Monday nights are usually tough to begin with, ad in trick or treat and how many guys can get away for the evening? Bet if you go tonight it will be busier than a normal Tuesday
It was dead at the local club I went to as well. Got there yesterday at 8:30 and there was only one other customer. And even after a couple hours had passed....only a couple more customers showed up
Sat night at my upscale SC, 5 out of 6 girls never showed up. 3 customers for every stripper. It was hell. Wasted $20 cover. Halloween weekend is really National Stripper Appreciation Day, aka vacation day for them to go all slutty with their civilian friends to civilian places. Of the 2 strippers I could text, neither responded this sat night when I asked if they were working. Oh well.
last commentinstead of 30-40 girls on a sat night, just 8 showed up.