentyfive

This ain't nothing new rudyard Kipling discussed this in 1897 yes there were PLs even way back when.

Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936).

The Vampire


A FOOL there was and he made his prayer

(Even as you and I!)

To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair

(We called her the woman who did not care)

But the fool he called her his lady fair—

(Even as you and I!)

Oh, the years we waste and the tears we waste

And the work of our head and hand

Belong to the woman who did not know

(And now we know that she never could know)

And did not understand!

A fool there was and his goods he spent

(Even as you and I!)

Honour and faith and a sure intent

(And it wasn’t the least what the lady meant)

But a fool must follow his natural bent

(Even as you and I!)

Oh, the toil we lost and the spoil we lost

And the excellent things we planned

Belong to the woman who didn’t know why

(And now we know that she never knew why)

And did not understand!

The fool was stripped to his foolish hide

(Even as you and I!)

Which she might have seen when she threw him aside—

(But it isn’t on record the lady tried)

So some of him lived but the most of him died—

(Even as you and I!)

“And it isn’t the shame and it isn’t the blame

That stings like a white hot brand—

It’s coming to know that she never knew why

(Seeing, at last, she could never know why)

And never could understand!”

Avatar for maho

I usually do it the other way around - if I meet a girl at a club who I think is great I'll scour review boards such as this to see what others think or their experiences. Just a curiosity thing - have never really found out anything interesting other than maybe someone saying they think the dancer is great too or whatever.

Avatar for wallanon

"Did you ever go with a dancer based on another guy's recommendation?" Yes.

"How did it turn out?" Accurately.

"Maybe you frequent the same club and have seen/danced with a girl you know is another TUSCL members favorite. Or perhaps you saw when someone posted pictures of his favorite dancer. What did you think?" YMMV. Different strokes.

"On the flip side, have you ever recommended your favorite to other dudes?" Yes.

"Or have you read reviews that mention her?" Yes. YMMV.

Avatar for rockie

I've quite often been well served by dancer recommendations provided to me by fellow TUSCL(ers). I've also recommended some dancers to other customers on an occasion or two. The worst recommendations that I've received are from other dancer's or club waitress's. I've found those recommendations to not serve me typically well.

"YMMV" is used quite often (here) but is the most accurate acronym used to describe comparing notes on mutual club interactions. There is more than one member here who has uncovered "R" rated interaction with my recommendation, where my club skills suggested only PG-13 entertainment. On a rare occasion (or two), I've stumbled into the better experience..

Avatar for Digitech

I forgot to add one - Actually, my very first favorite was a recommendation from another guy. I went to the club and found her, had a terrific time and became her regular too. So to me, TUSCL reviews of clubs as a whole are generally spot on, Warnings about ROBs are also highly accurate. But preferences for favorite dancers seem a little more shakey in quality.

Now to the flip side...I did see a number of other reviews about that first favorite. Generally positive, though some felt she was too old. Later on down the line, I saw a post about a different favorite where the guy said she deliberately stalled bringing him to a climax so the dance count would be higher. And similar to what Rockie mentioned, sometimes you see a post reporting that 'I've never been able to get dancer X to do takeout' and you smile to yourself 'cause you've done it. A nice little ego boost.

More recently, I've seen a few posts here and there about my current favorite and that highlight her excellent attitude and amazing big boobs. That's what prompted me to make this thread, in fact.

Avatar for RTP

Actually, I travel to multiple clubs, and I use other TUSCL member's help frequently. I do try to stay away from their individual favorites, especially if I am in the club with them, but I have found some real gems which were recommended to me and I may not have even gotten a dance from them. I know 3 or 4 members who seem to have similar taste and interests to me, so it really saves time and money as I have far fewer disappointing experiences.

Avatar for rockstar666

I never recommended a CF or my ATF to anyone. I have read reviews of some of my regulars and they echo my experiences with that dancer.

The only thing that would upset me is if a regular were giving extras to another guy and I wasn't getting them from her as well; I'd probably dump her. But it's been the opposite: My Latina regular who has now quit dancing sometimes was mentioned in reviews as being too superficial, which I thought as well when I first met her, but when she became my regular I saw a whole new side of her that most people aren't exposed to. I wish she didn't retire!

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I've gotten a few recommendations on which Follies dancers I'd enjoy in the VIP, which turned out to be excellent advice, but that's about it. In most situations, I figure out which dancers I enjoy by myself.

Avatar for skibum609

If I paid attention to reviews I would believe that my atf is a limited contact dancer. After 10+ years I know she is not.

Avatar for rl27

A few times in a new city I chose a very prolific poster's CF and had an amazing time with her. Most of my favorites tend not to be reviewed, because most guys know it's best to not risk a good thing when you find it. However occasionally I'll find a review of one of my favorites, and ignoring trolls and jealous dancers, many can be quite funny.

I recall one guy getting a private dance from a favorite of mine, and complained that her dance was all air and that she was the typical hot dancer relying on her looks and all the suckers who head in the back for one song and done.

I happened to be in the club that day, and knew exactly who the guy who complained was. If the moron would have paid better attention and not acted like a drunken buffoon he would have had a great time.

Another one complained on how she only goes for older guys and ignores younger customers. Actually except for a few of her regulars, most of the dances she gets are with guys in the mid to late 20's.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I never recommended my ATF when she was dancing. Before "The Incident" it was primarily because I don't make a habit of outing girls who see me OTC, and also because I didn't really want to know. After "The Incident," it was because there was no fucking way I was going to out her.

I have recommended a few girls to local mongers I've come to trust, and they've done the same for me. I don't recall ever reading an explicit review of someone with whom I've had sex ITC or OTC.

Avatar for Dougster

I've fucked several PL's, including TUSCL posters, CFs, ATFs, and DSs (DS is just the same thing as ATF, btw. Especially when said party starts talking about DS II and DS III).

Laughed because they always said they told them they were the one they did this for.

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