So now I know: Dougster has beefs with rickdugan, zipman68, and Alucard. Dougster may or may not be multiple aliases. zipman68 may or may not have multiple aliases. Apparently, I am a zipman68 alias. Or maybe a Dougster alias.
Next to die: killed when he tries to give his dumbass financial advice to a PLA soldier from the occupying force sent to rescue us from Trump's bumbling.
Question is who is more likely to be next? RickyBoy due to his drinking and driving or zippy due to his excessive drug use?
Larryfishsticks gets run over by a bus after school
LDK82 gets squished by a plus size dancer
imamutt's ATF shoots him
Those are the most likely to die on tuscl.
Next to die: killed when he tries to give his dumbass financial advice to a PLA soldier from the occupying force sent to rescue us from Trump's bumbling.
BOOM! Zippycup wins again!
Well Dougsta is the best bet. But who knows? Could be Mikey...
Zippy to da Chinese: xie xie