Snopes Co-Founder Embezzles $98,000, Drops Weight, Leaves Fat Wife And Marries A

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Tittle says it all.…


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Did I use the hashtag right? I usually don't do that shit.
Haha. Yep, you did that right. There are some pretty funny comments below the article on Zero Hedge. One says "let this be a lesson to fat women everywhere". Lol.

I approve of this message.
(Especially the part about leaving the fat wife. I wouldn't get married again though...)
The title does say it all.
I guess it is my morning to inject some reality into TUSCL. Kind of sad actually. :(

First, my brilliant #lifegoals are to not marry a fatty or future fatty. So that part is ace! The marrying an actual whore seems unwise, so that is not an ace #lifegoal. :(

But this rung a bit wrong with me. Can running snopes really lead to a Charlie Sheen lifestyle? Truth or fiction says no. Before you say that truth or fiction may be in on it I checked them out. The Florida Times Union (first paper in my google search) says truth or fiction is run by somebody else and gives it a thumbs up.

So either there is a big snopes, truth or fiction, and Jacksonville newspaper conspiracy or the story is bullshit.

But it is brilliant bullshit, so that's ok! ;)
4got2wipe --> "Can running snopes really lead to a Charlie Sheen lifestyle? "

4got2wipe, I think it is more of a "first generational wealth" thing (if true, I don't know Mr. Mikkelson's biography) than a "running snopes" thing. The trope about the 1st gen wealth guy dumping the first wife and marrying a new trophy wife is a trope because it statistically happens to a portion of these guys.

The sad part is the divorce and playing with whores (not necessarily in that order) destroys a lot of the wealth in the process. The upside, is part of the loss in wealth benefits guys like skibum609 and his professional colleagues.

This is a case where I could make a case for the rickdugan approach (note this is NOT a commentary about his wife, whom I know nothing about!) where the husband still stays married, but then plays with sex workers on the down-low.

I also had a great-uncle to applied this approach with a mistress. He owned a business, but still stayed married to his wife. He took a mistress and took care of her for life. He of course had enough means to be able to keep both the wife and his mistress each in a house in a suburb. His mistress, who was far younger, outlived both him and his wife, and for a while we had TWO great aunts. And both were a part of our family's life. A lot of men from the "old country" (Italy or Greece) were like that. It was common to take a mistress and provide for her. I remember going to my "other great aunt's house" as a kid to play every other week as a young kid. It goes without saying, I didn't learn the details until later, after she had passed.

So it is possible to keep your mouth shut and keep the marriage together. Some men do it.
^^^ Dom is right, (married guys) come here and brag about your exploits anonymously, keep your mouth shut about them everywhere else, I don't even tell my closest friends anymore.

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