Going to Daas for a day-which club to visit?
Need some advice. I'll be visiting Dallas for business and am there for one night. I'm from Detroit, MI so obviously my standards for "high-mileage" is probably dfferenet than most, so my guess I shouldn't be going in looking for that. Give the time visit one club in Dallas, which would you pick me and why? Thanks.
Baby Dolls Dallas = Coliseum
That's the easiest way I can put it for you, since I'm very familiar with both cities for clubbing. Girl quality will be much better than Detroit but extras not so much.
On the other hand, if you want to be part of an internet tradition and talk about the same club as everyone else, there is always Baby Dolls Dallas ;) The mediocre beer is a bit pricey, though, and it is a high-hustle environment.