
Asking strippers for (sexy) pictures.

Avatar for Digitech

Have you ever done it? What's your approach?

You'd expect they'd be pretty open to it. They might even use it as a way to connect with their regulars and entice them into coming into the club. The downside, of course, is that if the guy is untrustworthy, he'll post it all over the internet, etc.

I've never asked a dancer for pictures, but I'm about to try it on a couple favorites. I'll call them Stripper A and Stripper B.

Stripper A works at a club where extras are fully expected in the VIP and regular lapdances are like auditions for VIP. She lives many states away and does her dirty work where nobody knows her. She's a extroverted cougar, probably between 40 and 50. Looks amazing for her (or any) age. She has posted various pictures and selfies on her Facebook page. They are mostly wholesome, though occasionally there is a picture of her in a tight top / a little cleavage showing / short shorts or a dress with some leg showing. Once, during VIP room activities, she suggested to me that I take a picture. It didn't turn out since it was too dark, but she said she could send me some pictures. So, I am 90% sure that she'll send me something if I ask. My angle for asking is going to be that it's been so long since I've seen her (four or five months, maybe) and she should send me something sexy to tide me over until the next time she comes to the club.

Stripper B works at a club that's just all extras with no pretense of lapdances. She gives me a great time whenever I see her. In spite of this, she has a 'good girl' aura to her. She's probably in her mid 20s, very hot, quiet and introverted. She doesn't seem to approach guys in the club and they just come to her. I don't have her facebook page, however, I do see her profile picture on WhatsApp. She usually has a picture of her kid, occasionally some religious picture/banner, and rarely an image of herself in a loose fitting jacket and jeans or whatever. So I think getting a picture from her will be harder. I will be seeing her next week for the first time in about two months. So I think I will text something like 'How about sending me a sexy picture to whet my appetite' or something like that.

Any suggestions or experiences to share?


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Avatar for san_jose_guy

A lot more fun if you get her to dress and paint up for you, and then you take the pictures of her yourself, and then continue to a nice long session.



Avatar for Subraman

I'll tell you my experience, and the experience of a buddy of mine, whose style is almost completely opposite of my own. Keep in mind though, although both of us have different personal styles of interacting with strippers, we SC the same way -- we go in, we stay with our girl for 3-4 hours straight, then see her again in a few weeks (that is, we shoot to become her favorite regulars, pretty quickly). Both of us have been doing this long enough that the pictures aren't really the main point anymore...

My buddy has a phone full of stripper photos. He always brings the topic up clearly and assertively, in a way that comes off almost like a play demand. Like the way a meter maid might joke with you about how you should move your car -- but even though she's joking, you know you'd better move your fucking car, or you'll get a ticket. He gets more insistent if she doesn't comply, and gets the point across that "ha ha! you better send me pics!".

I also have a phone full of stripper photos. I almost never ask ... I kind of like it when she's pursuing me, and sending me pictures without me having to ask, to get me back into the club, or keep me interested in her rather than someone else. I do sometimes find a way to mention in passing how much I love pics, but then I sit back and let the magic happen. It doesn't "count" if I have to ask and demand like my buddy does.

For my buddy, what he loves is that she submitted to his demands. For me, what I love is that she's working for my attention. Both of us like the pics, but after the 100th stripper pic I've gotten, the pics themselves aren't the point anymore, weird as that sounds.

Avatar for jackslash

A stripper just left my house. She came to see me after working afternoon shift at the club. I took some nude pictures of her and some pictures of her giving me a blow job. Then I set up my iPad to record us fucking. It's hot to have stripper pics.

Avatar for GoVikings

It's like you read my mind....I was gonna ask about this same topic

Avatar for MrDeuce

The only stripper I've ever gotten pics from is my ATF, whom I've been seeing OTC for a few months. A couple of months ago I asked her by text for some pictures and she immediately sent 7, including one topless and one nude rear view. The last time she was blowing me in her apartment, she asked me if I wanted to take a picture. I have no idea why I didn't right on the spot, but I intend to in a week or two when I see her again! Currently pictures serve as a nice reminder during intervals between dates; some day they will provide fond memories.

Avatar for Digitech

Well, as my little update so far, I did send the messages to Stripper A and Stripper B a little after posting this thread. Haven't heard anything from either yet :( .

Avatar for footballguy

I've asked a few different strippers that I was a regular with and had gotten FS ITC and had their numbers.

For dancer A, I had texted her occasionally just making small talk and arranging my next visit with her to make sure she'd be working. One time I texted her after a visit and asked if she had any pics she could send me and that I promised I wouldn't show anyone. She sent me an extreme closeup of her tits. I asked for a little zoomed out and she sent a couple more with her face cut off. Then I asked if she could send a couple that included her tattoos on her hips and she sent those as well. The pictures were taken specifically for my request and not just random pictures she had in her phone. She also sent me a few of just her face.

Dancer B I had only seen once ITC but got FS. She had the body of a pornstar, (but small/minimal tattoos) slim/fit frame but DD (maybe even bigger) fake tits that looked great and get even better. Even though I had only scene her once she gave me her number so I texted her a few days later and asked for a few pics and again said I wouldn't show anyone. She sent me a pic of her tits while they were soapy while she was in the shower. I asked for a couple more and she sent me a zoomed out pic of her topless standing against a motorcycle and then a generic pic of her in the club in an outfit. Got to see her ITC a few more times before she disappeared.

I've gotten lots of pics from my ATF. We texted a lot and met up weekly for quite a while OTC but she never sent me any pics, probably cause we met up so much she get we didn't need to. Once I started spacing the meetings out more I started asking for pics to hold me over to our next meetup. She usually gave some excuse about being busy (seriously how hard is it to run into the bathroom and take a pic of your tits?) but eventually she sent me a couple pics of just her tits. Occasionally she would also send me pics that she had in her phone when I asked. I could tell these were pics she sent to other customers as some of them were taken in the dressing room.

Then on one visit I asked my ATF if I could take a few pics of her on one of my visits. At first she said no cause she wanted to lose some weight first but then she said if I just did her tits and not her full body and face she'd be ok with it.

The first time I took pics of her I took a few of just her tits and then a zoomed out that included her face. She wanted to review the pics first so I quickly deleted the ones with her face so she didn't see them. Go thing about the iPhone is those deleted pics are so easy to recover.

Over the next few visits I took more pics each time and got a little braver with the pics. One visit I took a few of me squeezing one of her tits. The next visit I took video of me squeezing one of her tits while her face was visible. I took some of her ass too, some pics she was fully nude, others she had on sexy yoga pants or booty shorts.

Not sure if she new I was taking videos or just though I was taking pics of me squeezing her tits but she never asked to review any of them. I love those short vids. I asked once while she was giving me a BBBJ if I could take a pic of it but she said no way so I didn't push it any further. Obviously I've never shown the pics to anyone and never will.

Avatar for shadowcat

I normally have pretty good luck when I've asked for photos. And even when I haven't asked for them. Had a couple recently suggest that I take the photos. However the last one I asked, a dancer that I have been getting dances from for a couple of years, told me no. That she didn't want to wind up with her photo on the internet.

Avatar for larryfisherman

I've asked 4 girls. 2 of them said no, 2 of them said yes.

Avatar for Subraman

Like jackslash, I do have photos and videos of me having sex with strippers (obtained with their consent, of course)

Avatar for shailynn

"occasionally some religious picture/banner,"

of course - religious strippers - gotta love 'em

"A stripper just left my house. She came to see me after working afternoon shift at the club. I took some nude pictures of her and some pictures of her giving me a blow job. Then I set up my iPad to record us fucking. It's hot to have stripper pics."

if you're going to go that far to record yourself having sex, I highly recommend buying a GoPro, or even a camcorder and tripod - you can buy a nice HD camcorder these days for a little over $100

Avatar for topmandd

Always worth the ask. My first ATF took a while, but provides me quite a few. She made mistake checking her facebook once while i was sitting next to her and found out her real name. I stalk for curiosity but never go beyond. She's good for sending me a few pics when i see her, and maybe i've slipped a few candid. Second took a bit more to warm up to, but then sent me one mid-day that was really nice - damn glad my phone wasn't lying on desk at work like it normally is. Unfortunately been harder for her to be more consistent sending photos.

Almost say if you can get her #, you stand a fair chance at a photo - but just be good the key is they don't want it all over internet.

Avatar for rockstar666

I never ask, but three of my regulars sent pics voluntarily. I love getting unexpected pics!

Avatar for Subraman

^^^ rockstar: exactly! Totally dig when she's trying to get me back in the club with pics

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Just ask. Most will agree to some pics if you're a good customer. I've had a couple who refused initially but then agreed after we'd been together for a while longer. It's rare that a stripper says no if you're spending money on her consistently.

Another approach is what I did with video girl. I gave her a couple of hundred extra and she let me take pictures and video of our entire fuck session. I have hundreds of pictures and a few hours of video from our many dates. I videoed every part of her body and me doing every sexual act imaginable with her except anal. My favorite is the video of her playing with my cum in her mouth before she swallows.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

"Do you mind if I take some sexy/naked pics? No worries if you do."

"How do you feel about sending me sexy/naked pics? No worries if you don't want to."

Ain't complicated.

Avatar for etsutwigg222

I have been getting pics, without asking, from 9 dancers at my old favorite club for the past 2 months. I have been staying away since the raid and these girls are advertising hot and heavy for me to return. 5 of the dancers I didn't remember giving my Google number to until I saw their pics to remind who they were. Guess may be time for a visit.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

The easiest way is to get her number then text her for some nude picks

Of course jacks way is the funniest

Avatar for GoVikings

I'm going to try this with my fav..........will report back after I've asked

Avatar for Digitech

Good luck, GoVikings. I asked both of mine last night and no response yet :/

Avatar for JuiceBox69

If she says no you need to stop wasting your cash and head to greener pastures

Avatar for HannibalSmith

I have a couple regular gals who I have known for awhile and there is a degree of trust between us. They will send me pics to get me to come to the club.

Avatar for HannibalSmith

I have a couple regular gals who I have known for awhile and there is a degree of trust between us. They will send me pics to get me to come to the club.

Avatar for GoVikings

So I saw my fav last night and had a great time with her. She sat with me for a while and then we did a 15 minute private room.

Today I texted her and asked for a few sexy pics and she responded a few minutes later and said:

"Lol I'm sorry babe but I dnt like sending pics"

GoVikings------------> :-(

Avatar for san_jose_guy

More fun if you can take the pictures of her yourself, dressed and painted up and doing what you want her to. And then you can pump loads into her.



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Avatar for flagooner


Send her some dick pix. That might get the wheels moving.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I think GoVikings tried to send a dick-pic to a stripper once but I think he said his dick wouldn't fit in the screen.

Avatar for larryfisherman

@GoVikings- it's a crabshoot, some will say yes, some will say no, it's hard to predict. What I can say though is the longer you've known her, and the more money you spend on her increases the chance of her saying yes to a pic request.

Avatar for stripfighter

I asked a fave when we first started who was unwilling, haven't pushed it much since. Maybe I should.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I'm seeing a girl now who won't send me pics, but will let me take as many as I want.

Avatar for GoVikings

That's cool George

I haven't asked....but I don't think my fav would let me take pics. It sucks, but I understand.....she wants to keep her privacy ( this is my assumption)

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Taking the pictures yourself is much more fun, because for one thing you get her to dress and paint up.

Way to go GMD!


Avatar for 3LeggedMan

I asked a new CF if she has pics online and that query was ignored. But then I said if she's on Facebook I'd like to friend her. That was magic. I've spent much of the last day viewing her pics including about 10-15 topless or at least showing nipples. It's a beautiful world.

Avatar for larryfisherman

GMD has the right idea, I tested out his theory recently. With two of my semi favs, after getting lapdances with them, I asked to take a pic of them with their back facing me, both of them said yes with no convincing needed. So in other words they don't show their face, but you see their ass, legs, back etc. So in the VIP room I took a pic of them. It remains to be seen if they would agree to a face pic (I haven't asked yet).

Avatar for GoVikings

i stumbled across a facebook page of my fav. but its not her personal facebook page. its just one used to promote/advertise her club. she has a couple of pics of herself, but none of them show her face. its only her body.

larry, i get what you're saying. they're more likely to let you take a picture or send you a picture IF their face isn't included. the problem is i want the whole shebang. in other words, i don't even want a picture if her face isn't included. it'll just look too weird. i realize everyone doesn't feel that way, but that's just me

Avatar for shadowcat

I get it too. My drivers license has my face on it, not my ass.

Avatar for larryfisherman

Haha it goes back to the recent face vs body thread. The ones who prefer face over body probably feel like you GOV when it comes to face being shown in pics.

She has to have trust in you that you won't show her face pic to everyone. It's really hard for strippers to trust.

Avatar for Dominic77

GoVikings, I think separating the face & body shots -- she'll send you a face pic without the body or a face pic with full-clothed body -- she'll send you a nude or semi-nude body pic but with her face cut off -- is a security measure to girls use to avoid exposure of the pics get out in the wild. It reduces their valuation on the open market and makes it harder to identify her.

There is an entire market for revenge porn, ex-gf pics, etc. This is what teachers banging students are doing that is stupid, IMO.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I have literally thousands of stripper pictures and videos. It's not difficult, if they don't volunteer the pics then just ask. And don't bring up the idea of leaving her face out of it. We want the whole package. If you're a good customer there's a very good chance that she will say yes. And if it's important to you, and if she refuses, then consider just moving on to a more giving provider. Just one of the joys of a capitalist economy.

Avatar for GoVikings

Yeah John you've got some good pics, I remember when you showed me some

John I get what you're saying but it's not easy to just move on from a gorgeous Latina. Especially one who has a good attitude and provides GFE like this dancer

Avatar for JohnSmith69

GoV, the more I visit strip clubs, the more I realize that the supply of cute young willing girls is practically endless. Sure it takes a little bit of investment to find them but they are everywhere. Except for a genuine DS of course.

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