
office hot and the doughnut theory

Saturday, October 29, 2016 6:38 AM

the premise being that if someone is 'office hot', it' because they are the most attractive in the office, where they probably would not be attractive outside of the office.

this can be applied to dancers. the 'office hot' dancers are the most attractive in that specific club. if you were to compare them to other dancers in other clubs, they would not be as attractive.


  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    good point. however it is my pleasure to see and experience some ladies that their beauty and sexiness would be noted anywhere.
  • WetWilly
    8 years ago
    Like just me 62, Most of the office hotties I've worked with over the years would be hot anywhere. Hot is hot, or I wouldn't label them as hot.
  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    Thanks Captain Obvious! Of course environment makes a difference as does most everything else from clothing to lighting to alcohol level, etc. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    They don't have to be super-models to be fuckable - IMO in most popular SCs the girls are good enough for one to have a good-time - if one is looking for the next possible Ms Universe then yeah they fall short of that.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i've seen a couple that could easily be contenders for that.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Heh, I didn't realize it had a name -- office hot -- but agree with Clubber that it's obviously true. It's also been true for me that, sometimes a SC lineup is so poor that even the "Hottest" girl doesn't meet my standards, and I simply leave rather than spend the $$$.

    There's also an odd opposite effect that sometimes happens, but only at clubs with the hottest of hottest lineups. I've seen girls go from "hottest girl at a so-so- club" to "merely one of the hot girls at a super hot club", and for some reason -- she gets hotter. A bunch of us PLs have mentioned this about girls at local clubs... there's something about a PL being in a strip club where the lineup is so hot that you hit the "kid in a candy store" threshold ... and it somehow raises the perceived hotness of all the girls in the club.
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    "Hottest Girl In The Club " is how I refer to a stripper who is at least one level above every other. This applies more to small clubs or dayshifts with few dancers. This is a 7 in a club with nothing but 5s otherwise; in a different club she would be a bottom feeder, but if guys walk in ready so spend, she's the top choice.

    HGITC often either gives poor mileage or will charge more for services than she might at a club she's not the HGITC.

    The reverse can be oddly true, where an 8 in a dime factory might give you a bargain or better mileage.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think guys are programmed that way.

    One dancer even approached me for a tip, and when I didn't really show interest in her she said, "There are only 3 of us here today."

    But I was interested in, and had a standing rapport with, one of the others.

    But I never worry about clubs hot having hot enough dancers because I will find one I like and focus in on her. Usually they are accepting of that.


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  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    fuckable is one thing. beauty that transcends the definition of beautiful is another.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    "There's also an odd opposite effect that sometimes happens, but only at clubs with the hottest of hottest lineups. I've seen girls go from "hottest girl at a so-so- club" to "merely one of the hot girls at a super hot club", and for some reason -- she gets hotter. A bunch of us PLs have mentioned this about girls at local clubs... there's something about a PL being in a strip club where the lineup is so hot that you hit the "kid in a candy store" threshold ... and it somehow raises the perceived hotness of all the girls in the club."--subraman

    Every guys different. Whereas the club hotness level goes up, for me each individual girl slightly goes down. A 10 at one place suddenly surrounded by other 10s lowers each to a 9. The paradox of choice.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I think guys are programmed to target the best that is available. This is why guys like me are always checking out girls everywhere we go.

    But also, in most every dive I have ever been in, I find that I can go for one of the girls very easily.

  • Clubber
    8 years ago

    "... in most every dive I have ever been in, I find that I can go for one of the girls very easily."

    You've VERY low standards or have never been in a real dive. :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The former. Really, its just that I know it is just for in the club that evening. So I can be open and engaging with a girl. I don't really have standards, I just have to like her.

    I think the OP is correct that guys automatically scope out what is available and then try to get the best of it.



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