Rate the minimum to be considered a fave/regular as well as your ATF in the following categories from 1-10
Looks Personality Mileage
Consideration for reg status: Looks=8 Personality=4 and Mileage=6 with the latter two the minimum but combined at least 13. The ATF: Looks=10 Personality=9.5 and Mileage=8
I like to have a personal connection with the ATF, so personality is a little more important than looks and mileage. For a Reg or CF, just need the minimum required to have a good time.
I'm all over the map on regulars, but to become a CF, I have to like her a lot and be really turned on by her, to become an ATF I have to almost adore her and be driven crazy by her. Mileage is not the right word here for me, I don't care as much about that, as much as how much she turns me on and how sexually satisfying our time is together
last comment:)
ATF: Looks 9, Personality 10, Mileage 10.
CF: Looks 8, Personality 7, Mileage 10
ATF: Looks 8 Personality 9, Mileage 8
I like to have a personal connection with the ATF, so personality is a little more important than looks and mileage.
For a Reg or CF, just need the minimum required to have a good time.
ATF: sucks my dick, looks decent and makes me laugh.
ATF: Looks 7.5 Personality 9.5 Mileage 9
I'm all over the map on regulars, but to become a CF, I have to like her a lot and be really turned on by her, to become an ATF I have to almost adore her and be driven crazy by her. Mileage is not the right word here for me, I don't care as much about that, as much as how much she turns me on and how sexually satisfying our time is together
Looks- OMFG, immeasurable!
Personality- makes me do naughty things
Mileage- does naughty things
CF: Looks 7, Personality 7, Mileage 7
ATF: Looks 9, Personality 9, Mileage 5.
Trying to make it simple, but I'm sure some of you hounds would take into extras, value, dependability, etc which would make it too complex.