The craziest thing I've seen on stage is a girl pouring hot wax on herself. I've also heard of a girl who could eat fire. Her name was coincidentally fire and she had red hair.
Falling down from the top of the pole......almost landed on her head, but she was able to turn at the very last second and land on her shoulder. I neve found our how bad the damage was.
Saw a girl in the Red Light District of Amsterdam stuff three lit candles in her snatch (lit end out!) and then pee them out. That's when I decided I had seen enough of that show.
Saw a girl in the Baltimore Block expel ping pong balls.
I've seen girls intentionally flash the gash in a topless club, some of whom got away with it. As far as one time events go, at one of the clubs in El Paso, I saw a girl fist herself and another used a beer bottle for a dildo.
There's a girl at a local club who plays with fire. She has some sort of low temperature fluid that she'll spread on her pussy and light for a few minutes.
The other one was when a pregnant girl's water broke on stage.
Years ago (late 80's) there was a place in Cleveland called The Melody Burlesque long before they cleaned up Prospect Street.
The girls would pick guys out of the audience for live sex shows. It was basically a theater with a rather large stage. I think it was probably an old playhouse at one time. There was another place called Stage Door Johnny's which was a bar the girls hung out at and solicited the guys for sex in private curtained booths after they got done doing their set at a club next door. They were connected to each other. Fun times!
One time at a dive club a 9 (really out of place) started masturbating and fingering herself on stage. The best part was the bouncer/manager/bartender saw and went over and yelled at her in front of everybody and two guys started spraying him with beer. He was a fat ass and had no backup so he couldn't kick the guys out.
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Saw a girl in the Baltimore Block expel ping pong balls.
The other one was when a pregnant girl's water broke on stage.
The dancer just laid down on her back on the bar in front of a female custie sitting next to me who proceeded to devour her pussy for all 3 songs.
The girls would pick guys out of the audience for live sex shows. It was basically a theater with a rather large stage. I think it was probably an old playhouse at one time. There was another place called Stage Door Johnny's which was a bar the girls hung out at and solicited the guys for sex in private curtained booths after they got done doing their set at a club next door. They were connected to each other. Fun times!