
The 'Tell'

Friday, October 28, 2016 12:27 AM
Spend enough time with someone and things become second nature. I recognize the telltale behavior surrounding the lies. I play dumb. For example: If something is on her conscience she accuses me of the very thing she's doing. Or then there's the cow eyes thing. Changing the subject, refusing to talk about it...


  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Yeah, dancers are so pathetic.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Not nearly as pathetic as us poor slobs
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    Or is that, 'we' poor slobs?
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Whatever, Imamutt, LOL I admit to being a PL, most of us do. It's a question of how much money we spend. I don't spend a lot these days, I enjoy watching naked women and going to the VIP when it won't impact my money much.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    I always get a kick out of dancers that tell you one story and the next visit (or even later the same evening) they have a whole different story. Remember, to most of them it's all about the green. The doe eyes, the hair twirling, the soft touching of the hands, the stories, it's all a sales pitch.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Imamutt you certainly are entertaining. I hope you realize you're on a constant never ending cycle. You come on here about once a month and 1 week you sing your ATFs praises, how wonderful she is, and how you're so glad you're back in her good graces. Then the next week you complain about her attitude. Then the week after that you're bashing her, saying you're not going to see her and how you're contemplating giving up stripping clubbing all together. Trust me, I know ATFs are addictive and hard to shake, but every time you describe her it's like you're a guy talking about what a pain in the ass his nagging wife is, but you're not married to her. I'm not talking shit on you at all, I just think for a PL you can find somebody else that's going to give you a lot less headaches. Yeah your ATF might be a 9 and you're next girl might be an 8, but the less headaches you have to deal with may more than make up for the lack in the looks department.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    This is why attitude, particularly an upbeat attitude, matters to me.
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