Hey Guys <3 It's Kaylee :-*

Hi boys ;) I used to work at Lookers, Valkyrie, and Paradise Found. Hope you didn't forget about me <3 I haven't worked at a strip club for a few years now, but I run a bunch of businesses on line! Check me out @Kaylee_Rayne or my main site www.CamModelStore.com/KayleeRayne
Would you like to give people an idea what area you are in too?
Please keep on posting too, add to our ongoing threads.
I'll get you what you want papi.
I don't remember you ever posting here before. Did you always work on the east coast?
(actually it was the naked pics)
I don't remember you posting on here either.
I'm not sure why but I see a web site link on the discussion topic page for this thread but it disappears when I click on this thread. Strange.
Please let me apologize that this board is full of trolls. Just ignore them. Welcome, and please just jump in on our other threads. Having female members, dancers and non, really helps improve the quality of this forum.
Usually the reason for it though is either the alcohol licensing rules, or other local zoning ordinances.
Here in California, you can only have full nudity if you forego alcohol. Now for myself I like that better, higher quality of girls, nicer environment, and I don't drink. But for the club owners, it does make it hard.
The places which have a high number of clubs per capita, like Portland, are without any such restrictions, so they are all nude + alcohol.
In lots of other places they have these zoning laws, like 1000' from schools. Usually that makes it very hard to open a club. Always some reason that any give site is unacceptable.
Decades ago all these restriction were overturned in the courts, as violations of the 1st Amendment. But today we have a new set of such restrictions, and probably just as unconstitutional. But we don't have the kinds of strip club owners who want to challenge them, and we probably don't have the political climate for it either.
Highly recommended for anyone interested in strip clubs:
These local ordinances are much more of a problem than even the state penal codes against prostitution, because those are notoriously hard to enforce, whereas these other kinds of ordinances are designed to be very easy to enforce, just so long as you don't care about the US Constitution.